Outcomes quotes:

  • Nothing is perfect. Life is messy. Relationships are complex. Outcomes are uncertain. People are irrational. -- Hugh Mackay
  • You will never understand bureaucracies until you understand that for bureaucrats procedure is everything and outcomes are nothing. -- Thomas Sowell
  • Outcomes rarely turn on grand gestures or the art of the deal, but on whether you've sent someone a thank-you note. -- Bernie Brillstein
  • A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results. -- Wade Boggs
  • There are two possible outcomes: if the result confirms the hypothesis, then you've made a measurement. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you've made a discovery. -- Enrico Fermi
  • I once said that effort is between you, and you, and nobody else. The same can be true between and individual and their camera. What you're shooting is between you and you and nobody else. Outcomes are for the audience. The action is yours alone. -- Ray Lewis
  • Go forward confidently, energetically attacking problems, expecting favorable outcomes. -- Norman Vincent Peale
  • Nothing is exciting if you know what the outcome is going to be. -- Joseph Campbell
  • All you see in your world is the outcome of your idea about it. -- Neale Donald Walsch
  • Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome. -- Arthur Ashe
  • In any project the important factor is your belief. Without belief, there can be no successful outcome. -- William James
  • If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome. -- Michael Jordan
  • Never take your obedience as the reason God blesses you; obedience is the outcome of being rightly related to God. -- Oswald Chambers
  • Our belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is the one thing that assures the successful outcome of any venture. -- William James
  • It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome. -- William James
  • Courage is as often the outcome of despair as of hope; in the one case we have nothing to lose, in the other everything to gain. -- Diane de Poitiers
  • Allow yourself to experience what it is to learn step by step the freedom that comes from being unattached to the outcome, but operating from an empowered heart. -- Gary Zukav
  • Empty-brained triflers who have never tried to think, who take their creed as they take their fashions, speak of atheism as the outcome of foul life and vicious desires. -- Annie Besant
  • In my life nothing goes wrong. When things seem to not meet my expectations, I let go of how I think things should be. It's a matter of not having any attachment to any fixed outcome. -- Deepak Chopra
  • As long as the general population is passive, apathetic, diverted to consumerism or hatred of the vulnerable, then the powerful can do as they please, and those who survive will be left to contemplate the outcome. -- Noam Chomsky
  • We are willing enough to praise freedom when she is safely tucked away in the past and cannot be a nuisance. In the present, amidst dangers whose outcome we cannot foresee, we get nervous about her, and admit censorship. -- E. M. Forster
  • You can direct the outcome of any situation you face through the power of thought. Keep your thoughts focused on the best possible outcome for everyone involved and never allow yourself to be pushed where you don't choose to be. -- Iyanla Vanzant
  • No amount of worrying can change the future. Go easy on yourself, for the outcome of all affairs is determined by God's decree. If something is meant to go elsewhere, it will never come your way, but if it is yours by destiny, from you it cannot flee. -- Umar
  • My dad encouraged us to fail. Growing up, he would ask us what we failed at that week. If we didn't have something, he would be disappointed. It changed my mindset at an early age that failure is not the outcome, failure is not trying. Don't be afraid to fail. -- Sara Blakely
  • I think failure is nothing more than life's way of nudging you that you are off course. My attitude to failure is not attached to outcome, but in not trying. It is liberating. Most people attach failure to something not working out or how people perceive you. This way, it is about answering to yourself. -- Sara Blakely
  • Letting go means we stop trying to force outcomes and make people behave. It means we give up resistance to the way things are, for the moment. It means we stop trying to do the impossible-controlling that which we cannot-and instead, focus on what is possible-which usually means taking care of ourselves. And we do this in gentleness, kindness, and love, as much as possible. -- Melody Beattie
  • Quantity and persistence will get you the outcomes you need. -- James Altucher
  • Having insurance doesn't guarantee good health outcomes, but it is a critical factor. -- Irwin Redlener
  • The truth is that contraception saves lives, prevents unplanned pregnancies, improves outcomes for children and reduces the number of abortions. -- Ann McLane Kuster
  • There's two possible outcomes: if the result confirms the hypothesis, then you've made a discovery. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you've made a discovery. -- Enrico Fermi
  • The most generous part of your philanthropy could be the time you put in to procure the same results and same outcomes and same returns you demand in business. -- Andrew Forrest
  • From a very strategic level, I believe the military is part of the solution to better outcomes around the world, but at a higher level, it's really about economies. -- Michael Mullen
  • Hunger and malnutrition have devastating consequences for children and have been linked to low birth weight and birth defects, obesity, mental and physical health problems, and poorer educational outcomes. -- Marian Wright Edelman
  • Of all the nasty outcomes predicted for women's liberation... none was more alarming, from a feminist point of view, than the suggestion that women would eventually become just like men. -- Barbara Ehrenreich
  • As Americans, we don't see the role of government as guaranteeing outcomes, but allowing free men and women to flourish based on their own vision, their hard work and their personal responsibility. -- Rick Perry
  • Will capitalist economies operate at full employment in the absence of routine intervention? Certainly not. Do policy makers have the knowledge and ability to improve macroeconomic outcomes rather than make matters worse? Yes. -- Janet Yellen
  • We academics - I am an academic - we love complexity. You can write papers about complexity, and the nice thing about complexity is it's fundamentally intractable in many ways, so you're not responsible for outcomes. -- George M. Whitesides
  • There is no real magic to being a good leader. But at the end of every week, you have to spend your time around the things that are really important: setting priorities, measuring outcomes, and rewarding them. -- Jeffrey R. Immelt
  • Children born to teens have less supportive and stimulating environments, poorer health, lower cognitive development, and worse educational outcomes. Children of teen mothers are at increased risk of being in foster care and becoming teen parents themselves, thereby repeating the cycle. -- Jane Fonda
  • When families are strong and stable, so are children - showing higher levels of wellbeing and more positive outcomes. But when things go wrong - either through family breakdown or a damaged parental relationship - the impact on a child's later life can be devastating. -- Iain Duncan Smith
  • Education has fundamentally changed my life. It's perhaps the mission of my life. I'm wed to it in a very powerful and personal way. And I chose the pathway that I believe could make me the most significant on changing the outcomes that we see now in North Carolina. -- Bev Perdue
  • I am one of the most successful economists, according to what markets tell us, though most of my professional colleagues, who are much keener to accept market outcomes than I am, would dismiss me as a crank or - the worst of all abuses among economists - a 'sociologist.' -- Ha-Joon Chang
  • Markets work best when there's lots of information available and a historical track record to go on; they excel at predicting things like horse races, election outcomes, and box-office results. But they're bad at predicting things like who will be the next Supreme Court nominee, as that depends on the whim of the president. -- James Surowiecki
  • Online education, then, can serve two goals. For students lucky enough to have access to great teachers, blended learning can mean even better outcomes at the same or lower cost. And for the millions here and abroad who lack access to good, in-person education, online learning can open doors that would otherwise remain closed. -- Daphne Koller
  • Leaders cannot work in a vacuum. They may take on larger, seemingly more important roles in an organization, but this does not exclude them from asking for and using feedback. In fact, a leader arguably needs feedback more so than anyone else. It's what helps a leader respond appropriately to events in pursuit of successful outcomes. -- Jack Canfield
  • Now, as a nation, we don't promise equal outcomes, but we were founded on the idea everybody should have an equal opportunity to succeed. No matter who you are, what you look like, where you come from, you can make it. That's an essential promise of America. Where you start should not determine where you end up. -- Barack Obama
  • I overthink everything. I'm very keen there should be a positive outcome. I like to control outcomes. But you can't. That's what is nice about being an actor, that you work really hard and it pays off. But at the end of the day, for it to be any good, you have to let go. I'd like to be better at this in life. -- Bertie Carvel
  • As a lawyer, as a private citizen, you see a lot of injustice. You see a lot of people who should have been punished and are not, and people who were punished wrongfully are not vindicated. Fiction is sort of a way to set the record straight, and let people at least believe that justice can be achieved and the right outcomes can occur. -- David Baldacci
  • Your habits determine your outcomes. -- Jack Canfield
  • History admits no rules; only outcomes. -- David Mitchell
  • It is intent which establishes one's consequential outcomes. -- T.F. Hodge
  • The outcomes are in incredible need more prominent desire. -- Heraclitus
  • Americans do not like long wars with indecisive outcomes. -- Paul Gigot
  • If you don't like your outcomes, change your responses. -- Jack Canfield
  • In wretched outcomes, the devil is in the details. -- Jane Jacobs
  • Our way of thinking creates good or bad outcomes. -- Stephen Richards
  • Don't obsess over risks. Keep your focus on positive outcomes. -- Deepak Chopra
  • ESPN, is having the ability to foretell future outcomes in sports. -- Anthony Liccione
  • If you have positive energy you will always attract positive outcomes. -- Steve Backley
  • Hope is not attached to outcomes but is a state of mind. -- Terry Tempest Williams
  • Improving Africa's farming sector would have multiple positive outcomes for African people. -- Richard Attias
  • We don't really care about test scores. We care about adult outcomes. -- Raj Chetty
  • Demands that you believe the impossible do not lead to peaceful outcomes. -- Christopher Hitchens
  • No matter how expert you may be, well-designed checklists can improve outcomes. -- Steven Levitt
  • The quest for certainty in forecasting outcomes can be the enemy of progress. -- Nate Silver
  • The link between rational individual behavior and collectively desirable outcomes is extremely tenuous. -- Robert H. Frank
  • Study after study shows that happiness precedes important outcomes and indicators of thriving. -- Shawn Achor
  • Success and profitability are outcomes of focusing on customers and employees, not objectives. -- Jack Ma
  • There is no such thing as a failed experiment, only experiments with unexpected outcomes. -- R. Buckminster Fuller
  • Good decisions can have bad short-term outcomes but be great for the business long-term. -- Gerry Schwartz
  • At the edge of chaos, unexpected outcomes occur. The risk to survival is severe. -- Michael Crichton
  • The right actions undertaken for the right reasons generally lead to good outcomes over time. -- John Mackey
  • The plausible outcomes range from the gradual and benign to the more precipitous and damaging. -- Timothy Geithner
  • Confidence is the sweet spot between arrogance and despair-consisting of positive expectations for favorable outcomes. -- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
  • There are no failures, only outcomes. As long as I learn something, I am succeeding. -- Tony Robbins
  • One of the outcomes of a Spirit-filled life is a new illumination to understand God's Word. -- F. E. Marsh
  • Old habits eat good intentions for lunch. Change your habits so you can change your outcomes. -- Darren Hardy
  • Management of outcomes may not be any more than a skill. It does not require knowledge. -- W. Edwards Deming
  • If you are in banking and lending, surprise outcomes are likely to be negative for you. -- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  • The U.S. routinely ranks lower than other countries in health outcomes such as infant mortality. -- Tammy Baldwin
  • We have no problems, only situations. Not all problems have solutions, but all situations have outcomes. -- John Edward Gray
  • Even though you can't control outcomes for your child, you can parent unconditionally with all your heart. -- Lisa Coyne
  • With sports, there's no entitlement on the field. It's about numbers. It's about results. It's about outcomes. -- Maynard Webb
  • Because of such conjointedness, behavior that exerts no effect whatsoever on outcomes is developed and consistently performed -- Albert Bandura
  • Conservatives often say that we should care not about equality of outcomes but about equality of opportunity. -- Timothy Noah
  • Much of outcomes research is a systematic attempt to exploit what is known and make it better. -- Kevin Kelly
  • Ideas that most people derided as ridiculous have produced the best outcomes. Don't do the obvious thing. -- Fred Wilson
  • Sustaining silence and circumspection are two behaviors that lead to better, healthier outcomes. They are powerful without dominating. -- Judith Orloff
  • How can a novelist achieve atonement when with her absolute power of deciding outcomes, she is also god? -- Ian Mcewan
  • Associate yourself with people who think positively. You cannot surround yourself with negative people and expect positive outcomes. -- Roy Bennett
  • When you let go of the need for any and all outcomes life becomes a creative magical adventure. -- Deepak Chopra
  • I think that over the last few decades, we have seen better economic outcomes than in the past. -- Martin Feldstein
  • No two things are equal. No two people are equal. Nobody can guarantee equal outcomes unless everybody's poor. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • No two things are equal. No two people are equal. Nobody can guarantee equal outcomes unless everybody's poor. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • Rather than being a luxury, emotions are a very intelligent way of driving an organism toward certain outcomes. -- Antonio Damasio
  • Private imaginings may have no outcomes in the world at all. Creativity does. Being creative involves doing something. -- Ken Robinson
  • Future strong is relationship-driven and joyful.Its best bet is on people. Its outcomes create joyfor others and ourselves. -- Bill Jensen
  • The entrepreneurial mind-set is that risk is the heightened probability that there is a big range of possible outcomes. -- Heidi Roizen
  • It's never too late to move to a good place to try to improve your child's outcomes in adulthood. -- Gwen Ifill
  • Our bodies change our minds, and our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes. -- Amy Cuddy
  • We can't value only what is easy to measure; measurable outcomes may be the least important results of learning. -- Alfie Kohn
  • Constraint theory defines for you what outcomes are possible and what outcomes are impossible. It also eliminates wishful thinking. -- George Friedman
  • When we do things that are controlling, whether intentional or not, we are not going to get those long-term outcomes. -- Alfie Kohn
  • All things being equal, letting people make decisions for themselves will produce smarter outcomes, collectively, than relying on government planners. -- James Surowiecki
  • Delaying and withholding tactics, red herrings, partial and doubtful outcomes are stock in trade for fiction writers, especially crime writers. -- Garry Disher
  • None of the systems we have created are producing the outcomes that were intended. They're actually producing exactly the opposite. -- Neale Donald Walsch
  • Food choices affect health outcomes, and consumers need to have the latest, most up-to-date scientific information in making their food choices. -- Mark McClellan
  • Coaching is effective self-expression in the coach/client relationship so that you catalyze your clients' manifestation of their own desired outcomes. -- Patrick Williams
  • When you begin your transcendental training, focusing your best efforts, without attachment to outcomes, you will understand the peaceful warrior's way. -- Dan Millman
  • Don't be deceived by life's outcomes. Life's outcomes, while not entirely random, have a huge amount of luck baked into them. -- Michael Lewis
  • Markets are not static entities that are 'intervened' in (for good or bad) but are outcomes of public and private interactions. -- Mariana Mazzucato
  • Choosing to do what the Lord has defined as right will, in the long run, always lead to the best outcomes. -- Richard G. Scott
  • In practice, a good deal of the outcomes produced by the market reflect nothing more than luck - good or bad. -- Robert Kuttner
  • Human beings are strange creatures. As people come across one another they produce various outcomes. Good things, sometimes. And other times, bad. -- Natsuki Takaya
  • A half-hearted spirit has no power. Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Average people enter into their endeavors headlong and without care. -- Epictetus
  • Through trial-and-error and observable outcomes, our ancestors narrowed the field of edible mushroom candidates to just a few with remarkable, health-supporting properties. -- Paul Stamets
  • I don't quite see the 20th century as one of chaos. But I believe in certain inevitable outcomes of a materialist nature. -- Rachel Kushner
  • Which 20% of sources are causing 80% of my problems and unhappiness? Which 20% of sources are resulting in 80% of my desired outcomes and happiness? -- Tim Ferriss
  • The stronger ties between primary care providers and the patients they serve will produce better outcomes and allow for more sustainable healthcare spending. -- Tony Tan
  • Investing is about making probabilistic decisions with limited information about an unknowable future. The variables are well known, as are the possible outcomes. -- Barry Ritholtz