Ether quotes:

  • Matter moves, but Ether is strained. -- Oliver Lodge
  • Proposition IX. Radiant light consists in Undulations of the Luminiferous Ether. -- Thomas Young
  • Ether is the only substance we are confident of in dynamics. One thing we are sure of and that is the reality and substantiality of the luminferous ether. -- Lord Kelvin
  • From the Book of Mormon come other precious promises, including promises of peace, freedom, and blessings if we 'will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ' (Ether 2:12). -- Thomas S. Monson
  • I think we all choose our style from the ether and whatever is out there. -- David Duchovny
  • There is nothing more helpless and irresponsible than a man in the depths of an ether binge. -- Hunter S. Thompson
  • Dick Dart emerged from the ether during a flight from New York with my wife and children to Puerto Rico. -- Peter Straub
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  • Sometimes it seems that the fate of the world is decided entirely in the ether of electronic communications and corporate backroom deals. -- Rebecca Solnit
  • I am convinced that there are universal currents of Divine Thought vibrating the ether everywhere and that any who can feel these vibrations is inspired. -- Richard Wagner
  • People think I'm some kind of prophet, but I'm not someone who gets my information from the ether. I've been given the coordinates about how things work. -- David Icke
  • Music draws from almost the identical place as art does, which really is that intangible - it's like you're pulling from the ether. I don't know where it comes from. -- Brandon Boyd
  • Regular panelists on shows can be terrifying. They own that space, and many guest comics suspect they are favoured in the edit, while their own hilarious jokes end up being ejected into the ether. -- Jo Brand
  • Whenever any great song or album gets lost in the ether, someone is deprived of the joy of hearing it, and the great effort of those who created and recorded the work is damaged. -- Henry Rollins
  • Part of what was in the ether all around me growing up, until I was between 19 and 20, was a terrible, debilitating stutter. It was part of what made me very reclusive as a kid. -- Tim Gunn
  • You put yourself on tape as an actor a lot - and you send them off, they go out into the ether, and you have no idea what's going to come back, or when. -- Kelly Reilly
  • We have to wonder whether digital technology, rather than making it easier to communicate, is actually doing the opposite. We now sit alone at a keyboard, firing off zeros and ones into the ether. Offices are silent. -- Tom Hodgkinson
  • A lot of the records you buy, there's nothing you can hold in your hand, it's all 1's and 0's, this digital cloud floating in the ether. but with analog albums, you can hold it in your hand. -- Dave Grohl
  • Television is ephemeral, a fact that some will find reassuring. But earthlings will continue to pump the kilowatts into the ether. And eventually, when those signals have washed over a few hundred thousand star systems, someone may notice. -- Seth Shostak
  • When I went to Paris, I had a lot of ideas about it that were formed in the sort of ether that flows about if you watch too many recent Woody Allen movies or took French classes as a kid. I was certainly full of those. -- Rosecrans Baldwin
  • There are various grades of spiritual sight. One grade enables a man to see the ordinarily invisible ether with the myriads of beings that invest that realm. Other and higher variants give him the faculty to see the desire world and even the world of thought while remaining in the physical body. -- Max Heindel
  • To me, it's like the difference between a pen and a paintbrush. Music draws from almost the identical place as art does, which really is that intangible - it's like you're pulling from the ether. I don't know where it comes from. Nobody really does. It sort of arrives when it wants to. -- Brandon Boyd
  • All things are in a state of vibration. Vibrations from objects in our surroundings are constantly impinging upon us and carry to our senses a cognition of the external world. The vibrations in the ether act upon our eyes so that we see, and vibrations in the air transmit sounds to the ear. -- Max Heindel
  • That's the beauty of creativity. It comes from the ether. I like to think, sometimes, it's like I haven't written it, it's more like I just reached up and grabbed it from somewhere. That song, 'Song of the Red Rock Mountain,' is one of them. I recorded it and thought, 'Where did that come from?' -- Alvin Lee
  • I don't write a play from beginning to end. I don't write an outline. I write scenes and moments as they occur to me. And I still write on a typewriter. It's not all in ether. It's on pages. I sequence them in a way that tends to make sense. Then I write what's missing, and that's my first draft. -- Richard Greenberg
  • Float with me in the world of ether. -- David Lynch
  • Time dissipates to shining ether the solid angularity of facts. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • All matter comes from a primary substance, the luminiferous ether -- Nikola Tesla
  • My mind was, as it were, strongly impregnated with the Johnsonian ether. -- James Boswell
  • What folly takes light through ether to each eye from every horizon. -- Scarlett Thomas
  • There is nothing worse than a man in the throws of an ether bender. -- Hunter S. Thompson
  • For what is prayer but the expansion of your self into the living ether? -- Khalil Gibran
  • Soar, eat ether, see what has never been seen; depart, be lost, but climb. -- Edna St. Vincent Millay
  • In what rapt ether sails the world, of which the weariest will never weary? -- Herman Melville
  • Guild doesn't like me." "That's true." "He doesn't like you, ether." "That is mystifying. -- Derek Landy
  • [Of the ether] it is no greater mystery at all events than the shoemakers' wax. -- Lord Kelvin
  • I am living with a rising generation which talks like people coming out of ether. -- Margaret Halsey
  • The modern concept of the vacuum of space, confirmed every day by experiment, is a relativistic ether. -- Robert B. Laughlin
  • As like a church and an ale-house, God and the devell, they manie times dwell neere to ether. -- Thomas Nash
  • The purity men love is like the mists which envelope the earth, and not like the azure ether beyond. -- Henry David Thoreau
  • Piety--warm, soft, and passive as the ether round the throne of Grace--is made callous and inactive by kneeling too much. -- Walter Savage Landor
  • John K. Samson is fluent in the inexpressible. Find him on the page or find him in the ether-just find him -- Alissa York
  • In art, something comes of nothing. Out of the thin air and the ether, you create a story. And that is intensely satisfying. -- Yann Martel
  • You look at any poetic creature: muslin, ether, demigoddess, millions of delights; then you look into the soul and find the most ordinary crocodile! -- Anton Chekhov
  • The outer eyes see only by reflection. The vibrationsfrom the inner eye, optic, is conveyed along the opticnerves and produced, spectacular, on the ether. -- George Carey
  • You draw the mystical kundalini from the earth. Earth is an element. Fire, air, earth, water, and ether - the mystical kundalini comes through them all. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • Of all that is most beauteous, imaged there In happier beauty; more pellucid streams, An ampler ether, a diviner air, And fields invested with purpureal gleams. -- William Wordsworth
  • [W]e pity our fathers for dying before steam and galvanism, sulphuric ether and ocean telegraphs, photograph and spectrograph arrived, as cheated out of their human estate. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Sometimes an hour of Fate's serenest weather Strikes through our changeful sky its coming beams; Somewhere above us, in elusive ether, Waits the fulfilment of our dearest dreams. -- Bayard Taylor
  • No matter how close we got to a station or a disc jockey ... they could disappear into the ether without so much as a wave goodbye or a farewell song. -- Ben Fong-Torres
  • A voice cannot carry the tongue and the lips that gave it wings. Alone must it seek the ether. And alone and without his nest shall the eagle fly across the sun. -- Khalil Gibran
  • The forces of rotation caused red hot masses of stones to be torn away from the Earth and to be thrown into the ether, and this is the origin of the stars. -- Anaxagoras
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  • The novel is the one bright book of life. Books are not life. They are only tremulations on the ether. But the novel as a tremulation can make the whole man alive tremble. -- D. H. Lawrence
  • UBIQUITY, n. The gift or power of being in all places at one time, but not in all places at all times, which is omnipresence, an attribute of God and the luminiferous ether only. -- Ambrose Bierce
  • I've been doing American auditions for a while, and it always felt sort of like sending these audition tapes off into the ether. So just hearing anything back from anyone was kind of startling. -- Xavier Samuel
  • Playing along in the yard, The blue sky sparkles against the earthly green,Creating such harmony!A pond, nearby.Untroubled waters mirrors the ether's dreams.A grand echo of my Divine Heart!I am One -- Arnaud Saint-Paul
  • Big, evocative words get thrown around, and people can sing along to passionately as if the lyrics just materialized out of the ether, largely because they don't ever seem to coalesce into a writerly voice. -- Dan Bejar