Men Pleasers quotes:

  • It is our duty to be faithful, not with eye service as men pleasers. -- Jupiter Hammon
  • What makes men indifferent to their wives is that they can see them when they please. -- Ovid
  • To tax and to please, no more than to love and to be wise, is not given to men. -- Edmund Burke
  • Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. -- Robert A. Heinlein
  • Men always like to please women. Women like to please men, too - some women. Some are very good at it. -- Kenneth Jay Lane
  • Fame has also this great drawback, that if we pursue it, we must direct our lives so as to please the fancy of men. -- Baruch Spinoza
  • Princeton is no longer a thing for Princeton men to please themselves with. Princeton is a thing with which Princeton men must satisfy the country. -- Woodrow Wilson
  • I'm on 'Two and a Half Men,' and I don't want to be on it. Please stop watching it, and filling your head with filth. -- Angus T. Jones
  • If there is any God, there is only one way to please him, and that is by a conscientious discharge of your obligations to your fellow men. -- Robert Green Ingersoll
  • I don't like this idea of division: that if you're a clever woman then you've got to be a particular way. Because men don't. Men please themselves. -- Marian Keyes
  • Men, if you are in a position of power or authority, please respectfully continue to mentor and work with talented individuals and those with promise, regardless if they are men or women. -- Carol Roth
  • Iron till it be thoroughly heated is incapable to be wrought; so God sees good to cast some men into the furnace of affliction, and then beats them on his anvil into what frame he pleases. -- Anne Bradstreet
  • You're always going to feel like you're catching up, and part of that is just balancing work and motherhood and the whole feeling of needing to please, which I do think girls and women feel more than men. -- Kim Gordon
  • I'm looking forward to providing the men of Seattle with an evening where they can kick back, light up a cigar and enjoy a night to themselves. Women, we can't technically keep you out, but please stay at home. -- Tom Leykis
  • Please know that I am aware of the hazards. I want to do it because I want to do it. Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail, their failure must be a challenge to others. -- Amelia Earhart
  • That men should live honestly, quietly, and comfortably together, it is needful that they should live under a sense of God's will, and in awe of the divine power, hoping to please God, and fearing to offend Him, by their behaviour respectively. -- Isaac Barrow
  • A government that can at pleasure accuse, shoot, and hang men, as traitors, for the one general offence of refusing to surrender themselves and their property unreservedly to its arbitrary will, can practice any and all special and particular oppressions it pleases. -- Lysander Spooner
  • I don't think men like a bad girl. Well, I haven't had a date in a year so I'm obviously doing something wrong. It's not that my standards are too high, I haven't even been asked out in a year. I have no standards, anyone, please! -- Yasmine Bleeth
  • God saw fit, for wise reasons to allow the people of Israel thus to make and possess slaves; but is this any license to us to enslave any of our fellow-men, to kill any of our fellow-men whom we please and are able to destroy, and take possession of their estates? -- Samuel Hopkins
  • When I go back to Texas, I travel the state, and I see people all the time who come up to me, men and women across Texas, and they grab me by the shoulder, and they're afraid. They say, 'Ted, you know, I just lost my health insurance. I got a child with diabetes. I'm scared. Please stop this from happening.' -- Ted Cruz