Orderliness quotes:

  • Not only is orderliness an economy; it produces rest. -- Alice Foote MacDougall
  • I am a big believer that orderliness begets wealth. -- Suze Orman
  • It is a rare life that remains orderly even in private. -- Michel de Montaigne
  • A snick by Jack Hobbs is a sort of disturbance of a cosmic orderliness. -- Neville Cardus
  • Mathematics expresses values that reflect the cosmos, including orderliness, balance, harmony, logic, and abstract beauty. -- Deepak Chopra
  • Prayer is the only means of bringing about orderliness and peace and repose in our daily acts. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • The laws of cricket tell of the English love of compromise between a particular freedom and a general orderliness, or legality. -- Neville Cardus
  • Scientists were rated as great heretics by the church, but they were truly religious men because of their faith in the orderliness of the universe. -- Albert Einstein
  • There is no way that we can understand it all. So the heart's response to that mystery is faith - a trust in the fundamental orderliness of the universe. -- Ajahn Amaro
  • Information is a source of learning. But unless it is organized, processed, and available to the right people in a format for decision making, it is a burden, not a benefit. -- William Pollard
  • When things are in order, if the cause of the orderliness cannot be deduced from the motion of the elements or from the composition of matter, it is quite possibly a cause possessing a mind. -- Johannes Kepler
  • There is an orderliness in the universe, there is an unalterable law governing everything and every being that exists or lives. It is no blind law; for no blind law can govern the conduct of living beings. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • [A living organism] ... feeds upon negative entropy ... Thus the device by which an organism maintains itself stationary at a fairly high level of orderliness (= fairly low level of entropy) really consists in continually sucking orderliness from its environment. -- Erwin Schrodinger
  • You are not supposed to get it. It's a paradox. All of mathematics is built on paradoxes. That's the biggest paradox of all-all this orderliness, and at the heart, impossibility. Contradiction. Heaven built on the foundations of hell. -- David Leavitt
  • The rehabilitation of order as a universal principle, however, suggested at the same time that orderliness by itself is not sufficient to account for the nature of organized systems in general or for those created by man in particular. -- Rudolf Arnheim
  • The work reveals the creator - and as our universe in its vastness, its orderliness, its exquisite detail, tells us something of the One who made it, so a work of fiction, for better or worse, will reveal the writer. -- Katherine Paterson
  • The heavy odds against finding the desired... work of art in the mess and flux of life, as opposed to the serene orderliness of imagined reality, give a special tense dazzle and an atmosphere of tour de force to any photographs that succeed in the search. -- Janet Malcolm
  • The universe exists under a reign of eternal law, surpassing the imperfect laws of human government. Such orderliness, such domination by law, imply intelligent planning and purpose. Nothing happens of itself. Nowhere, in the age-old experience of man, has continued order been found except as the product of intelligent direction. -- John Andreas Widtsoe
  • The beginner should approach style warily, realizing that it is himself he is approaching, no other; and he should begin by turning resolutely away from all devices that are popularly believed to indicate style - all mannerisms, tricks, adornments. The approach to style is by way of plainness, simplicity, orderliness, sincerity. -- E. B. White
  • The people from the suburbs are bringing along their suburban values: cleanliness, orderliness, safety - dullness, in other words. As a result, urban areas are being hollowed out. Just look at Times Square in New York. No more sex shops, no drugs, no homeless people. The area is clinically clean and incredibly dull. -- Rem Koolhaas
  • (Heinrich von) Kleist would not be a Prussian if his first thought would not have been orderlinessand he would not be a German if he had not placed all his hopes of developing this inner orderliness into education. Education is the secret of life for him as for every German: studying, learning a lot from books, sitting in lectures, keeping notebooks, listening intently to professors.... -- Stefan Zweig
  • The approach to style is by way of plainness, simplicity, orderliness, sincerity. -- William Strunk, Jr.
  • When loneliness comes stalking, go into the fields, consider the orderliness of the world. -- Mary Oliver
  • Indeed, the test of orderliness in a country is not the number of millionaires it owns, but the absence of starvation among its masses. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • Managers construct, rearrange, single out, and demolish many 'objective' features of their surroundings. When people act they unrandomize variables, insert vestiges of orderliness, and literally create their own constraints. -- Karl E. Weick