Feature Film quotes:

  • My mother gave me this book called Feature Films at Used Car Prices by a guy named Rick Schmidt. I gotta credit the guy, cuz he gave me the most practical advice. It empowers you. -- Vin Diesel
  • To make a documentary is one thing, to make a feature film is quite another. -- Dennis Hopper
  • I started off writing TV adverts. I saw those as rehearsals for a feature film. -- Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
  • It's tricky to take a book of short stories and turn it into a feature film. -- Gia Coppola
  • I get better roles in television. I'm not going to do a lesser role just to be in a feature film. -- Jaclyn Smith
  • The Best Man' was my first feature film, and I didn't want to be known as a director who only does romantic comedies. -- Melissa De Sousa
  • I never like to stick to one media; whether it's a TV series or feature film, I enjoy it and I like changing constantly. -- Aneurin Barnard
  • After a couple of attempts at making shorts, I decided to make a feature film with a friend, Tom Hall, whom I've worked with ever since. -- John Carney
  • I have actually directed over thirty plays and about one hundred commercials for cable TV, but have not yet had the opportunity to direct a feature film. -- Sid Haig
  • I'm used to adapting my novels for feature film - it can be challenging to cut and compress three or four hundred pages into two hours of dramatic action. -- Tom Perrotta
  • I want to do feature films. I am flying to Malaysia to be in another feature film. We will be filming that in Malaysia, the Phillipines, and back in California. -- Thuy Trang
  • I think feature film can be quite conservative, because you have to now get audiences to come out, and it's quite a hard thing to do. Of course, television can be conservative too. -- Jane Campion
  • Pixar's short films convinced Disney that if the company could produce memorable characters within five minutes, then the confidence was there in creating a feature film with those abilities in story and character development. -- John Lasseter
  • I mean, journalism is very detailed... you try to get down in the weeds and sort out exactly what happened. And I don't think that a feature film is really a place where that happens. -- Mark Boal
  • When we started Angels & Airwaves, we wanted to produce our art on different mediums, but the film was an ambitious one because we actually didn't go into it thinking we could make a big feature film. -- Tom DeLonge
  • When the BBC decided to bring Doctor Who back as a feature film a few years ago, one national newspaper ran a poll to ask its readers who should be the new Doctor, and I topped it. -- Simon Callow
  • I'm interested in taking raw human emotions and then isolating them without any narrative structure. In order to achieve this, I try to break out of the narrative conventions that you'd see in a typical feature film. -- Sam Taylor-Wood
  • I think of all media, television is the most powerful when it comes to selling books, because when you have a feature film, yeah, there's a rush. But then after that month is over and the movie goes out of release, that's it. -- Tess Gerritsen
  • I think what's so great about making your first feature film is that you're so naive in some ways; you don't know what to expect, and you don't question things as much because you're just trying to figure it out as you go. -- Gia Coppola
  • I feel like something I've wanted to do for a really long time, in a feature film or anything, is playing a rocker. Somewhere where I can be on a stage and have a guitar or a microphone and just kind of jam out. -- Olivia Holt
  • When I was going for my graduate degree, I decided I was going to make a feature film as my thesis. That's what I was famous for-that I had my thesis film be a feature film, which was 'You're a Big Boy Now.' -- Francis Ford Coppola
  • The first feature film I did, when I did 'Night Shift,' I improvised quite a bit because I would improvise at the audition, so sometimes I would return to the original lines, and then when I was on set, I would improvise even more. -- Michael Keaton
  • One of the differences between HBO and other television is that they demand the same coverage that you would have in a feature film. We need to have all the shots in order to make it as rich and as stunning as it looks. We can't cut any corners. -- Mark Addy
  • I wanted to make Jerusalem as feature film. But we couldn't finance it only through theatrical release, we couldn't get all the money we needed. We had to get some money from television. So we said, ok, let's do it both ways. So we did it in four parts. -- Bille August
  • Lord of the Rings was something I always wanted to do. I read the book when I was about 25, and I was always hoping if it was ever made into a feature film that I would be involved in some way. And then I finally got it, and I was over the moon. It was fantastic news. -- Sean Bean
  • I would love to be nominated for an award at some point or do something that at least engenders the type of cultural conversation that a role like Giancarlo Esposito on 'Breaking Bad,' or actually any of the people on 'Breaking Bad.' I would love to have a role in a feature film that was a cultural talking point. -- Stephen Amell
  • I did three of the original 'Twilight Zone' episodes, yes. Also, I did a little thing in the feature film, and then I wrote one of the episodes in 'The Twilight Zone's last round where I starred with Cloris Leachman and my daughter Liliana in a true sequel to 'It's a Good Life.' So, yes, I have a good 'Twilight Zone' alumni jacket. -- Bill Mumy
  • A feature film is twenty-four lies per second. -- Michael Haneke
  • Making your first feature film is actually impossible. -- Yahoo Serious
  • A feature film is an expansion of budget, stress, story, hours, time, workload, everything. -- Taika Waititi
  • Angel was the first Irish feature film. Neil's first movie and my first movie. -- Stephen Rea
  • Music is the subliminal connecting adhesive in film, or at least in narrative feature films. -- Carter Burwell
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  • Dragon's Lair 3D is about as close as you can come to controlling an animated feature film. -- Don Bluth
  • I initially moved to Switzerland for work on an animated feature film, and have been here ever since. -- John Howe
  • I think it's great to be able to go and watch a short film before you watch a feature. -- Joel Edgerton
  • Charlie Chaplin and I would have a friendly contest: Who could do the feature film with the least subtitles? -- Buster Keaton
  • I think it's great to be able to go and watch a short film before you watch a feature. -- Joel Edgerton
  • By the time 'Dumbo's Circus' wrapped production of its 120 episodes, I had an agent, and I had scored my first feature film gig. -- Jim Cummings
  • It's all movies for me. And besides, when you say documentaries, in my case, in most of these cases, means "feature film" in disguise. -- Werner Herzog
  • Whenever I'm making a feature film, I wish I were filming a documentary, because making feature films is so stressful. It happens every time. -- Fatih Ak?n
  • We don't work in the traditional TV format where we're like writing concurrently to shooting. Like, we really view it as a large feature film. -- Jay Duplass
  • I don't subscribe to the school of thought that as a feature film producer I shouldn't dabble in television, web content, or even comic books ... -- Adi Shankar
  • Poland and my roots are very important for me. That's why I decided to make a feature film in Poland, and with only Polish money. -- Malgorzata Szumowska
  • When I'm able to bring together the two worlds that I love so much - film and TV - is a documentary feature, it's nirvana! -- Dori Berinstein
  • A gem of a short film has a sense of pure joy in animation that is different from anything you see in a feature film. -- John Lasseter
  • I graduated from UC San Diego, wanted to work in film to get my hands-on real experience, did music videos, TV, feature films, all kinds of stuff. -- Ziad Doueiri
  • I always felt completely confident - it's like in a feature film, knowing your principle character is extremely well-cast. I had that same confidence in Clive [Oppenheimer]. -- Werner Herzog
  • I was a film editor for eight years before I made my first feature, 'Dog Soldiers.' I am from Newcastle upon Tyne, in the northeast of England. -- Neil Marshall
  • By the way, today with digital cameras and editing on your laptop, and things like that, you can make a feature film, a narrative feature film easily for $10,000. -- Werner Herzog
  • [Jack Reacher] is the longest I'd ever shot anything - and let's be clear, this is my first studio feature film - so there was a huge learning curve. -- Patrick Heusinger
  • When I worked on 2001 - which was my first feature film - I was deeply and permanently affected by the notion that a movie could be like a first-person experience. -- Douglas Trumbull
  • It proved to be pretty impossible to get funds for a feature film in Finland. It's still small, but the film industry was miniscule at that point in the early '80s. -- Renny Harlin
  • Right now I just finished writing the music for a Rugrats feature film and the third week of September I go to London, and the Orchestra is going to perform the score. -- Mark Mothersbaugh
  • I'd love to win an Oscar; that would be great. I hope to get a feature film that I've made get a wide release. I'm not sure that's ever going to happen. -- Bill Plympton
  • [This kind of strange mythology about me.] I've pulled a huge steamboat over a mountain; I've done a feature film with all the actors acting under hypnosis - things that are very unusual. -- Werner Herzog
  • I think that too often we, film directors, think that a big epic novel and feature film are the same. It's a lie. A feature film is much closer to a short story actually. -- Pirjo Honkasalo
  • We did this film in 13 days, mind you. And 13 days is not very long for a feature film. Nobody in their right mind would argue that. Nobody in their right mind would do that. -- Kurtwood Smith
  • In feature film world I'm very much...a hired hand. It's a world of Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts, Mel Gibson - they're able to produce and to star and it's, that's not my world. -- Angela Bassett
  • [My work] looks very cinematic because it's not abstract video art. It's sometimes very narrative and since I play with film grammar in my video work, making a feature film was almost the same challenge. -- Nicolas Provost