Melody quotes:

  • Music is the melody whose text is the world. -- Arthur Schopenhauer
  • Melody is a form of remembrance. It must have a quality of inevitability in our ears. -- Gian Carlo Menotti
  • Doing the instrumental thing, you're really looking for the power of the melody to carry the record. -- Michael W. Smith
  • In 1973 we moved to the British Isle of Man, and I put my first band together for one year, named Melody Fair. -- Andy Gibb
  • The principle of the endless melody is the perpetual becoming of a music that never had any reason for starting, any more than it has any reason for ending. -- Igor Stravinsky
  • Melody is the single most important thing to any song, period. I don't care what anybody says, it trumps everything. Not because that's my opinion but because I think it's actually indisputable fact. The human brain retains melody easier than it retains words. It's that simple. -- Ryan Tedder
  • Melody is disarming. It's anarchic! -- Mika
  • Melody is the essence of music. -- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • If Words are the Lyrics, and Laughter the Melody, then a Relationship becomes a Symphony. -- Nicholas Sparks
  • we're all freaks sometimes, Melody," he replied. "You're just... well, better at it than most. -- Brandon Sanderson
  • Melody is the essence of music. I compare a good melodist to a fine racer, and counterpoints to hack post-horses. -- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • What? You don't think he's cute?" "I didn't really notice." "How can you not notice when a guy is cute?" Melody stared at her in disbelief. -- Nicholas Sparks
  • All my songs are based on melody, which is retrieved from my Jewish heritage. Melody will always exist no matter what the rhythmic changes there are. -- Neil Diamond
  • I have a 'Play The Melody' philosophy. It means don't over arrange, don't make life difficult. Just play the melody-and do it the simplest way possible. -- Jackie Gleason
  • The Song of Love, the Song of Hate, the Songs of Praise and of Thanksgiving; I've learned them all, but there remains one called the Melody of Living. -- Ridgely Torrence
  • Melody has a certain way that it projects back to you. It triggers certain nerves in your body and certain instincts that normally wouldn't be triggered by a normal voice. -- Akon
  • Melody always comes to me first before words - cadence and melody. When you're humming the melody and it's incredible and words start coming out it can build into something special. -- Yelawolf
  • Melody is the first thing that comes to me when I'm songwriting. I learned piano classically first, and then I went into soul, and so melody has always been the first. It's so important. -- Emeli Sande
  • Something about Bekka and Haylee reminded her of Candace's line between ingenious and insane. Ingenuity inspired their dreams, and insanity gave them the courage to pursue them. It was something Melody wanted for herself. -- Lisi Harrison
  • Often when I find myself listening to music, at least 60 to 70% of it is foreign, so I don't understand a word of it. Melody to me will always be a million times more important than words. -- Zach Condon
  • Melody is king, and don't you ever forget it. Lyrics appear to be out front, but they're not; they're just an accompanying factor. If they're good, you're really in good shape. Lyrics are written to be rewritten. -- Quincy Jones
  • Country is bringing in a little rock element... a little '80s element. Melody is king now. But its just in the music, its not so much in the songwriting, which is still very basic to the storytelling aspect of it. -- Lionel Richie
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  • A French friend brought over a load of Gainsbourg vinyl and I worked my way through it: by the time I got to L'Histoire De Melody Nelson (1969) I was thinking, 'How can this man have died before I got to know his music?' I was a convert. -- Sylvie Simmons
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  • Melody and harmony are like lines and colors in pictures. A simple linear picture may be completely beautiful; the introduction of color may make it vague and insignificant. Yet color may, by combination with lines, create great pictures, so long as it does not smother and destroy their value. -- Rabindranath Tagore
  • Gratitude isn't a tool to manipulate the universe or God. It's a way to acknowledge our faith that everything happens for a reason even if we don't know what that reason is. ~Melody Beattie, 52 Weeks of Conscious Contact, pg. 34. -- Melody Beattie
  • Gratitude isn't a tool to manipulate the universe or God. It's a way to acknowledge our faith that everything happens for a reason even if we don't know what that reason is. ~Melody Beattie, 52 Weeks of Conscious Contact, pg. 34." -- Melody Beattie
  • I really believe in melody. -- Aulis Sallinen
  • I really love writing themes and melody. -- Trevor Rabin
  • With a good melody... music gets me through everything. -- Drake Bell
  • A melody is not merely something you can hum. -- Aaron Copland
  • I liked the Beatles because there was so much melody. -- Robert Cray
  • Never be ashamed to write a melody that people remember. -- Burt Bacharach
  • Great melody over great riffs is, to me, the secret of it all. -- Steven Tyler
  • Because if you've got the wit, you can make anything into a melody, ultimately. -- Gerry Mulligan
  • There is a lot of melody and things that sound familiar in hundreds of songs. -- Wayne Coyne
  • I would say that I'm more moved by melody, even though I love to rap. -- Drake
  • They were singing in French, but the melody was freedom and any American could understand that. -- Audie Murphy
  • I try to incorporate melody. Even though I'm screaming, I still like to think I bring melody into screaming. -- Tom Araya
  • In Hungary all native music, in its origin, is divided naturally into melody destined for song or melody for the dance. -- Franz Liszt
  • Its a combination of melody and lyrics, not one without the other. Its a confluence of these different elements that makes something powerful. -- Michael Bolton
  • My voice is my improvisational instrument, the melody instrument. The guitar is harmonic structure. I'm not a good enough guitarist to improvise on it. -- Paul Simon
  • We cling nervously to the melody, but we don't handle it freely, we don't really make anything new out of it, we merely overload it. -- Johannes Brahms
  • The human brain is a funny thing: it's very susceptible to tempo and melody. You put the right words to it, and it becomes very influential. -- Ray Stevens
  • I realised a long time ago that instrumental music speaks a lot more clearly than English, Spanish, Yiddish, Swahili, any other language. Pure melody goes outside time. -- Carlos Santana
  • I always write lyrics first and the rhythm and the melody come from the lyrics. It always comes from the lyrics: words have rhythm and words have melody. -- Ken Hensley
  • Composers in the old days used to keep strictly to the base of the theme, as their real subject. Beethoven varies the melody, harmony and rhythms so beautifully. -- Johannes Brahms
  • The personal vocabulary, the individual melody whose metre is one's biography, joins in that sound, with any luck, and the body moves like a walking, a waking island. -- Derek Walcott
  • A lot of Woody Guthrie's songs were taken from other songs. He would rework the melody and lyrics, and all of a sudden it was a Woody Guthrie song. -- John Mellencamp
  • All of our songs take these really big creative turns and twists throughout the process, so sometimes songs will start out as a melody or some musical chord progressions. -- Chester Bennington
  • From a very early period of my life I have derived the highest enjoyment from listening to music, especially to melody, which is to me the most pleasing form of composition. -- James Nasmyth
  • The only thing that I miss lately in all music is somebody that will put out a melody that you can whistle. It doesn't seem like there's anything happening like that. -- Merle Haggard
  • I don't really have time to sit down and write. But when I think of a melody, I call up my answering machine and sing it, so I won't forget it. -- Britney Spears
  • Nobody heard records of you playing whatever the melody was on those low strings. It worked out good, you know, about 25 or 26 million records later. I guess it worked out alright. -- Lee Hazlewood
  • Hopefully people can look at our band and see that we're a heavy rock band. We're definitely not a metal band, but we're a band that focuses on meaningful lyrics and melody. -- Adam Rich
  • But when you get to a song, not only do you have to do a vocal melody, you have to write words and not be redundant and make some semblance of a story -- Glenn Danzig
  • I think I need the demons in order to write, but the demons have gone. It bothers me a lot. I've tried and tried, but I just can't seem to find a melody. -- Brian Wilson
  • The world is never quiet, even its silence eternally resounds with the same notes, in vibrations which escape our ears. As for those that we perceive, they carry sounds to us, occasionally a chord, never a melody. -- Albert Camus
  • I liken movies to playing a piano: Sometimes you're playing the chords and different notes with unresolved cadences and playing all major chords that are all over the place, and you're enjoying yourself with a great, simple melody. -- Jake Gyllenhaal
  • I know a girl who cries when she practices violin because each note sounds so pure it just cuts into her, and then the melody comes pouring out her eyes. Now, to me, everything else just sounds like a lie. -- Conor Oberst
  • I consider music to be storytelling, melody and rhythm. A lot of hip-hop has broken music down. There are no instruments and no songwriting. So you're left with just storytelling and rhythm. And the storytelling can be so braggadocious, you're just left with rhythm. -- Jack White
  • I've always been a fan of melody and emotional melancholy, whether it was Rites of Spring or Tears for Fears or Neil Young. If I hear a song that has a sweet melody, I'm a sucker for it, whether it's Linkin Park or Little Richard. -- Dave Grohl
  • When I wrote a song, it would have to be from something I was really excited about, or a melody that's been haunting me for weeks, or a message I wanted to convey lyrically. So it would have to start from something I felt very strongly about. -- Brendon Urie
  • Appetite for Destruction' was the only thing written with lyrics and melody fitting the guitar parts at the same time. After that, I got a barrage of guitar songs that I was supposed to put words to, and I don't know if that was the best thing for Guns. -- Axl Rose
  • Sometimes my boyfriend would write the lyrics and I would write the melody, and other times I would start from scratch. Or sometimes I would take a local poem and put that to music...I always sang standards because the songs I wrote for myself weren't as easy to sing. -- Carly Simon
  • I find I'm not one of these composers that are, you know, walking along a beach or walking on the mountainside in County Donegal that's, you know, 'Oh, a melody.' It's more a matter of eventually taking that moment with me to the studio, and it begins to evolve. -- Enya
  • I can't even speak Hawaiian, but if you go there and listen to a Hawaiian song, you get captured because it's so beautiful, like the melody is just gorgeous and you know Bob Marley is on the radio every single day. It's very reggae-influenced down there. Basically, you haven't been to paradise if you haven't been to Hawaii. -- Bruno Mars
  • One day, I went to buy something for my dad at the shops, and I heard a song by Nat King Cole called 'Stardust Melody.' It was like I went into a trance or something. I forgot all about my dad sending me to the shop. When I got home, I explained to him what happened. I thought I was going to get a whipping, but he understood. -- Desmond Dekker
  • Silence is the best melody. -- Azereth Skivel
  • I look at melody as rhythm. -- Charlie Parker
  • Every heart has its own melody. -- Cassandra Clare
  • Inside the silence is a melody. -- Joe Walsh
  • I really love things with melody. -- Norah Jones
  • What are words without the melody~? -- Shannon L. Alder
  • Sometimes the word dictated the melody. -- Andrew Bird
  • Text first, rhythm second, melody third. -- Claudio Monteverdi
  • Good melody is never out of fashion -- Robert Bridges
  • Not everybody has to sing the melody. -- Pete Seeger
  • I always begin to compose the melody first. -- Nobuo Uematsu
  • No harmony. No melody. No rhythm. No bullshit. -- Phill Niblock
  • Every soul is a melody which needs renewing. -- Stephane Mallarme
  • Funny how a melody sounds like a memory. -- Eric Church
  • Music is about textures as well as melody. -- Ken Hill
  • The secret of a great melody is a secret. -- Dave Brubeck
  • The song is ended, but the melody lingers on... -- Irving Berlin
  • Why can't jazz musicians just leave a melody alone? -- Peter Capaldi
  • Jacian Obregon. It sounds like a melody. Or a tragedy. -- Lisa McMann
  • I've forgotten many things, but I'll never forget a melody. -- Michael Jackson
  • Play the flute of felicity! You, yourself, are the melody. -- Rumi
  • Friends will not only live in harmony, but in melody. -- Henry David Thoreau
  • From the glow of enthusiasm I let the melody escape. -- Ludwig van Beethoven
  • The melody is generally what the piece is all about. -- Aaron Copland
  • you are a beautiful mess, you are the melodyâ?¦ -- William P. Young
  • Our bodies like rhythm and our brains like melody and harmony. -- Daniel Levitin
  • It's the melody within the heart that helps us to endure. -- John McLeod
  • The Madiba song may have ended, but its melody lingers on. -- Bantu Holomisa
  • A good idea for lyrics and a melody to expand on. -- Gordon Waller
  • poetry is when a natural melancholy what keep singing a melody -- lity munshi
  • Love is the key-note of the universe-- The theme, the melody. -- Henry Abbey
  • Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up. -- Hans Christian Andersen
  • One nightingale in an interfluous wood Satiate the hungry dark with melody. -- Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • The way I see it, there's only one melody for any song. -- Ben Folds
  • I won't deny a song or a melody. I can't deny it. -- Fred Durst
  • The heart of the melody can never be put down on paper. -- Pablo Casals
  • Music has a poetry of its own, and that poetry is called melody. -- Joshua Logan
  • It's always music first, or melody and words together, but never words first. -- Adam Duritz
  • We mothers rock into the heart of the world the melody of peace. -- Nelly Sachs
  • When the melody plays, footsteps move, heart sings and spirit begin to dance. -- Shah Asad Rizvi
  • Music is the soundtrack to life. It plays the melody of our being. -- Michael Jackson
  • I tend to hear rhythm and melody, chord-progressions, long before I hear words. -- Zach Condon
  • All my music is very simple in that melody is usually clearly stated. -- Carter Burwell
  • A pretty girl is like a melody. That haunts you night and day. -- Irving Berlin
  • A lot of rap songs don't usually have a lot of melody per se. -- Al Yankovic
  • Every heart has its own melody," he said. "You know mine. - James Carstairs -- Cassandra Clare
  • The writing of a melody is an emotional moment; success doesn't make it easy. -- Enya
  • Iris, if you were a melody...piano melody. I used only the good notes. -- Jack Black
  • Music describes feelings: A melody is a word. A single notee is a letter. -- Melchior van den Boogert
  • Demonstration, similitude & harmony are objects of reasoning. Invention, identity & melody are objects of intuition. -- William Blake
  • You always will be singing a song or humming a line or a melody. -- Dennis Brown