Hubris quotes:

  • Hubris and science are incompatible. -- Douglas Preston
  • Hubris itself will not let you be an artist. -- Larry Wall
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  • Continue to learn with humility, not hubris. Hubris is boring. -- Jimmy Iovine
  • Feeling superior doesn't make one superior. Hubris does not humble others. -- Guy R. McPherson
  • The three chief virtues of a programmer are: Laziness, Impatience and Hubris. -- Larry Wall
  • My briefest ever definition of science fiction is 'Hubris clobbered by Nemesis.' -- Brian Aldiss
  • Don't be ashamed of the creative urges which drive you. And certainly don't be ashamed of your ego. Hubris is only hubris when it fails. When Hubris pays off, we call these people geniuses. -- Kieron Gillen
  • Ancient societies had anthropomorphic gods: a huge pantheon expanding into centuries of dynastic drama; fathers and sons, martyred heroes, star-crossed lovers, the deaths of kings - stories that taught us of the danger of hubris and the primacy of humility. -- Tom Hiddleston
  • I'm kind of concerned about 'Ego & Hubris' because I'm thinking that people will read it and maybe even be entertained by it, but at the end of it, you know, they'll wonder, 'Why did this guy write this? What was the point of it?' -- Harvey Pekar
  • Hubris, arrogance, is just one step ahead of loss of integrity, because if you think you're better than other people, you know more, then you're going to think, as many leaders have, that the rules don't apply to them - so they lose their integrity. -- Charles Koch
  • Hubris means deadly pride. Thinking you can do things better than anyone else. -- Rick Riordan
  • My fatal flaw is hubris. The brown stuff they spread on veggie sandwiches? No, seaweed brain. That's hummus. Hubris is worse. What could be worse than hummus? -- Rick Riordan
  • Hubris calls for nemesis, and in one form or another it's going to get it, not as a punishment from outside but as the completion of a pattern already started. -- Mary Midgley
  • They didn't come to crush the city. They came to crush the hubris of its king.""That must have hurt," Oates said. Umber pinched the bridge of his nose."Hubris means arrogance, you great buffoon. -- P.W. Catanese
  • It's only hubris if I fail. -- Julius Caesar
  • We're all victims of our own hubris at times. -- Kevin Spacey
  • MSN became a quagmire, partly because of Microsoft's hubris. -- Donald Clark
  • We've seen the hubris. And now we're seeing the scandals. -- David Gergen
  • Amassing of wealth is an opportunity for good deeds, not hubris -- Thucydides
  • The top line is that hubris is a disease that comes from success. -- Peter Beinart
  • We know that second terms have historically been marred by hubris and by scandal. -- David Gergen
  • I had a lot of hubris going into politics, but I didn't think I was Pierre Trudeau. -- Michael Ignatieff
  • Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris. -- Larry Wall
  • It betrays hubris on the part of the artist to think his medium is limiting him, and I think we all recognize this -- Steve Albini
  • It betrays hubris on the part of the artist to think his medium is limiting him, and I think we all recognize this. -- Steve Albini
  • Whenever I've had success, I never learn from it. Success usually breeds a degree of hubris. When you fail, that's when you learn. -- Moby
  • I've heard stories about authors filled with this kind of Lotto-winner hubris. I'm a Dutch boy from the Midwest. We don't have hubris. -- Chris Van Allsburg
  • Air travelers, of course, are famous for their hubris. They carry on too many bags and use the restroom when the seat-belt sign is on. -- Meghan Daum
  • Scientists appear most often in horror movies. Through childlike curiosity or God-defying hubris, they unleash destructive forces they can't control - 'Forbidden Planet's Monsters of the Id. -- Virginia Postrel
  • I think there's a lot of naivete and hubris within our mix of personalities. That's probably our worst crime. I keep wondering what a 'mature' record means. -- Ian Williams
  • There's a disease that young writers are susceptible to, which is, I will do this because I can - hubris, I suppose - without stopping to work out why. -- David Mitchell
  • Our environmental problems originate in the hubris of imagining ourselves as the central nervous system or the brain of nature. We're not the brain, we are a cancer on nature. -- David Foreman
  • Incumbent White House parties have won 10 of the last 18 presidential elections; the odds are tight, but they favor Obama in 2012. And so gloomy Democrats, check your despair; gleeful Republicans, watch the hubris. -- Jon Meacham
  • Politicians in their hubris who believe they can ignore debt or wish it away are sorely disappointed - as we see now with the plummeting approval ratings of both the administration and Congress. -- Victor Davis Hanson
  • Without any intended hubris, I've lead a pretty exciting life. What I've tried to do in Mission Compromised is draw on those experiences to create a sense of excitement and realism within the story -- Oliver North
  • Without any intended hubris, I've lead a pretty exciting life. What I've tried to do in Mission Compromised is draw on those experiences to create a sense of excitement and realism within the story. -- Oliver North
  • (Insanity) is not hubris, not pride; it is inflation of the ego to its ultimate - confusion between him who worships and that which is worshipped. Man has not eaten God; God has eaten man. -- Philip K. Dick
  • Where I grew up - we started out in Oklahoma and then moved to Missouri - it was considered hubris to talk about yourself. And the downside of that was that ideas rarely got exchanged, or true feelings. -- Brad Pitt
  • The silent killer of all great men and women of achievement - particularly men, I don't know why, maybe it's the testosterone - I think it's narcissism. Even more than hubris. And for women, too. Narcissism is the killer. -- James Woods
  • Most visions of extraterrestrial life are actually steeped in human hubris. The fictional extraterrestrials of 'Star Trek' or a hundred other space operas are less alien than many of my neighbors. And funny, the ones running the place are mostly WASPish men. -- Nathan Myhrvold
  • In a lot of Western science fiction, you need some form of conflict, whether it's aliens or robots. I think in Western culture, being more suspicious of science, and hubris, you'll see a lot of fear of creating something that goes out of control. -- Cynthia Breazeal
  • I think people are used to people in show business having a lot of hubris. I think I have a normal amount of self-loathing but because I'm in show business it's considered self-deprecation. In normal life I would just be considered your average neurotic. -- Jon Stewart
  • To all the women that I've offended, I had no intention to be offensive, to violate any physical or emotional space. I was trying to establish personal relationships, but the combination of awkwardness and hubris led to behavior that I think many found offensive. -- Bob Filner
  • Don't worry. You don't know enough to worry. . . . Who do you think you are that you should worry, for cryin' out loud. It's a total waste of time. It presupposes such a knowledge of the situation that it is, in fact, a form of hubris. -- Terence McKenna
  • There is this tremendous amount of arrogance and hubris, where somebody can look at something for five minutes and dismiss it. Whether you talk about gaming or 20th century classical music, you can't do it in five minutes. You can't listen to 'The Rite of Spring' once and understand what Stravinsky was all about. -- Penn Jillette
  • Elegant and lucid . . . a pitch-perfect clarion call, issued not with preachy hubris but from a deep place of humility, for awakening to the greatest rewards of living . . . The Road to Character is an essential read in its entirety-Anne Lamott with a harder edge of moral philosophy, Seneca with a softer edge of spiritual sensitivity, E. F. Schumacher for perplexed moderns. -- Maria Popova
  • After 20 years of writing in basically a vacuum, I love being part of a community. I've vetted other writers' contracts for them and do publicity for free just because I like a book. Some people think of it as hubris or careerism, but I love to champion books. You can't use your whole sphere of influence just to help yourself. -- Jonathan Evison
  • For talking monkeys to speak of truth is hubris of the highest degree. Where is it writ large that talking monkeys should be able to model the cosmos? If a sea urchin or a racoon were to propose to you that it had a viable truth about the universe, the absurdity of that assertion would be self-evident, but in our case we make an exception. -- Terence McKenna
  • I believe our task is to develop a moral and aesthetic imagination deep enough and wide enough to encompass the contradictions of our time and history, the tremendous loss and tragedy as well as greatness and nobility, an imagination capable of recognizing that where there is light there is shadow, that out of hubris and fall can come moral regeneration, out of suffering and death, resurrection and rebirth. -- Richard Tarnas
  • Success usually breeds a degree of hubris. -- Moby
  • Such hubris could only come from a man's mouth. -- Janet Morris
  • The Modern Self must confront the shadow of hubris. -- Richard Tarnas
  • Even great men bow before the Sun; it melts hubris into humility. -- Dejan Stojanovic
  • It's hubris to think that the way we see things is everything there is. -- Lisa Randall
  • With competition there is always ego and hubris... competition gets in the way of work. -- Patrick Dempsey
  • The antidote to hubris, to overweening pride, is irony, that capacity to discover and systematize ideas. -- Ralph Ellison
  • I had, by thirteen, developed a sort of Taoist hubris about my ability to control via non-control. -- David Foster Wallace
  • Economists (and others) who are satisfied with nature-free equations develop a dangerous hubris about the potency of our species -- Garrett Hardin
  • What matters are those ordinary acts of kindness and of love, not vaulting ambition with its attendant hubris and smugness. -- Michael Dirda
  • Dreams of innocence are just that; they usually depend on a denial of reality that can be its own form of hubris. -- Michael Pollan
  • I think self-doubt, as grim as it can be, makes me a better writer. Stasis and hubris would probably be the death knell for my career. -- Kristan Higgins
  • Since the end of the World War II, the United States has fought three "small" wars...we lost all three of them and for the same reason-hubris. -- Andrew Greeley
  • It was the hubris of each generation to think this anew, to think that their time was special, that all things would come to an end with them. -- Hugh Howey
  • This is the story of Isaac and his time in America, the last turning of the centuries, when the hubris of men led them to believe they could disregard even nature itself. -- Erik Larson
  • Scientists in general tend to have what I would call a bit of hubris that the public do not necessarily understand. So scientists some times make claims that are misunderstood by the public. -- George Coyne
  • To act without rapacity, to use knowledge with wisdom, to respect interdependence, to operate without hubris and greed are not simply moral imperatives. They are an accurate scientific description of the means of survival. -- Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth