Horizontal quotes:

  • Horizontal and vertical sprawl... are the dinosaurs of an ending fossil-fuel age of synthetic culture. -- Leon Krier
  • Tell them we'll be dancing, dancing 'til we drop, it's time to get down and do the Horizontal Bop. -- Bob Seger
  • There were shots of Kong pulling at my clothes, but only in horizontal and never from above. Never from above. -- Fay Wray
  • Horizontal expansion loses the depth, though excessive depth that only provokes darkness is futile. Therefore a balance between depth and vastness is essential in learning -- Priyavrat Thareja
  • When I came from horizontal vertical straight all old stuff then suddenly I go also again in curved lines. And there I submit to changes in the intensity of my hand leading a tool, you see. -- Josef Albers
  • Life is a horizontal fall. -- Jean Cocteau
  • Dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire. -- George Bernard Shaw
  • My paintings are certainly nonobjective. They're just horizontal lines. -- Agnes Martin
  • The trouble with the fast lane is that all the movement is horizontal. And I like to go vertical sometimes. -- Tom Robbins
  • To look out of a car in Scania, you see a painting on the horizontal - one windmill, one tiny farmhouse, acres of beet or grass. -- Kenneth Branagh
  • The timelessness of a concept has to be woven into the running warp of dying time, vertical power has to be wedded to the horizontal earth. -- Ella Maillart
  • Hence no force, however great, can stretch a cord, however fine, into a horizontal line which is accurately straight: there will always be a bending downwards. -- William Whewell
  • New York being what it is, our museums are vertical, not horizontal. That means the stumbling blocks to architectural clarity are unavoidable - but certainly surmountable. -- Jerry Saltz
  • Emphasis was usually put on the horizontal acceleration factor, for the simple reason that ordinary structures have a built-in safety factor for the vertical component; that is, gravity. -- Charles Francis Richter
  • In Christian terms, evangelization and humanization are not alternatives. Nor are the 'vertical dimension' of faith and the 'horizontal dimension' of love for one's neighbor and political change. -- Jurgen Moltmann
  • The difficulty with becoming a patient is that as soon as you get horizontal, part of your being yearns, not for a doctor, but for a medicine man. -- Shana Alexander
  • Passive righteousness tells us that God does not need our good works. Active righteousness tells us that our neighbor does. The aim and direction of good works are horizontal, not vertical. -- Tullian Tchividjian
  • TV journalism is a much more collaborative, horizontal business than print reporting. It has to be, because of the logistics. Anchors are wholly dependent on producers to do all the hustling. -- Tina Brown
  • I am a completely horizontal author. I can't think unless I'm lying down, either in bed or stretched on a couch and with a cigarette and coffee handy. I've got to be puffing and sipping. -- Dan Brown
  • Where we have the choice between putting a dollar against those that are going to advance horizontal integration and those that are going to sustain current capability, we'd rather put them against the horizontal integration activity. -- Stephen Cambone
  • The lowest and most level land areas show us, especially when we dig there to very great depths, nothing but horizontal layers of material more or less varied, which almost all contain innumerable products of the sea. -- Georges Cuvier
  • I don't think you can talk about progress in art - movement, but not progress. You can speak of a point on a line for the purpose of locating things, but it's a horizontal line, not a vertical one. -- Donald Barthelme
  • Comic-book pages are vertical, and movie screens are relentlessly horizontal. But it's all the same form. We use different tools, but we get the job done. I'm completely in love with CGI. It's great for conveying a cartoonist's sense of reality. -- Frank Miller
  • I think this is one reason why the Lord invented the Internet - so members can teach one another how to succeed in assignments the Lord has given us, and to give us opportunities to inspire and bear testimony in a horizontal way. -- Clayton Christensen
  • Traditional horizontal search engines cannot always identify the target audience, niche or vertical industry of a page or site. Vertical search engines address this issue by the nature of their design. They identify sites according to more specific criteria and sometimes even by human input. -- Marc Ostrofsky
  • But with Christ, we have access in a one-to-one relationship, for, as in the Old Testament, it was more one of worship and awe, a vertical relationship. The New Testament, on the other hand, we look across at a Jesus who looks familiar, horizontal. The combination is what makes the Cross. -- Bono
  • If you bend a branch until it's horizontal, the sap will slow to a stopping point: a comma or colon, made of leaves grown into one another and over one another and hardened. Out of this pause comes a flower, which unfolds itself in spirals, as if the leaf form, unable to keep to its line, had begun to pivot. -- Alice Oswald
  • Daddy, What's the horizontal tango? -- Simone Elkeles
  • My dream has always been to suspend myself in space when I write, and lying horizontal in bed is the closest to doing that. -- Richard Powers
  • Living is a horizontal fall. -- Jean Cocteau
  • Charity, vertical, humiliates. Solidarity, horizontal, helps. -- Eduardo Galeano
  • I'm old and my knowledge is strictly horizontal. -- Greg Proops
  • Dancing is a vertical interpretation of a horizontal intention. -- Fred Astaire
  • Vivre est une chute horizontale. Life is a horizontal fall. -- Jean Cocteau
  • I am diagonally parked among the vertically parallel people of this horizontal universe. -- Vikrmn
  • I won't consider getting horizontal with someone I can barely tolerate when we're vertical. -- Nora Roberts
  • Thanks to the oval I have discovered the meaning of the horizontal and the vertical. -- Georges Braque
  • Let us honor if we can the vertical man, though we value none but the horizontal one -- W. H. Auden
  • Life isn't some vertical or horizontal line -- you have your own interior world, and it's not neat. -- Patti Smith
  • There's an arbitrary idea that the horizontal edge in a frame has to be the point of reference. -- Garry Winogrand
  • The vertical and the horizontal are the extreme signs available to man for touching the beyond and his inwardness. -- Hans Arp
  • A vertical line is dignity. The horizontal line is peaceful. The obtuse angle is action. That's universal, it is primary. -- Janet Collins
  • My paintings are certainly nonobjective. They're just horizontal lines. There's not any hint of nature. And still everybody responds, I think. -- Agnes Martin
  • I am a completely horizontal author. I can't think unless I'm lying down, either in bed or stretched on a couch. -- Truman Capote
  • The core of humanity's sin problem is not a horizontal behavior to be corrected but a Vertical relationship to be restored. -- James MacDonald
  • The nature of the contrapuntal experience is that every note has to have a past and a future on the horizontal plane. -- Glenn Gould
  • I use the phrase 'sibling society' to suggest a culture fundamentally without fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, or ancestors. The thinking is horizontal. -- Robert Bly
  • I don't use a typewriter, I write longhand, with a pencil. Essentially I'm a horizontal writer. I think better when I'm lying down. -- Truman Capote
  • I am persuaded ... that both man and woman bear pain or sorrow, (and, for aught I know, pleasure too) best in a horizontal position. -- Laurence Sterne
  • Personally, I am a great believer in bed, in constantly keeping horizontal...the heart and everything else go slower, and the whole system is refreshed. -- Henry Campbell-Bannerman
  • Oh, you want me to lie still while you check me out? Damn, Red, if I'd have known that earlier I would've been horizontal already. -- M.A. Stacie
  • Unlike solidarity, which is horizontal and takes place between equals, charity is top-down, humiliating those who receive it and never challenging the implicit power relations. -- Eduardo Galeano
  • There is more suspense, more dramatic torque, in one page of [Nathaniel] Hawthorne's heart-racked ruminations onthe Christian consciencethaninall Demi Moore's woodland gallops and horizontal barn dancing. -- Anthony Lane
  • A horizontal or vertical line lacks energy, compared with one that deviates from either. The difference between these graphic expressions is the difference between movement and repose. -- Walter J. Phillips
  • In Christian terms, evangelization and humanization are not alternatives. Nor are the vertical dimension of faith and the horizontal dimension of love for ones neighbor and political change. -- Jürgen Moltmann
  • The outer purpose belongs to the horizontal dimension of space and time; the inner purpose concerns a deepening of your Being in the vertical dimension of the timeless Now. -- Eckhart Tolle
  • Time is the horizontal dimension of life, the surface layer of reality. Then there is the vertical dimension of depth, accessible only through the portal of the present moment. -- Eckhart Tolle
  • My affection for CinemaScope initially was my affection for the horizontal line as I learned it from having been apprenticed to an architect who was someone named Frank Lloyd Wright. -- Nicholas Ray
  • What was up with class today? It was watered-down porn. He practically had you and Patch on top of your lab table, horizontal, minus your clothes, doing the Big Deed. -- Becca Fitzpatrick
  • TV journalism is a much more collaborative, horizontal business than print reporting. It has to be, because of the logistics. Anchors are wholly dependent on producers to do all the hustling -- Tina Brown
  • The essential thing is to etch movements in the sky, movements so still they leave no trace. The essential thing is simplicity. / That is why the long path to perfection is horizontal. -- Philippe Petit
  • Religion operates not only on the vertical plane but also on the horizontal. It seeks not only to integrate men with God but to integrate men with men and each man with himself. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Where can an interrogation lead us which does not follow reason in its horizontal course, but seeks to retrace in time that constant vertically which confronts European culture with what it is not? -- Michel Foucault
  • This severe, ascetic music, calm and horizontal as the line of the ocean, monotonous by virtue of its serenity, anti-sensuous, and yet so intense in its contemplativeness that it verges sometimes on ecstasy. -- Charles Gounod
  • Whenever I got a new studio I made the largest possible painting, and since the ceiling was low, the painting became horizontal. As I changed studios and got larger spaces, I made bigger paintings. -- James Rosenquist
  • He did not feel the ground under his feet - he thrust himself into the capriole, rose high in the air-forelegs and hind legs horizontal. He soared above the ground, he head in jubilation. Conquering! -- Felix Salten
  • You drive the landscape like a herd of clouds Moving against your horizontal tower Of steadfast speed. All England lies beneath you like a woman With limbs ravished By one glance carrying all these eyes. -- Stephen Spender
  • Vertical lift-up politics rather than horizontal left-right. -- Mike Huckabee