Eugenics quotes:

  • We should not minimize the great outstanding service of Eugenics for critical and diagnostic investigations. It demonstrates ... that uncontrolled fertility is universally correlated with disease, poverty, overcrowding and the transmission of hereditable traits. -- Margaret Sanger
  • Eugenics is the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems. -- Margaret Sanger
  • So here you have Barack Obama going in and spending the money on embryonic stem cell research. Eugenics. -- Glenn Beck
  • Eugenics is the study of the agencies under social control that may improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations either physically or mentally. -- Francis Galton
  • Eugenics asserts that all men must be so stupid that they cannot manage their own affairs; and also so clever that they can manage each other's. -- Gilbert K. Chesterton
  • Now there is any amount of this nonsense cropping up among American cranks. Anybody may propose to establish coercive Eugenics; or enforce psychoanalysis that is, enforce confession without absolution. -- Gilbert K. Chesterton
  • Eugenics, which had started long before my time, had once been defined as including free love and prevention of conception... Recently it had cropped up again in the form of selective breeding. -- Margaret Sanger
  • Eugenics was central to the entire Nazi enterprise, joined with romantic nativist and racist myths of the pure-bred Nordic. The emphasis on 'blood' called for a purifying of the nation's gene pool, so that Germans could regain the nobility and greatness of their genetically pure forebears. -- Alison Thompson
  • Socialism means slavery. -- Lord Acton
  • Socialism values equality more than liberty. -- Dennis Prager
  • Socialism must come down from the brain and reach the heart. -- Jules Renard
  • The function of socialism is to raise suffering to a higher level. -- Norman Mailer
  • Compassion is not weakness, and concern for the unfortunate is not socialism. -- Hubert H. Humphrey
  • Democracy and socialism are means to an end, not the end itself. -- Jawaharlal Nehru
  • Eugenic goals are most likely to be attained under another name than eugenics. -- Frederick Osborn
  • Socialism is... not only a way of life, but a certain scientific approach to social and economic problems. -- Jawaharlal Nehru
  • Natural selection must be replaced by eugenical artificial selection. This idea constitutes the sound core of eugenics, the applied science of human betterment. -- Theodosius Dobzhansky
  • Many people consider the things government does for them to be social progress but they regard the things government does for others as socialism. -- Earl Warren
  • The demand that defective people be prevented from propagating equally defective offspring is a demand of the clearest reason and if systematically executed represents the most humane act of mankind. -- Adolf Hitler
  • What nature does blindly, slowly and ruthlessly, man may do providently, quickly, and kindly. As it lies within his power, so it becomes his duty to work in that direction. -- Francis Galton
  • Frankly, I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of. -- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
  • ...impregnation will be regarded in an entirely different manner, more in the light of a surgical operation, so that it will be thought not ladylike to have it performed in the natural manner. -- Bertrand Russell
  • Galton's eccentric, sceptical, observing, flashing, cavalry-leader type of mind led him eventually to become the founder of the most important, significant and, I would add, genuine branch of sociology which exists, namely eugenics. -- John Maynard Keynes
  • A part of eugenic politics would finally land us in an extensive use of the lethal chamber. A great many people would have to be put out of existence simply because it wastes other people's time to look after them. -- George Bernard Shaw
  • We should find ourselves committed to killing a great many people whom we now leave living, and to leave living a great many people whom we at present kill. We should have to get rid of all ideas about capital punishment ... -- George Bernard Shaw
  • A prevention of the faculty and opportunity to procreate on the part of the physically degenerate and mentally sick, over the period of only six hundred years, would not only free humanity from an immeasurable misfortune, but would lead to a recovery which today seems scarcely conceivable. -- Adolf Hitler
  • Birth Control which has been criticized as negative and destructive, is really the greatest and most truly eugenic method, and its adoption as part of the program of Eugenics would immediately give a concrete and realistic power to that science. . . as the most constructive and necessary of the means to racial health. -- Margaret Sanger
  • The notion that persons should be safe from extermination as long as they do not commit willful murder, or levy war against the Crown, or kidnap, or throw vitriol, is not only to limit social responsibility unnecessarily, and to privilege the large range of intolerable misconduct that lies outside them, but to divert attention from the essential justification for extermination, which is always incorrigible social incompatibility and nothing else. -- George Bernard Shaw
  • Positive psychology is to the corporate state what eugenics was to the Nazis -- Chris Hedges
  • You want to know the secret of my success? Let me tell you about eugenics... -- Zach Braff
  • That eugenics was part of the progressive agenda is one of the most heavily-airbrushed features of history. -- Arnold Kling
  • ...Francis Galton, founder of the eugenics (master race) movement which continues today under the heading of 'population control'. -- David Icke
  • The campaign for birth control is not merely of eugenic value, but is practically identical with the final aims of eugenics. -- Margaret Sanger
  • You have three people in the White House that are in love with eugenics or whatever it is you would call it today. -- Glenn Beck
  • If you look at communal experiments in general for any amount of time, you'll find a lot of horrors: raped children, sexual slavery, eugenics experiments, on and on. -- Lauren Groff
  • As we consider the fast pace of scientific and technological progress in our modern world, we must not lose our moral compass and give way to 'free market eugenics'. -- Sam Brownback
  • The aim of eugenics is to represent each class or sect by its best specimens; that done, to leave them to work out their common civilization in their own way. -- Francis Galton
  • Although it has been a carefully guarded secret by the watchdogs of the mainstream media, eugenics programs were never discontinued worldwide, with involuntary sterilization programs continuing in many countries to this day. -- Jim Keith