Overwhelms quotes:

  • The spin overwhelms the substance. That's very clearly what happened. -- Joseph C. Wilson
  • My washing machine overwhelms me with its options and its sophistication. -- Uma Thurman
  • On the field, sometimes passion overwhelms you, and you do things you regret afterward. -- Luis Suarez
  • The thing that overwhelms me when I go out now is the sprawlation of America. -- William Least Heat-Moon
  • The hope, the hope that lives in the breast of the black American, is just so tremendous that it overwhelms me sometimes. -- Maya Angelou
  • There's nothing wrong with having a collection, but it becomes a problem when it overwhelms your space. When you're not displaying it properly, you're not enjoying it and it turns into clutter. -- Niecy Nash
  • What passes for political realism may make for lively academic debates. But it often functions, ironically, as a tool of social control, rendering us passive with an analysis that overwhelms and paralyzes us. -- Parker Palmer
  • The highest compliment I can give a science fiction book is that it's 'plausibly surreal' - it manages to feel like a relentless extrapolation from today even as it overwhelms with unexpected consequences of that extrapolation. -- Jamais Cascio
  • I've certainly auditioned for big budget studio films. I don't know if it's because there's so much money involved, but a lot of times the pressure overwhelms me and engulfs me. I end up falling apart in the audition. -- Jason Ritter
  • The sea has this contradictory quality, that the more you see of it, the more it overwhelms the eye and disappears in its own brightness. Like a flame, whose meaning is light but whose centre is dark, it demands to be undefined. -- Alice Oswald
  • There is no such thing as an ugly language. Today I hear every language as if it were the only one, and when I hear of one that is dying, it overwhelms me as though it were the death of the earth. -- Elias Canetti
  • The form of my poem rises out of a past that so overwhelms the present with its worth and vision that I'm at a loss to explain my delusion that there exist any real links between that past and a future worthy of it. -- Hart Crane
  • Think of it this way: performing is like sprinting while screaming for three, four minutes. And then you do it again. And then you do it again. And then you walk a little, shouting the whole time. And so on. Your adrenaline quickly overwhelms your conditioning. -- Bruce Springsteen
  • Well, I don't ever get excited. I haven't been excited since I got a Chopper bicycle when I was about 12. Once you get older you realise there's always a catch to everything. So when I get, say, a commission to make a TV show, the catch is that you have to deliver something and then the sense of responsibility overwhelms the joy of the occasion. -- Jack Dee
  • Melancholy overwhelms me at supersonic speed. -- Muriel Barbery
  • Fortune reveres the brave, and overwhelms the cowardly. -- Seneca the Elder
  • Do not let fear of failure overwhelms joy success -- Robert Kiyosaki
  • Thundering in my head; the sound of silence overwhelms. -- Roderick L. Evans
  • The sorrow of not being movie stars overwhelms millions. -- Mason Cooley
  • People have a hard time accepting anything that overwhelms them. -- Bob Dylan
  • Truth above all, even when it upsets us and overwhelms us. -- Henri Frederic Amiel
  • There is nothing that overwhelms the senses quite like an unwelcome silence. -- Jack McDevitt
  • Unless bureaucracy is constantly resisted, it breaks down representative government and overwhelms democracy. -- Ronald Reagan
  • The thoughts of letting go of everything I love overwhelms like a tsunami of sorrow. -- Sandra Cisneros
  • We ought never to lose hope. God overwhelms us with his grace, if we keep asking. -- Pope Francis
  • Is not he imprudent, who, seeing the tide making haste towards him apace, will sleep till the sea overwhelms him? -- John Tillotson
  • If poverty makes man groan, he yawns in opulence. When fortune exempts us from labor, nature overwhelms us with time. -- Antoine Rivarol
  • We need myths to get by. We need story; otherwise the tremendous randomness of experience overwhelms us. Story is what penetrates. -- Robert Coover
  • A party like this isn't about the surprise factor. It's about someone going to so much trouble that it just... overwhelms you. -- Sophie Kinsella
  • Grace overwhelms us with God's love, and as a result our heart resonates with the desires of God: His purposes become our own. -- Bryan Chapell
  • Love is something that comes to us in life. Quietly, it overwhelms us. It is something that you cultivate. You make it happen. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • The spectacle of the sky overwhelms me. I'm overwhelmed when I see, in an immense sky, the crescent of the moon or the sun. -- Joan Miro
  • Endless drama in a group clouds consciousness. Too much noise overwhelms the senses. Continual input obscures genuine insight. Do not substitute sensationalism for learning. -- John Heider
  • Greatness of name, in the father, ofttimes helps not forth, but overwhelms the son: They stand too near one another. The shadow kills the growth. -- Ben Jonson
  • The relentless onslaught of this stupefying imagery that pounds our inner landscapes flat, a carpet-bombing of the mind. The language of the world, that overwhelms us. -- Alan Moore
  • You become visibly stressed because you are working hard to pay for a standard of living so robust that it overwhelms your capacity to consume it. -- William Thorsell
  • [William Eggleston] sets forth what makes up our ordinary world. What is there, however strange, can be accepted without question; familiarity will be what overwhelms us. -- Eudora Welty
  • It's not debt per say that overwhelms an individual corporation or country. Rather it is a continuous increase in debt in relation to income that causes trouble. -- Warren Buffett
  • I'm lucky enough to occasionally be able to do something I love - write poems - and unlucky enough that what I love confuses and overwhelms me. -- Mary Ruefle
  • Love, who is most beautiful among the immortal gods, the melter of limbs, overwhelms in their hearts the intelligence and wise counsel of all gods and all men. -- Hesiod
  • Focusing on difficulties intensifies and enlarges the problem. When we focus our attention on God, the problem is put into its proper perspective and it no longer overwhelms us. -- Charles Stanley
  • Once again the absurdity of my inner thoughts overwhelms me, and I want to crawl out of my skin, escape my ugly, awkward flesh and be a skeleton, naked and anonymous. -- Isaac Marion
  • There can be no lasting peace, no security, nor can we as human beings begin to touch our full potential, as long as hunger overwhelms the human spirit around this planet. -- Dennis Weaver
  • The loathing of mankind is a force that surprises and overwhelms one, fed by hundreds of springs concealed his subconsciousness. One only detects its presence after having long entertained it unawares. -- Georg Brandes
  • To care about words, to have a stake in what is written, to believe in the power of books - this overwhelms the rest, and beside it one's life becomes very small. -- Paul Auster
  • You have goodness in your heart, but your darkness overwhelms it all; your desire to hurt, destroy, and avenge is more powerful than your desire to love, help, and light the way. -- Marie Lu
  • My life has been in shambles, like my personal relationships, my laundry, paying bills now I have someone who pays my bills and it's always been a challenge because it overwhelms me. -- Adam Rapp
  • What passes for political realism may make for lively academic debates. But it often functions, ironically, as a tool of social control, rendering us passive with an analysis that overwhelms and paralyzes us. -- Parker Palmer
  • We are all lone souls. It pays to know humility, lest the delusion of control, of mastery, overwhelms. And, indeed, we seem a species prone to that delusion, again and ever again." ~Fiddler, pg. 558 -- Steven Erikson