Monochrome quotes:

  • With monochrome painting... the idiosyncrasy of the work, its difference, its expression, lies in shape. -- Guido Molinari
  • From black and white to a sepia tone, some dreams come with a tint or in monochrome -- Shing02
  • Nostalgia, the vice of the aged. We watch so many old movies our memories come in monochrome. -- Angela Carter
  • The key to success is to find a way to stand out--to be the purple cow in a field of monochrome Holsteins. -- Seth Godin
  • One of the many problems with the American left has been its image as something rather too solemn, mirthless, herbivorous, dull, monochrome, righteous, and boring. -- Christopher Hitchens
  • I've changed the way I look a bit but not intentionally. I've cut my hair. I've got a bit of pink in it and lately I've become a bit monochrome, wearing a lot of black and white. -- Ellie Goulding
  • Full-color images lack the poignancy of monochrome... Black-and-white film inherently peels off interesting images from the world; it sees things we do not see, and thus insists on the existence of a phantom presence within reality, a world we cannot perceive. -- Peter C Bunnell
  • Winter came and the city [Chicago] turned monochrome -- black trees against gray sky above white earth. Night now fell in midafternoon, especially when the snowstorms rolled in, boundless prairie storms that set the sky close to the ground, the city lights reflected against the clouds -- Barack Obama
  • Pure, existential space was regularly winking at me, each time in a more impressive manner, and this sensation of total freedom attracted me so powerfully that I painted some monochrome surfaces just to 'see,' to 'see' with my own eyes what existential sensibility granted me: absolute freedom! -- Yves Klein
  • Let's assume that all the cassettes of monochrome film Cartier-Bresson ever exposed had somehow been surreptitiously loaded with colour film. I'd venture to say that about two thirds of his pictures would be ruined and the remainder unaffected, neither spoiled nor improved. And perhaps one in a thousand enhanced. -- Philip Jones Griffiths
  • My monochrome pictures are not my definite works, but the preparation for my works. They are the leftovers from the creative processes, the ashes. My pictures, after all, are only the title-deeds to my property which I have to produce when I am asked to prove that I am a proprietor. -- Yves Klein
  • Expect the unexpected like a chain smoking, hard drinking, monochrome world dwelling Noir Detective -- Dean Cavanagh
  • She was an exotic flower amongst the snowdrifts, out of place, a Technicolor misfit in a monochrome Christmas movie. -- Thomm Quackenbush
  • Even for the people who are color-blind to any degree, I believe their experience would also be affected [ in Lords of Rainbow ] if everyone else too only perceived the world in colorless monochrome. -- Vera Nazarian