Optimum quotes:

  • I try to get myself up and moving as early as possible. Optimum is to be on the treadmill while it is still dark outside. -- Henry Rollins
  • Optimum nutrition is the medicine of tomorrow. -- Linus Pauling
  • The optimum committee has no members. -- Norman Ralph Augustine
  • The optimum population is, then, less than the maximum. -- Garrett Hardin
  • As I mentioned previously, the tools that allow for optimum health are diet and exercise. -- Bill Toomey
  • Of course, a positive growth rate might be taken as evidence that a population is below its optimum. -- Garrett Hardin
  • Achieve success in any area of life by identifying the optimum strategies and repeating them until they become habits. -- Charles J. Givens
  • No evidence compels the conclusion that the minimum required intake of any vitamin comes close to the optimum intake that sustains good health. -- Linus Pauling
  • Rather, for all objects and experiences, there is a quantity that has optimum value. Above that quantity, the variable becomes toxic. To fall below that value is to be deprived. -- Gregory Bateson
  • The optimum human population of earth is zero. -- David Foreman
  • The optimum population is modeled on the iceberg- eight-ninths below the water line, one-ninth above. -- Aldous Huxley
  • Most women would rather have someone whisper their name at optimum moments than rocket with contractions to the moon. -- Merle Shain
  • If you step back and look at the data, the optimum amount of red meat you eat should be zero. -- Walter Willett
  • In the spiritual life, as in all organic processes, everyone has their optimum and it is just as harmful to go beyond it as not to attain it. -- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
  • In everything the middle course is best: all things in excess bring trouble to men. [Lat., Modus omnibus in rebus, soror, optimum est habitu; Nimia omnia nimium exhibent negotium hominibus ex se.] -- Plautus
  • I mean, maybe one day we will live in a more optimum world where terrorists come in every color of the rainbow. But the truth is, now they don't. I mean, the people who are trying to get us are young Muslim men, period. -- Bill Maher
  • A lot of today's campaigns are based on optimum positioning but are totally ineffective - because they are dull, or badly constructed, or ineptly written. If nobody reads your advertisement or looks at your commercial, it doesn't do you much good to have the right positioning. -- David Ogilvy
  • As a work progresses, its power to elicit and dictate response mounts. There seems to be an optimum moment when this power is at its greatest which just precedes the point where 'elicit' is no longer apt usage. 'Dictates' is the word for this condition and tyranny is the adversary. -- Richard Diebenkorn
  • When you are in the presence of unconditional love, that is the optimum environment for your heart to open, because you feel safe, because you realize nobody wants anything from you. The minute that heart opens, you are once again letting in the flow. And that flow is where you experience God. -- Ram Dass
  • Everywhere--all over Africa and South America . . . you see these suburbs springing up. They represent the optimum of what people want. There's a certain sort of logic leading towards these immaculate suburbs. And they're terrifying, because they are the death of the soul. . . . This is the prison this planet is being turned into. -- J. G. Ballard
  • The optimum portfolio depends on the various expectations of choices available and the degree of variance in performance which is tolerable. The greater the number of selections, the less will be the average year-to-year variation in actual versus expected results. Also, the lower will be the expected results, assuming different choices have different expectations of performance. -- Warren Buffett
  • I don't tolerate anything that runs slowly. Whether it be a phone, tablet or computer, it has to run at optimum speed. -- Joe Trohman
  • I am not interested in the afterlife. Religion is supposed to be about losing your ego, not preserving it eternally in optimum conditions. -- Karen Armstrong
  • The optimum frequency with which comedians should do a series is every year. I do one every three years. My audience is literally dying off. -- Alexei Sayle
  • If you are out in two races and someone else has a good couple of races, it could change. So all we do is try to get the optimum every time. -- Sebastian Vettel
  • I learned from my father how to swear right and how to string it together for optimum effect/affect. I use it like karate. I bring it out when it's needed. -- Ross Mathews
  • Precision, speed, unambiguity, knowledge of files, continuity, discretion, unity, strict subordination, reduction of friction and of material and personal costs - these are raised to the optimum point in the strictly bureaucratic administration. -- Max Weber
  • It is obvious that the monetary union among 17 very different European countries does not work. As an economist, I know that the Eurozone is not an optimum currency area, as defined in economic theory. -- Vaclav Klaus
  • I think people need to commit to one another before they commit to bringing children into the world because that's the optimum arrangement for children, not to take anything at all away from women who have to rear their children by themselves. -- Leah Ward Sears
  • The optimum amount of sugar in a product became known as the 'bliss point.' Food inventors and scientists spend a huge amount of time formulating the perfect amount of sugar that will send us over the moon and send products flying off the shelves. -- Michael Moss
  • I believe that you can, by taking some simple and inexpensive measures, lead a longer life and extend your years of well-being. My most important recommendation is that you take vitamins every day in optimum amounts to supplement the vitamins that you receive in your food. -- Linus Pauling
  • The idea that in the system, if you manage it in an optimum way, all of the constituent parts of the system also win, flourish, and benefit, is intrinsic to business and even to capitalism itself, properly understood. But people don't understand it because we're not taught to think that way. -- John Mackey
  • In handling resources, strive to avoid disaster rather than to attain an optimum. -- Butler Lampson
  • I think stress is anything going on in our lives that impinges on our capacity to have optimum well being. -- bell hooks
  • This seems clear enough: When truly present in nature, we do use all our senses at the same time, which is the optimum state of learning. -- Richard Louv
  • Every human body has its optimum weight and contour, which only health and efficiency can establish. Whenever we treat women's bodies as aesthetic objects without function we deform them. -- Germaine Greer
  • The worst kind of management seeks a single optimum, a one-scale index of efficiency, like the mindless scales of 1 to 10 for grading a woman's beauty or one to four stars for a movie's appeal. -- James Fallows