Hors quotes:

  • Hors D'oeuvre: A ham sandwich cut into forty pieces. -- Jack Benny
  • Hors d'oeuvres have always a pathetic interest for me; they remind me of one's childhood that one goes through wondering what the next course is going to be like - and during the rest of the menu one wishes one had eaten more of the hors d'oeuvres. -- Hector Hugh Munro
  • If you're into architecture and you're from the West, everything is hors d'oeuvres for working to rebuild the Temple. Ultimately you're led there. You can't escape it. -- Ben Nicholson
  • Often for hors d'oeuvres, I serve room temperature vegetables, something like that, so that the main course might be quite rich but the first course has balanced it out. -- Sally Schneider
  • You know, we don't have any decorative sprigs of rosemary; we're not placing little matchstick radishes onto an hors d'oeuvre... The food's gotta taste good. The concept's gotta taste good. -- Nadia Giosia
  • When I was a little kid, my mother and I used to watch the 'Golden Globes' and I would dress up and she would get sparkling apple cider and we would make a tray of hors d'oeuvres and watch it together. And I would get up and make a pretend speech. -- Lea Michele
  • I think my darkest days were probably when I was catering. I would go to these parties and pass out hors d'oeuvres, and it's like you're invisible. I remember one catering captain told me that all you are is a tray that comes into their space for a moment and then you leave. It was one of the most depressing things I've ever been told. -- Jack Falahee
  • I feel like an hors deurve waiting to happen. -- Cody Lundin
  • There is nothing outside of the text. [Fr., Il n'y a pas de hors-texte.] -- Jacques Derrida
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  • Saki says that youth is like hors d'oeuvres: you are so busy thinking of the next courses you don't notice it. When you've had them, you wish you'd had more hors d'oeuvres. -- Philip Larkin