John Heider quotes:

  • If you want to be free, learn to live simply.

  • Silence is a great source of strength.

  • The wise leader speaks rarely and briefly. After all, no other natural outpouring goes on and on. It rains and then it stops. It thunders and then it stops.

  • Learn to see things backwards, inside out, and upside down.

  • Teach people to let go of their superficial mental chatter and obsessions. Teach people to pay attention to the whole body's reaction to a situation.

  • Allow regular time for silent reflection. Turn inward and digest what has happened. Let the senses rest and grow still.

  • The leader teaches more through being than through doing. The quality of one's silence conveys more than long speeches.

  • Endless drama in a group clouds consciousness. Too much noise overwhelms the senses. Continual input obscures genuine insight. Do not substitute sensationalism for learning.

  • Your behaviour influences others through a ripple effect. A ripple effect works because everyone influences everyone else. Powerful people are powerful influences.

  • Have respect for every person and every issue directed at you. Do not dismiss any encounter as insignificant.

  • To know how other people behave takes intelligence, but to know myself takes wisdom. To manage other people's lives takes strength, but to manage my own life takes true power. If I am content with what I have, I can live simply and enjoy both prosperity and free time. If my goals are clear, I can achieve them without fuss. If I am at peace with myself, I will not spend my life force in conflicts. If I have learned to let go, I do not need to fear dying.
