Explicitly quotes:

  • Explicitly Christian themes are regularly excluded from news articles. -- Gary DeMar
  • Foreign policy is an explicitly amoral enterprise. -- Samantha Power
  • The right to procreate is not guaranteed, explicitly or implicitly, by the Constitution. -- Robert Bork
  • I think my films are always political, even if I don't put explicitly political things in them. -- Pedro Almodovar
  • Every game designer should make one explicitly world-changing game. Lawyers do pro bono work, why can't we? -- Jane McGonigal
  • Privacy is not explicitly spelled out in the Constitution as freedom of speech is in the First Amendment. -- Larry Flynt
  • Every philosophy is tinged with the coloring of some secret imaginative background, which never emerges explicitly into its train of reasoning. -- Alfred North Whitehead
  • I am explicitly not opening the giant can of worms that is the ongoing current discussion of patent, copyright, and trademark reform. -- James Fallows
  • The Hamas organization is explicitly dedicated to the destruction of Israel. That is not a rhetorical gimmick; it is its declared unwavering primary goal. -- James Howard Kunstler
  • Therefore, the observation must be explicitly made: In the Middle East and in the Muslim world, suspicions linger concerning the objectives of the West and notably the US. -- Recep Tayyip Erdogan
  • The implications of these considerations justify the statement that all empirically verifiable knowledge even the commonsense knowledge of everyday life - involves implicitly, if not explicitly, systematic theory in this sense. -- Talcott Parsons
  • I guess the more serious you play something, if the context is funny, then it will be funny and it doesn't really require you to be necessarily, explicitly humorous, or silly. -- Jesse Eisenberg
  • To think Being itself explicitly requires disregarding Being to the extent that it is only grounded and interpreted in terms of beings and for beings as their ground, as in all metaphysics. -- Martin Heidegger
  • I have no idea where the concept came from that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution, and I don't like it being shoved down my throat. -- Ben Stein
  • Everyone assumes America must play the leading role in crafting some settlement or compromise between the Israelis and the Palestinians. But Jefferson, Madison, and Washington explicitly warned against involving ourselves in foreign conflicts. -- Ron Paul
  • I mentioned the non-competitive spirit explicitly, because these days, excellence is a fashionable concept. But excellence is a competitive notion, and that is not what we are heading for: we are heading for perfection. -- Edsger Dijkstra
  • People who talk about revolution and class struggle without referring explicitly to everyday life, without understanding what is subversive about love and what is positive in the refusal of constraints, such people have a corpse in their mouth. -- Raoul Vaneigem
  • I don't have any desire to do something that sounds explicitly rock. Like, I don't have a burning need to be a rock musician. I feel like I've taken that as far as I can take it, for me. -- Kim Gordon
  • Satan cannot win. Why not? Because he has denied God's sovereignty and disobeyed God's law. But Moses was told explicitly, God's blessings come only from obedience. Satan will not win because he has abandoned God's tool of dominion, biblical law. -- Gary North
  • We need to accept that consumption is not the end goal of our life and stop measuring our well-being simply on the basis of earnings. We need to explicitly take the quality of our work-related life into account in judging our well-being. -- Ha-Joon Chang
  • Whether this was explicitly taught or implicitly caught, I grew up with the impression that when it comes to the Christian life, justification was step one and sanctification was step two and that once we get to step two there's no reason to revisit step one. -- Tullian Tchividjian
  • I would like us to think about it more explicitly, and not take our intuitions as the given of ethics, but rather to reflect on it, and be more open about the fact that something is an ethical issues and think what we ought to do about it. -- Peter Singer
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  • Every year the literary press praises dozens if not hundreds of novels to the skies, asserting explicitly or implicitly that these books will probably not be suffering water damage in the basements of their authors' houses 20 years from now. But historically, anyway, that's not the way the novelistic ecology works. -- Lev Grossman
  • The tenth amendment said the federal government is supposed to only have powers that were explicitly given in the Constitution. I think the federal government's gone way beyond that. The Constitution never said that you could have a Federal Reserve that would have $2.8 trillion in assets. We've gotten out of control. -- David Malpass
  • When I launched the development of the GNU system, I explicitly said the purpose of developing this system is so we can use our computers and have freedom, thus if you use some other free system instead but you have freedom, then it's a success. It's not popularity for our code but it's success for our goal. -- Richard Stallman
  • The Obama administration came into Utah and said, 'We're not going to listen to what the U.S. Supreme Court said. 'We, the federal government, are going to recognize marriages in the state of Utah and Utah state law explicitly does not recognize as marriage,' and that was really, in my view, an abuse of power. -- Ted Cruz
  • Time must be explicitly managed, like money. -- Randy Pausch
  • In books I found explicitly, flamboyantly, everything censored in life. -- Lynne Sharon Schwartz
  • Psychological horror is more interesting to me than the explicitly physical. -- Andrew Pyper
  • Platitude: a statement that denies by implication what it explicitly affirms. -- Edward Abbey
  • The right to procreate is not guaranteed, explicitly or implicitly, by the Constitution -- Robert Bork
  • Readers need to stop assuming characters are white if race isn't explicitly defined. -- Roxane Gay
  • Unwrapping occurs when the "solution" is explicitly built into the program from the start. -- John Henry Holland
  • Through the persons who explicitly accept his Word, the Lord reveals the world to itself. -- Gustavo Gutiérrez
  • The charges [government] brought against me, for example, explicitly denied my ability to make a public-interest defense. -- Edward Snowden
  • I assume that a sufficiently skilled will be able to do anything not explicitly forbidden by the hardware. -- Bjarne Stroustrup
  • The best design explicitly acknowledges that you cannot disconnect the form from the material--the material informs the form, -- Jonathan Ive
  • Not explicitly, no. Compared to this enormous, relentless evolutionary activity in the built environment, writing is small potatoes. -- Teju Cole
  • I find myself moved by man in his new violent environment. I want to paint this explicitly and beautifully. -- Jeffrey Smart
  • No government in the world today has explicitly assigned the responsibility for planetary protection to any of its agencies. -- Rusty Schweickart
  • The process of philosophic and scientific enlightenment has shaken the stability of beliefs held explicitly as articles of faith. -- Michael Polanyi
  • I do explicitly see Jewish people as a people - not either a religion or an ethnicity but a people. -- Ken Livingstone
  • The WHO took care to explicitly say that processed meat didn't rank alongside smoking when it comes to cancer risk. -- Kevin Drum
  • Xena and Gabrielle were a couple...in the end, it was if not explicitly said, it was implicit that...yeah, they totally were. -- Lucy Lawless
  • There is a maxim about the universe which I always tell my students: That which is not explicitly forbidden is guaranteed to occur. -- Lawrence M. Krauss
  • The core of character lies in each individual story person's ability to care about something; to feel implicitly or explicitly that something is important. -- Dwight V. Swain
  • I want to make albums that are like a Murakami novel or a Terrence Malick film - something that explicitly states its own world. -- Colin Stetson
  • Growing up in Michigan, I can't think of anything so explicitly communicated to me in my whole education experience as the vileness of in-your-face racism. -- Kevin DeYoung
  • For a long time, I thought I would like to be a doctor. Such a good profession. So explicitly good. Never a waste of time. -- Jonathan Safran Foer
  • I see a future in which games once again are explicitly designed to improve quality of life, to prevent suffering, and to create real, widespread happiness. -- Jane McGonigal
  • Baseball players or cricketers do not need to be able to solve explicitly the non-linear differential equations which govern the flight of the ball. They just catch it. -- Paul Ormerod
  • Younger teachers are definitely more likely to have worked at charter schools as opposed to have just heard of them. Charter schools explicitly look, often, to hire younger people. -- Dana Goldstein
  • I'm hard pressed to give an example on the spot of a president who explicitly spoke of the vindication of history, but I'm confident that there are many such examples. -- David Greenberg
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  • Of course it should be pointed out that, though all salvation is through Jesus, we need not conclude that he cannot save those who have not explicitly accepted him in this life. -- C. S. Lewis
  • If you've been seeing someone for a short while and the "relationship" winds itself down mutually but not explicitly, no postmortem is necessary. But a real relationship should have a real ending. -- Amber Heard
  • When feminism does not explicitly oppose racism, and when antiracism does not incorporate opposition to patriarchy, race and gender politics often end up being antagonistic to each other and both interests lose. -- Kimberle Williams Crenshaw
  • It's time to stop being vague. If you wish to be an extraordinary person, if you wish to be wise, then you should explicitly identify the kind of person you aspire to become. -- Epictetus
  • The 'wall of separation between church and state' is a metaphor based on bad history, a metaphor which has proved useless as a guide to judging. It should be frankly and explicitly abandoned. -- William Rehnquist
  • What I would love to see is art that explicitly addresses not personal intimacies but anonymous intimacies: the vast collections of facts about you and me that now exist in giant server banks. -- Russell Smith
  • My last novel, 'The Keep,' was very explicitly technological, about the quality of living in a state constantly surrounded by disembodied presences, and I was thinking very much about the online experience. -- Jennifer Egan
  • It is said that the offender never forgives. Certainly it is quite explicitly hard for the one in the wrong to do so. And it takes more spiritual asset than continued alcohol often leaves. -- Louise Jordan Miln
  • My point of view is that science is essentially private, whereas the almost universal counter point of view, explicitly stated in many of the articles in the Encyclopaedia, is that it must be public. -- Percy Williams Bridgman
  • In short, I do not write for mathematicians, nor as a mathematician, but as an economist wishing to convince other economists that their science can only be satisfactorily treated on an explicitly mathematical basis. -- William Stanley Jevons