Marxism quotes:

  • Marxism is a revolutionary worldview that must always struggle for new revelations. -- Rosa Luxemburg
  • Marxism is the opium of the intellectuals. -- Edmund Wilson
  • Marxism is always open, always critical, always self-critical. -- Ernest Mandel
  • Marxism is essentially a product of the bourgeois mind. -- Joseph A. Schumpeter
  • Sea Shepherd is to terrorism what Groucho was to Marxism. -- Paul Watson
  • If people don't like Marxism, they should blame the British Museum. -- Mikhail Gorbachev
  • Despite its flaws, Marxism still seems to explain the material world better than anything else. -- Alexei Sayle
  • Global warming, like Marxism, is a political theory of actions, demanding compliance with its rules. -- Paul Johnson
  • There is not Communism or Marxism, but representative democracy and social justice in a well-planned economy. -- Fidel Castro
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  • What Marxism calls atheism is basically the negation of an idol, which sometimes bears the name of God. -- Ernesto Cardenal
  • Marxism is like a classical building that followed the Renaissance; beautiful in its way, but incapable of growth. -- Harold MacMillan
  • Doctrines like Christianity or Islam or Marxism require unanimity of belief. One dissenter casts doubt on the creed of millions. -- Edward Abbey
  • For some years I deserted religion in favour of Marxism. The republic of goodness seemed more attainable than the Kingdom of God. -- Lionel Blue
  • National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with the democratic order. -- Adolf Hitler
  • When I was young, I believed in three things: Marxism, the redemptive power of cinema, and dynamite. Now I just believe in dynamite. -- Sergio Leone
  • According to some liberation theologians atheism is not the cause of the conflict between Christianity and Marxism, but is rather the link between them. -- Ernesto Cardenal
  • Marxism conceives of the new system of socialism as the necessary outcome of all previous history made possible and necessary only by that previous history. -- Earl Browder
  • Because of my Marxism, I was not into myths or miracles, whether it was the virgin birth, the physical resurrection or casting out demons from an epileptic. -- Lionel Blue
  • Like Marxism, Thatcherism is, in fact, riddled with contradictions. Mrs. Thatcher, on the other hand, is free of doubt; she is the label on the can of worms. -- Julian Critchley
  • No self-respecting person who loves humanity or wishes for a world of greater equality and justice should have anything to do with whitewashing the slavery and extermination of Marxism-Leninism. -- Anthony Gregory
  • What guides Marxism, then, is a different model of society, and a different conception of the function of the knowledge that can be produced by society and acquired from it. -- Jean-Francois Lyotard
  • Our judgment and moral categories, our idea of the future, our opinions about the present or about justice, peace, or war, everything, without excluding our rejections of Marxism, is impregnated with Marxism. -- Octavio Paz
  • For us, Marxism is always open because there are always new experiences, there are always new facts, including facts about the past, which have to be incorporated in the corpus of scientific socialism. -- Ernest Mandel
  • The relevance of Marxism to science is that it removes it from its imagined position of complete detachment and shows it as a part, but a critically important part, of economy and social development. -- John Desmond Bernal
  • I would say I was still a Marxist - which is not to be confused with being a Communist. Despite its flaws, Marxism still seems to explain the material world better than anything else. -- Alexei Sayle
  • Marxism is an interpretation of history which explains the progress of society as a product of the expansion of the forces of production of the material means of life, that is, the development of economy. -- Earl Browder
  • Marxism must abhor nothing so much as the possibility that it becomes congealed in its current form. It is at its best when butting heads in self-criticism, and in historical thunder and lightning, it retains its strength. -- Rosa Luxemburg
  • Orwell's '1984' convinced me, rightly or wrongly, that Marxism was only a quantum leap away from tyranny. By contrast, Huxley's 'Brave New World' suggested that the totalitarian systems of the future might be subservient and ingratiating. -- J. G. Ballard
  • Truth is not to be found either in traditional capitalism or in Marxism. Each represents a partial truth. Historically, capitalism failed to discern the truth in collective enterprise and Marxism failed to see the truth in individual enterprise. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • The classics of Marxism, while fully appreciating the significance of the Darwinian theory, pointed out the errors of which Darwin was guilty. Darwin's theory, though unquestionably materialist in its main features, is not free from some serious errors. -- Trofim Lysenko
  • Of course, Marxism is an example of what Carl Popper would have called a 'World Three' structure, in that it's got immense power as an idea, but you couldn't actually hold up anything in the world and say: 'this is Marxism'. -- Alan Moore
  • Beginning with adolescence, my political formation was oriented in the ideological direction of Marxism. It was natural, being that my thinking was influenced by an atmosphere of active critical resistance. That was the way it was during all of the dictatorship and up to the Revolution of 1974. -- Jose Saramago
  • The idea that human beings have changed and are changing the basic climate system of the Earth through their industrial activities and burning of fossil fuels - the essence of the Greens' theory of global warming - has about as much basis in science as Marxism and Freudianism. -- Paul Johnson
  • Marxism is the opium of the Marxists. -- Joan Robinson
  • Marxism is the modern form of Jewish prophecy. -- Reinhold Niebuhr
  • Some call it Marxism "? I call it Judaism. -- Genrikh Yagoda
  • It is capitalism, not Marxism, that trades in futures. -- Terry Eagleton
  • Basically National Socialism and Marxism are the same thing -- Adolf Hitler
  • Sexuality is to feminism what work is to Marxism... -- Catharine MacKinnon
  • We believe that the Anarchists are real enemies of Marxism. -- Joseph Stalin
  • Marxism is not scientific: at the best, it has scientific prejudices. -- Albert Camus
  • An excessive knowledge of Marxism is a sign of a misspent youth. -- John McCarthy
  • Leninism is Marxism of the era of imperialism and the proletarian revolution. -- Joseph Stalin
  • Marxism is a revolutionary worldview that must always struggle for new revelations." -- Rosa Luxemburg
  • The important part of Marxism was its demand for active, constant, practical, class-war. -- Francis Parker Yockey
  • The important part of Marxism was its demand for active, constant, practical, class-war -- Francis Parker Yockey
  • I regard Marxism as the most sinister and the most subtle form of totalitarianism. -- Murray Bookchin
  • Out of power, Marxism can develop critical intelligence; in power, it quickly becomes stupid. -- Mason Cooley
  • Marxism has not only failed to promote human freedom, it has failed to produce food. -- John Dos Passos
  • In the same way Marxism robs workers of ambition, Feminism robs men and women of love. -- Stefan Molyneux
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  • No force, no torture, no intrigue can eradicate Marxism-Leninism from the minds and hearts of men. -- Enver Hoxha
  • Wonderful theory, wrong species. (On Marxism, which he considered more suited to ants than to humans. -- E. O. Wilson
  • Behind the October Revolution there are more influential personalities than the thinkers and executors of Marxism. -- Vladimir Lenin
  • All official and liberal science defends wage-slavery, whereas Marxism has declared relentless war on that slavery. -- Vladimir Lenin
  • Academic Marxism is a fantasy world, and unctuous compassion-sweepstakes, into which real workers or peasants never penetrate. -- Camille Paglia
  • At the same time, of course, Marxism arose - Rosa Luxembourg, Leninism, anarchism - and art became political. -- Douglas Sirk
  • After 1968 the restored communist regime required all Czech rock musicians to sit a written exam in Marxism Leninism -- Niall Ferguson
  • Economics departments are dominated by Marxism, which is taken straight or on the rocks, in the form of Keynesianism. -- Ayn Rand
  • Many who have read Marxist books have become renegades from the revolution, whereas illiterate workers often grasp Marxism very well. -- Mao Zedong
  • As the class struggle sharpens in the U.S. Marxism will come into its own as a great popular study. -- C. L. R. James
  • Ideology on which the Kyoto Protocol is based, is a new form of totalitarian ideology, along with Marxism, Communism and socialism. -- Andrey Illarionov
  • Even if we have to go without bread, we Albanians do not violate principles. We do not betray Marxism - Leninism. -- Enver Hoxha
  • Cleansed of its leftist residues, anarchy - anarchism minus Marxism - will be free to get better at being what it is. -- Bob Black
  • We are indebted to Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin for giving us a weapon. The weapon is not a machine-gun, but Marxism-Leninism. -- Mao Zedong
  • When we truly discover how to love our neighbor as our self, Capitalism will not be possible and Marxism will not be necessary. -- Shane Claiborne
  • [Marxism will] in a generation or so [go] into the limbo of most heresies, but meanwhile it will have poisoned the Russian Revolution. -- Gilbert K. Chesterton
  • Marxism is now a world faith and must be allowed to enter into a continuous dialogue with other world faiths, including religious faiths -- Tony Benn
  • In an abstract but real sense, Marxism arose through the breakdown first of religion and then of 'reason' as single sources of authority. -- Bernard Crick
  • The nuclear age has refuted the idea of progress and Marxism has been refuted by Stalinism. Therefore people have returned to the historic religion. -- Reinhold Niebuhr
  • There may be thousands of principles of Marxism, but in the final analysis they can be summed up in one sentence: Rebellion is justified. -- Mao Zedong
  • Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism. Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism. -- Vladimir Lenin
  • Every age has found some alternative to American values appealing. The number of Western intellectuals enamored of fascism and all the various expressions of Marxism was legion. -- Dennis Prager
  • Marxism requires that we destroy God, because government must become God. And the only way for government to become God is to destroy the concept of God. -- Ted Cruz
  • During the Reagan Administration, so much attention was devoted to fighting Marxism in Nicaragua and El Salvador that Washington lost sight of longer-term challenges in other countries. -- Stephen Kinzer
  • Marxism: The theory that all the important things in history are rooted in an economic motive, that history is a science, a science of the search for food. -- Gilbert K. Chesterton
  • I don't think that the Soviet Union and China are accidents, aberrations; I think they follow from Marxism-Leninism. I think that Leninism comes out of Marx's basic convictions. -- Murray Bookchin
  • To the believer Marxism presents, first, a system of ultimate ends that embody the meaning of life and are absolute standards by which to judge events and actions... -- Joseph A. Schumpeter
  • The Soviet Union tried for 70 years to plant Marxism with bayonets in Eastern Europe. Today there are more Marxists on the Harvard faculty than there are in Eastern Europe. -- George Will
  • After the Soviet collapse, Marxism is a relic, a pathetic anachronism reduced to its last redoubts: North Korea, Cuba, and the English departments of the more expensive American universities. -- Charles Krauthammer
  • It is the basic principle of Marxism that any attempt to reconcile capital and labor so that they both co-operate in peace and prosperity is a betrayal of communism. -- Fulton J. Sheen
  • Among artists without talent Marxism will always be popular, since it enables them to blame society for the fact that nobody wants to hear what they have to say. -- Clive James
  • What guides Marxism, then, is a different model of society, and a different conception of the function of the knowledge that can be produced by society and acquired from it -- Jean-Francois Lyotard
  • Unity is a great thing and a great slogan. But what the workers' cause needs is the unity of Marxists, not unity between Marxists, and opponents and distorters of Marxism. -- Vladimir Lenin
  • The Church's teaching on ownership diverges radically from collectivism as proclaimed by Marxism and "rigid" capitalism. The primacy of the person over things joint ownership of the means of work. -- Pope John Paul II
  • The Western democracy of today is the forerunner of Marxism which without it would not be thinkable. It provides this world plague with the culture in which its germs can spread. -- Adolf Hitler
  • As long as the decent people refuse to believe that morality must manifest itself in every sphere of human activity, including the political, they will not meet the challenge of Marxism. -- Fulton J. Sheen
  • Marxism is not only the theory of socialism, it is an integral world outlook, a philosophical system, from which Marx's proletarian socialism logically follows. This philosophical system is called dialectical materialism. -- Joseph Stalin
  • At the bottom of at least popular Marxism there has always been a kind of disgust with humanity as it is and a perfect faith in humanity as it is to be. -- Lionel Trilling
  • What the Soviet Union was to the ideology of Marxism, the Low-Fat Campaign is to the ideology of nutritionism"?its supreme test and, as now is coming clear, its most abject failure. -- Michael Pollan
  • Even though the society that Marx foresaw is far from being an historical reality, Marxism has penetrated so deeply in history that we are all Marxists, one way or another, even unknowingly. -- Octavio Paz
  • Deconstruction never had meaning or interest, at least in my eyes, than as a radicalization, that is to say, also within the tradition of a certain Marxism , in a certain spirit of Marxism . -- Jacques Derrida
  • For us, Marxism is always open because there are always new xperiences, there are always new facts, including facts about the past, which have to be incorporated in the corpus of scientific socialism. -- Ernest Mandel
  • There are a few people, but a diminishing number, who still believe that Marxism, as an economic system, off era a coherent alternative to capitalism, and socialism has, indeed, triumphed in one country. -- Herbert Read
  • All contemporary religions and churches, all and every kind of religious organization, Marxism has always viewed as organs of bourgeois reaction, serving as a defense of exploitation and the doping of the working-classes. -- Vladimir Lenin
  • I've developed my anarchism, my critique of Marxism, which has been the most advanced bourgeois ideology I know of, into a community of ideas and ultimately a common sense of responsibilities and commitments. -- Murray Bookchin
  • I also believe that academic freedom should protect the right of a professor or student to advocate Marxism, socialism, communism, or any other minority viewpoint - no matter how distasteful to the majority, provided... -- Richard M. Nixon
  • Trotskyism is not a new movement, a new doctrine, but the restoration, the revival of genuine Marxism as it was expounded and practiced in the Russian revolution and in the early days of the Communist International. -- James P. Cannon
  • In my opinion, Marxism is a great creed of human liberation. It is the creed which says that when all other empires fade and vanish, our business is to enlarge the empire of the human mind -- Michael Foot
  • Marxism, communism, socialism - the ideologies - did not have the automatic answers to the problem of the relations between the lighter and darker races of mankind. They did not even have an answer to anti-Semitism. -- Peter Abrahams
  • The fact that the Catholic Church has come to an agreement with Fascist Italy ... proves beyond doubt that the Fascist world of ideas is closer to Christianity than those of Jewish liberalism or even atheistic Marxism... -- Adolf Hitler
  • The official ideology [of Poland] is Marxism-Leninism, which no one openly admits to believing. For Marx expressed the German view, and Lenin the Russian one, and the meeting of these particular minds has always spelled Polish ruin. -- Norman Davies
  • I belong to that generation who, as students, had before their eyes, and were limited by, a horizon consisting of Marxism, phenomenology and existentialism. For me the break was first Beckett's Waiting for Godot, a breathtaking performance. -- Michel Foucault
  • Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal vision... The nation-state is gradually yielding its sovereignty... More intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary structure will have to be undertaken. -- Zbigniew Brzezinski
  • When the coercive power of government is used to equalize incomes, it guarantees less prosperity across the board and spreads the misery, which is one of the many reasons Marxism and socialism have failed everywhere they've tried. -- David Limbaugh
  • I was a man who was lucky enough to have discovered a political theory, a man who was caught up in the whirlpool of Cuba's political crisis...; discovering Marxism...was like finding a map in the forest. -- Fidel Castro
  • In the 1970s, many intellectuals had become political radicals. Marxism was correct, liberalism was for wimps, and Marx had pronounced that 'the ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class.' -- Steven Pinker
  • The fuhrer of the Third Reich has freed the German man from his external humiliation and from the inner weakness caused by Marxism - and has returned him to the ancestral Germanic values of honor, loyalty and courage. -- Conrad Grober
  • Very curious, at the age of about 13 years, Oswald began to study Marxism and he kept on in his writing, affirming that he was a Marxist. Probably he did want to show himself as a great, supreme Marxist. -- John Sherman Cooper
  • I can understand the poor and stupid voting for Marxism or one of its fashionable variants. If you've no hope of being other than a slave, you may as well opt for the most efficient form of slavery. -- P. D. James
  • The passing of Marxism-Leninism first from China and then from the Soviet Union will mean its death as a living ideology ... . For while there may be some isolated true believers left in places like Managua, Pyongyang, or Cambridge, MA ... -- Francis Fukuyama
  • I urge you to sin. But not against these itty-bitty religions, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism-or their secular derivatives, Marxism, Maoism, Freudianism and Jungianism-whic h are all derivatives of the big religion of patriarchy. Sin against the infrastructure itself! -- Mary Daly
  • I must emphasise that there is nothing in the Labour Party constituion that could, or should prevent people from holding opinions which favour Leninist-Trotskyism. Certainly Marxism has, and will continue to have an important function in the Labour Party. -- Neil Kinnock
  • Let us be under no illusion. The Jewish spirit, which was responsible for the alliance of large-scale capital with Marxism and was the driving force behind so many anti-Spanish revolutionary agreements, will not be got rid of in a day. -- Francisco Franco
  • For me it's an issue of are we afraid of ourselves? And we inherit a huge bunch of idealogical baggage, not only Christianity, but Freudianism, and Marxism . . . We inherit all kinds of idealogical baggage designed to make us fear ourselves. -- Terence McKenna
  • As for the European far left, it has very little to do with Marxism-Leninism these days. It has more to do with anti-Semitism, racism, anti-migration. They claim to be left-wing but they're espousing positions which would actually be classically brown. -- Toomas Hendrik Ilves
  • Even though I resigned as Papandreou's adviser early in 2006 and turned into his government's staunchest critic during his mishandling of the post-2009 Greek implosion, my public interventions in the debate on Greece and Europe have carried no whiff of Marxism. -- Yanis Varoufakis
  • Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you -- like music to the musician or Marxism to the Communist -- or else it is nothing, an empty, formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • There is no such thing as abstract Marxism, only concrete Marxism... The Sinofication of Marxism - that is, making certain that its manifestation is imbued with Chinese peculiarities - is a problem that must be understood and solved by the party without delay. -- Mao Zedong