Extraterrestrials quotes:

  • There is a very large chunk of our population who firmly believe in extraterrestrials. -- Jeri Ryan
  • I sing about UFOs and extraterrestrials, and so I designed a UFO fashion. It includes science-fiction bikinis and Bermuda Triangle shorts. -- Nina Hagen
  • I imagine if aliens came down to Earth, they'd actually be quite tall; people seem to get everything right about extraterrestrials but the size! -- Nicolas Roeg
  • Ethan Allen was convinced that every planet out there has its own intelligent extraterrestrials. And this, as you can imagine, is a radical, inspiring, but very unsettling, idea. -- Matthew Stewart
  • I prefer to speak of 'interdimensionals' rather than 'extraterrestrials' because the latter has connotations of 'little green men' and all the other cliche responses. Nor does it tell the full story. -- David Icke
  • Like many of the ideas that mattered in the American Revolution, extraterrestrials got their start in antiquity. The Greek philosopher Epicurus speculated that the universe must be infinite, eternal and abounding in 'worlds' just like our own. -- Matthew Stewart
  • I think human self-hatred may be the great untold story of the millennium. It's the common thread linking deep ecology and animal rights, the love and money we lavish on pets, the uneasy longing for extraterrestrials to be meddling with us. -- Annie Gottlieb
  • Hollywood usually guesses that extraterrestrials would only be interested in one of three things: (1) They want to breed with us, because their own reproductive machinery is on the blink; (2) They want Earth's resources; or (3) They want the Earth. All of it. -- Seth Shostak
  • Most visions of extraterrestrial life are actually steeped in human hubris. The fictional extraterrestrials of 'Star Trek' or a hundred other space operas are less alien than many of my neighbors. And funny, the ones running the place are mostly WASPish men. -- Nathan Myhrvold
  • Sir Isaac Newton gave the extraterrestrials their biggest shot in the arm when he embraced the infinite universe as the basis for his hugely influential system of physics. Even so, the aliens of the early modern period remained creatures of philosophy rather than science. -- Matthew Stewart
  • Another random thing I do is the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or SETI. And you may be familiar with the movie 'Contact,' which sort of popularized that. It turns out there are real people who go out and search for extraterrestrials in a very scientific way. -- Nathan Myhrvold
  • I'm sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It's just been too intelligent to come here. -- Arthur C. Clarke
  • A time will come when men will stretch out their eyes. They should see planets like our Earth. -- Christopher Wren
  • She loves dogs. And in time, who knows, maybe she would even have ended up loving the type of dogs who eat other small dogs for lunch.-- Leslie McNeill -- Richard Finney
  • Blacker than the night, the wedge penetrated the darkness. An F 117 raced by, the roar from its engines screaming through the interior of the chopper, and then it sliced away a piece of sky and disappeared into the void.-Narrator, Truth Insurrected: The Saint Mary Project -- Daniel P. Douglas
  • You have to think if we've been visited by extraterrestrial life, it was like a zookeeper walking into the chimp enclosure: He looks around, takes some pictures, then leaves without interacting significantly with the environment. Meanwhile the chimps have no idea what the fuck just happened. -- J. Richard Singleton
  • I believe that the place to search for extraterrestrials is in the psychic dimension. -- Terence McKenna
  • I believe in UFOs, I believe in extraterrestrials, and I believe in angels. And maybe they'll protect all of us. -- Shirley MacLaine
  • I believe in extraterrestrials, but I believe that real extraterrestrials are so peculiar that the job is to recognize them. -- Terence McKenna
  • It's abundantly clear that we already have extraterrestrials living among us, and people are stepping forward who can communicate with them. -- Sylvia Browne
  • I not only believe, I believe that there are many different species of ships, there are many different species of extraterrestrials, and not all of them are up to good. -- Dan Aykroyd
  • Through channeling, we can make conscious contact with higher planes. We can also communicate with beings who are physical but nonhumans, such as devas (nature spirits), dolphins and whales, and extraterrestrials. -- Shepherd Hoodwin
  • Extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. The Vatican is receiving much information about extraterrestrials and their contacts with humans from its Nuncios (embassies) in various countries, such as Mexico, Chile and Venezuela. -- Corrado Balducci