Grown-Ups quotes:

  • Grown-ups do a lot of complaining! -- Dav Pilkey
  • Baseball was made for kids, and grown-ups only screw it up. -- Bob Lemon
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  • Grown-ups are afraid for children. It's not children who are afraid. -- Maurice Sendak
  • The kids all knew me from Wayne's World. The grown-ups knew me after True Lies. -- Tia Carrere
  • Children are perfectly happy to sit next to spiders; it is only grown-ups who are frightened away. -- Craig Brown
  • It is remarkable how easily children and grown-ups adapt to living in a dictatorship organised by lunatics. -- A. N. Wilson
  • Well, most grown-ups forget what it was like to be a kid. I vowed that I would never forget. -- Matt Groening
  • If you want grown-ups to recycle, just tell their kids the importance of recycling, and they'll be all over it. -- Bill Nye
  • Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • My work in books, films and talks lies almost wholly with children, and I have very little time to give to grown-ups. -- Enid Blyton
  • Children know from a remarkably early age that things are being kept from them, that grown-ups participate in a world of mysteries. -- Anthony Hecht
  • Babies and young children are like the research and development division of the human species, and we grown-ups are production and marketing. -- Alison Gopnik
  • One of the most obvious facts about grown-ups, to a child, is that they have forgotten what it is like to be a child. -- Randall Jarrell
  • We learn differently as children than as adults. For grown-ups, learning a new skill is painful, attention-demanding, and slow. Children learn unconsciously and effortlessly. -- Alison Gopnik
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  • Americans need to call on Boomers, in their next act onstage, to behave like grown-ups. And there is no better way for them to do this than to guide young people to lives of greater meaning, effectiveness, and purpose. -- Eric Liu
  • Children go from being a kind of cultural protectorate to the Junior Auxiliary of the tube-watching nation at large, and programs are designed for them on the same principle as they're designed for grown-ups: as a way to sell eyeballs to advertisers. -- Jonathan Dee
  • I think the shyness one feels in childhood is often overcome with time. There are children who hide behind their parents' legs, but you don't see grown-ups hiding behind people. It just doesn't happen. I mean, not that often. People develop social skills over time. -- Susan Cain
  • Most kids are smarter than most grown-ups. Kids see the world in black and white... They look through all the garbage and see a world run by fools and dullards and lazy people. And there's nothing they can do about it because they have no power. -- Dav Pilkey
  • Perhaps life is actually more confusing and unknowable to an adult than a child, but grown-ups have learned to deceive themselves and act as if they understand what's going on; and some are elected to high office on the basis of their ability to create this impression. -- Michael Leunig
  • I saw my parents as model grown-ups, and their manner, their silence, informed my sense of what adulthood looked and felt like. Grown-ups behaved rationally and calmly. Grown-ups worked during the day and came home at night and sat down for drinks and passed the evening quietly. -- Caroline Knapp
  • Even when I was a kid, I had a good thing with kids. To this day, if I go to a birthday party with one of my kids, I swear to you, I am so much happier hanging out with my kids and their friends than talking to the grown-ups. -- Shawn Levy
  • I started at home as a kid putting on shows and lip-syncing Michael Jackson for the grown-ups. Then, in musicals and plays in school. At 17, I was performing in coffee shops and in parking lots at Phish shows. At 18, I had a band that played local shows in the Northwest. -- Matisyahu
  • Oh wow, you know what's wrong with all these families on TV? All these kids say stuff no kid would say. Stuff grown-ups want them to say. Man, I'd make a really realistic family. Where kids get spankings. On TV parents say, 'Oh, you shouldn't do that ever again. Now you can have ice cream.' Forget it. -- Macaulay Culkin
  • I felt cheated by the way grown-ups told me that the future of the world was bleak when I became a teenager in the 1970s. The pollution explosion was unstoppable. Global famine was inevitable. I genuinely want the next generation, my own kids, to know that actually it's possible that the future might be better than the past. -- Matt Ridley
  • Grown ups are certainly very strange. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • Philosophy is the education of grown-ups. -- Stanley Cavell
  • Evolution is a fairy tale for grown-ups. -- Duane Gish
  • grown-ups always say that things are complicated. -- Nicholas Sparks
  • People like to make children into little grown-ups. -- Mara Wilson
  • Pooh! Grown-ups are always thinking of uninteresting explanations. -- C. S. Lewis
  • Some things are private, Ethan. Even for grown-ups. -- Kami Garcia
  • The entire world of grown-ups is corrupt and stupid. -- Matt Groening
  • Sometimes grown ups don't act their right old age -- Barbara Park
  • Comic books to me are fairy tales for grown-ups. -- Stan Lee
  • Grown ups don't believe in Santa Claus. They vote. -- Pierre Desproges
  • How could anything non-controversial be of intellectual interest to grown-ups? -- Edward Abbey
  • Grown ups are complicated creatures, full of quirks and secrets. -- Roald Dahl
  • Unlike grown ups, children have little need to deceive themselves. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Children sometimes understand things that most grown-ups do not see. -- Jonathan Kozol
  • Children have a master to teach them, grown-ups have the poets. -- Aristophanes
  • All grown-ups were once childrenbut only few of them remember it. -- ilana Graf
  • All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • I think grown-ups don't go to movies because they're much more discerning. -- Joseph Bologna
  • I'm not raising the children-I'm raising the grown-ups that they're going to be. -- Louis C. K.
  • And this I have learned grown-ups do not know the language of shadows. -- Opal Whiteley
  • There are no grown-ups....Everyone is winging it, some just do it more confidently. -- Pamela Druckerman
  • When people are grownups they're grown ups. They make their own decisions you know. -- Rene Redzepi
  • Children have one kind of silliness, as you know, and grown-ups have another kind. -- C. S. Lewis
  • These are characters in a fairy tale for grown-ups. Wouldn't it be lovely? Yes. -- Diane Arbus
  • The whole experience on 'Grown Ups 2' was like going to adult summer camp. -- Halston Sage
  • It wasn't a bit of good fighting grown-ups. They could do exactly as they liked. -- Enid Blyton
  • For me adulthood is realising that there are no grown-ups and everyone else is winging it, -- Sarah Beeny
  • I like all weddings, but isn't it particularly lovely when two grown-ups decide to get married? -- Gabrielle Zevin
  • Billionaires prefer Black women. They are loyal and guard your interests. Black wives are for grown ups. -- Ben Horowitz
  • Children know so little, they must learn quickly to imitate grown-ups whenever they feel unsure in a situation. -- Francesca Marciano
  • In the window, I fantasize... about providing grown-ups and children alike with the greatest gift of all: insight... -- David Rakoff
  • Oh, grown-ups cannot understand, And grown-ups never will, How short the way to fairyland Across the purple hill. -- Alfred Noyes
  • Grown-ups have developed an unpleasant habit of comforting themselves for their degradation by pretending that children are childish. -- T.H. White
  • It is only grown-ups who want children to be children; children themselves always want to be real people ... -- Jill Paton Walsh
  • Eventually kids become grown-ups too, and from there, the world is whatever they choose to make of it. -- Allison Winn Scotch
  • Once I learned, I went online and ordered every romance novel I could find. They're fairy tales for grown-ups. -- Gena Showalter
  • That's the way they are. You must not hold it against them. Children should be very understanding of grown-ups. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • You know, it's just politics, it's a game grown-ups like to play, like we lil' children play with toys. -- Sharon Maas
  • The good life for me always meant connecting with those big, important issues that grown-ups get so excited about. -- Frances Moore Lappé
  • Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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  • Babies and young children are like the research and development division of the human species, and we grown-ups are production and marketing, -- Alison Gopnik
  • Only grown-ups think that the things children say come out of nowhere. We know they come from the deepest parts of ourselves. -- bell hooks
  • I'd like a pop-up magazine with 45 articles on Russell Crowe. I'm like a teenager. I'd have 'Teen Beat' if I could, for grown-ups. -- Caroline Rhea
  • The thing I would most like to see invented is a way of teaching children and grown-ups the difference between right and wrong. -- Robert Maxwell
  • Children are given Mozart because of the small quantity of the notes; grown-ups avoid Mozart because of the great quality of the notes. -- Artur Schnabel
  • Even in this world of course it is the stupidest children who are most childish and the stupidest grown-ups who are most grown-up. -- C. S. Lewis
  • ...and that there were many things grown-ups did which couldn't properly be judged by young people until the young people were grown-ups themselves... -- Nick Joaquín
  • ...and that there were many things grow-ups did which couldn't properly be judged by young people until the young people were grown-ups themselves... -- Nick Joaquín
  • Unfortunately, it has come to my attention that the modern world is sorely lacking in imagination. And grown-ups are the biggest culprits of all. -- Sarvenaz Tash
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  • It won't hurt, said her other father. Coraline knew that when grown-ups told you something wouldn't hurt it almost always did. She shook her head. -- Neil Gaiman
  • When I was a young student, I thought grow-ups would come and make things work. Now I realize that grown-ups are just kids with wrinkles. -- Esther Dyson
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  • Rachel Cusk's books are like pop-up volumes for grown-ups, the prose springing out of the page to bop you neatly between the eyes with its insights. -- Julie Burchill
  • Me and Fred Wolf wrote the movie [ Grown Ups]. The whole idea was about putting together old friends that get to hang out for a weekend. -- Adam Sandler
  • For old actors, just remember that inside you're only 14. Acting is for kids. You poor old grown-ups, you've forgotten how to do what kids know automatically. -- Ian Mckellen
  • When I was a kid, I loved to draw, and I was lucky because I had parents and teachers and grown-ups around who recognised and encouraged that. -- Tony DiTerlizzi
  • Grown-ups didn't seem to realize that for me, as for most other schoolboys, it was easier to keep silent than to speak. I was a natural oyster. -- L.P. Hartley
  • Peas baffled me. I could not understand why grown-ups would take things that tasted so good raw, and then put them in tins, and make them revolting. -- Neil Gaiman
  • Relationships is not a game of amateurs is what people say..But they begin to foster between amateurs and become a reason to make them matured grown-ups! -- Sujit Lalwani
  • The local painters were my idols...These artists, too, were grown-ups, but they were grown-ups who could still see! Their eye was still in love! Like mine! -- Frederick Franck
  • Why do grown-ups think it's easier for children to bear secrets than the truth? Don't they know about the horror stories we imagine to explain the secrets? -- Cornelia Funke
  • There are a lot of grown ups who, should be sent up to their rooms, and told they must stay there, until they learn they can play fair. -- Dawud Wharnsby Ali
  • Unlike these powerful grown-ups, children have no ideologies to reinforce, no superstructure of political opinion to promote, no civic equanimity or image to defend, no personal reputation to secure. -- Jonathan Kozol
  • Learning between grown-ups and kids should be reciprocal. The reality, unfortunately, is a little different, and it has a lot to do with trust, or a lack of it. -- Adora Svitak
  • ...if a child waited to speak until all the grown-ups settled down and gave her some room to say her piece, the most important things would never get said. -- Katherine Hannigan
  • David Sedaris wrote in one of his books that people like to make children into little grown-ups, which to him is about as funny as a dog in sunglasses. -- Mara Wilson
  • Let the children have their night of fun and laughter, let the gifts of Father Christmas delight their play. Let us grown-ups share to the full in their unstinted pleasures. -- Winston Churchill
  • Monuments Men' is a movie... I don't want to say for grown-ups, because some young folks could appreciate it, too. But if you're expecting 'Transformers,' you're going to be disappointed. -- Grant Heslov
  • Human passions have mysterious ways, in children as well as grown-ups. Those affected by them can't explain them, and those who haven't known them have no understanding of them at all. -- Michael Ende
  • A sensitive boy's humiliations may be very good fun for ordinary thick-skinned grown-ups; but to the boy himself theyareso acute, so ignominious, that he cannot confess themcannot but deny them passionately. -- George Bernard Shaw
  • The coaches today should realize that they are, after all, working with children who sometimes have to stand up to physical and moral stresses which not even all grown-ups could bear. -- Elena Mukhina
  • I had 500 kids at camp this past summer for example. We do nine weeks for kids and nine days for grown ups every summer. The adult camp is a lot of fun. -- Wavy Gravy
  • When you're in a slump, it's almost as if you look out at the field and it's one big glove. Vance Law Baseball was made for kids, and grown-ups only screw it up. -- Bob Lemon
  • For hundreds of years, that was the major form of entertainment: The grown-ups sat around and watched the kids play. Now they sit around and watch the television. The actors are the kids. -- David Duchovny
  • In childhood, we yearn to be grown-ups. In old age, we yearn to be kids. It just seems that all would be wonderful if we didn't have to celebrate our birthdays in chronological order. -- Robert Breault
  • I think it's odd that grown-ups quarrel so easily and so often and about such petty matters. Up to now I always thought bickering was just something children did and that they outgrew it. -- Anne Frank
  • I know people think that acting is not quite the occupation of grown-ups, but it is actually the ultimate learning process: You get a multitude of experiences, all for the price of one life. -- Natalie Dormer
  • By doing that and being very competitive, the grown-ups started telling me even back before I started playing organized ball that I was too physical and too advanced for the kids my own age. -- Bo Jackson
  • Life has meaning and we grown-ups know what it is is the universal lie that everyone is supposed to believe. Once you become an adult and you realize that's not true, it's too late. -- Muriel Barbery
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  • But there was one other thing that the grown-ups also knew, and it was this: that however small the chance might be of striking lucky, the chance is there. The chance had to be there. -- Roald Dahl
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  • The Doctor: 'You know when grown-ups tell you everything's going to be fine, but you really think they're lying to make you feel better?' Amelia: 'Yeah...' The Doctor: 'Everything's going to be fine. -- Steven Moffat
  • Miles: Well, things are kind of complicated right now. When you're a grown-up, you'll understand. Jonah: I don't want to be a grown-up. Miles: Why not? Jonah: Because grown-ups always say that things are complicated. -- Nicholas Sparks
  • Adolescence is a tough time for parent and child alike. It is a time between: between childhood and maturity, between parental protection and personal responsibility, between life stage- managed by grown-ups and life privately held. -- Anna Quindlen