Homestead quotes:

  • In 1862, Abraham Lincoln signed the Homestead Act, a bill opening one half million square miles of territory in the western United States for settlement. -- Peter Agre
  • At the time I attempted to purchase the rights back for the 3 Homestead records, but the owner demanded an outrageous sum in the neighborhood of $10,000, about 10 times more money than I could get my hands on at the time. -- Mark Edwards
  • Americans have always built for the future. That is why we established land grant colleges and passed the Homestead Act to open our Western lands more than 100 years ago. -- Lyndon B. Johnson
  • Over hundred years ago Abraham Lincoln signed the Homestead Act. There was wide distribution of land and they didn't confiscate anyone's privately owned land... We need an industrial Homestead Act. -- Ronald Reagan
  • At the time I attempted to purchase the rights back for the 3 Homestead records, but the owner demanded an outrageous sum in the neighborhood of $10,000, about 10 times more money than I could get my hands on at the time. -- Mark Edwards
  • The enactment of the Homestead Act would create the strongest tie between the citizen and the Government-he would with cheerfulness contribute his proportionable part of the taxes to defray the expenses of the political system under which he lived. -- Andrew Johnson
  • An allusion has been made to the Homestead Law. I think it worthy of consideration, and that the wild lands of the country should be distributed so that every man should have the means and opportunity of benefitting his condition. -- Abraham Lincoln
  • The parents pull you aside and say, `I have to give credit where credit is due, you really are sacrificing a lot for the community, and giving,' .. But I'm from here and committed to Homestead and the Steel Valley, and it's a no-brainer to me. -- Charlie Batch
  • The free, independent spirit who commits himself to no dogma and will not decide in favor of any party has no homestead on earth. -- Stefan Zweig
  • My father's parents were Irish. Only a year before my father died, he and I went back to Ireland for a week to look at the old homestead. -- John C. Hawkes
  • As a young girl, I saw commitment in my grandmother, who helped Grandpa homestead our farm on the Kansas prairie. Somehow they outlasted the Dust Bowl, the Depression, and the tornadoes that terrorize the Great Plains. -- Sheri L. Dew
  • Pa did not like a country so old and worn out that the hunting was poor. He wanted to go west. For two years he had wanted to go west and take a homestead, but Ma did not want to leave the settled country. -- Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • The Homestead plant, taken as a whole, is complete and finished in every department. There is nothing of any consequence to be desired. It is the first time I have ever been connected with any works that I could say it is finished and complete and to my entire satisfaction. -- Charles M. Schwab
  • A pig has a plow on the end of its nose because it does meaningful work with it. It is built to dig and create soil disturbance, something it can't do in a concentrated feeding environment. The omnivore has historically been a salvage operation for food scraps around the homestead. -- Joel Salatin
  • I find my greatest happiness in thinking of those days in Homestead when I labored to bring a thing to perfection entirely by myself. In the evenings, I would go into the hills and look down on my work, and I knew that it was good, and my heart was elated. -- Charles M. Schwab
  • A farmer travelling with his load Picked up a horseshoe on the road, And nailed if fast to his barn door, That luck might down upon him pour; That every blessing known in life Might crown his homestead and his wife, And never any kind of harm Descend upon his growing farm. -- James Thomas Fields
  • There are some things we will always own in common. No one will ever homestead an ocean. -- Wally Hickel
  • There isn't a child who hasn't gone out into the brave new world who eventually doesn't return to the old homestead carrying a bundle of dirty clothes. -- Art Buchwald
  • For all symbols are fluxional; all language is vehicular and transitive, and is good, as ferries and houses are, for conveyance, not as farms and houses are, for homestead. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • For all symbols are fluxional; all language is vehicular and transitive, and is good, as ferries and horses are, for conveyance, not as farms and houses are, for homestead. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • A world without a Sabbath would be like a man without a smile, like summer without flowers, and like a homestead without a garden. It is the most joyous day of the week. -- Henry Ward Beecher