Infinite Consciousness quotes:

  • Christ, Buddha, and Krishna are but waves in the Ocean of Infinite Consciousness that I am! -- Swami Vivekananda
  • The Infinite alone exists and is Real; the finite is passing and false. The Original Whim in the Beyond caused the apparent descent of the Infinite into the realm of the seeming finite. This is the Divine Mystery and Divine Game in which Infinite Consciousness for ever plays on all levels of finite consciousness. -- Meher Baba
  • Every human being has consciousness, but not every human being has the same amount. The potential for each one of us human beings is infinite consciousness. This is called supreme enlightenment, and it just needs unfolding by transcending each day. The more consciousness we have, the better life is. -- David Lynch
  • When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see the real you, or what you have been conditioned to believe is you? The two are so, so different. One is an infinite consciousness capable of being and creating whatever it chooses, the other is an illusion imprisoned by its own perceived and programmed limitations. -- David Icke
  • I know that you are part of me and I am part of you because we are all aspects of the same infinite consciousness that we call God and Creation. -- David Icke
  • What do we mean by the word 'wisdom'? Usually we mean something superior to knowledge, something deeper. In the spiritual world, the word 'wisdom' is not used in that way. Here wisdom means Light, illumining Light, transforming Light. That which illumines our unlit consciousness is wisdom. That which transforms the finite consciousness into the infinite Consciousness is called wisdom. -- Sri Chinmoy
  • Consciousness itself is an infinite regress. This explains coincidences. -- Robert Anton Wilson
  • Consciousness and awareness are the sources of all possibilities and infinite creativity. -- Debasish Mridha
  • Our essential nature is pure consciousness, the infinite source of everything that exists in the physical world. -- Deepak Chopra
  • You're an infinite soul, a spark of Consciousness, and your perception is a creative decision you're continuously making. -- Yol Swan
  • I have gone from "being" my experience to being infinite consciousness having the experience and observing the experience. -- David Icke
  • Each individual has to know himself. He has to know himself as the infinite, eternal and immortal Consciousness. -- Sri Chinmoy
  • The spark of consciousness is reflected in the river, where a dance of infinite faces lined in profane lights. -- Kristian Goldmund Aumann
  • In the consciousness of the infinite, the conscious subject has for his object the infinity of his own nature. -- Ludwig Feuerbach
  • We are consciousness examining and expressing itself so that it can become increasingly aware of its infinite capacity for being and evolving. -- Jay Woodman
  • Consciousness shakes off the littleness of being and finds the infinite space in which all things have a place. Be in your universality. -- Mooji
  • The new formula in physics describes humans as paradoxical beings who have two complementary aspects: They can show properties of Newtonian objects and also infinite fields of consciousness. -- Stanislav Grof