Marriage And The Bible quotes:

  • The Bible is clear - God's definition of marriage is between a man and a woman. -- Billy Graham
  • Spiritually, we have marginalized the Bible. We've trivialized marriage, and we've neutralized the church. America today is in great turmoil. It feels like the soul of our nation has been taken from us. -- David Jeremiah
  • I feel that heterosexual marriage is the more excellent way, and it surely is approved holy by the Holy Bible, and it holds so many more possibilities: the possibilities of having children of both the mother and father, the male and the female. -- Robert H. Schuller
  • It was the courts, of course, that took away prayer from our schools, that took away Bible reading from our schools. It's the courts that gave us same-sex marriage. So it is quite a battlefield, and the Supreme Court is the highest court in the land. -- Rod Parsley
  • I'm 0 for 3 with marriage - the scoreboard doesn't lie, never has. So what we all have is a marriage of the heart. To sully or contaminate or radically disrespect this union with a shameful contract is something that I will leave to the amateurs and the Bible grippers. -- Charlie Sheen
  • The Bible stresses that a marriage ideally should be a picture or a reflection of Christ's love for His people. -- Billy Graham
  • It's in the Bible. God created it. He did not create gay marriage. He created man and woman marriage -- duh! -- Victoria Jackson
  • Gay marriage within mainline denominations is gaining traction. Skewed pastors and even the government can't trump the Bible on this issue. Pastors: stand! -- Steve Camp
  • There are two basic restrictions on marriage in the Bible: Number one, she should marry a man. Number two, he should be a Christian. -- John Piper
  • Marriage is a partnership between one man and one woman... Nothing could be clearer in the Bible as to what constitutes a marriage in God's sight. -- David Jeremiah
  • Don't hide behind the Constitution or the Bible. If you're against gay marriage, just be honest, put a scarlet 'H' on your shirt, and say, 'I am a homophobe! -- Henry Rollins