Equipment quotes:

  • The people recognize themselves in their commodities; they find their soul in their automobile, hi-fi set, split-level home, kitchen equipment. -- Herbert Marcuse
  • But the equipment to protect the players hasn't developed along with that, so now you have more players out with worse injuries, for longer periods of time. -- Leigh Steinberg
  • White Zombie was a bunch of kids with the worst equipment playing in a basement. But that is what is so great about it. There is no reason to think that you can't do it. -- Rob Zombie
  • Equipment makes my job easier, but it doesn't affect my style. -- Michael Seresin
  • Equipment sellers can pocket more than $2,500 every time they send a powered wheelchair to a patient and bill Medicare. -- Charles Duhigg
  • Nuclear proliferation is on the rise. Equipment, material and training were once largely inaccessible. Today, however, there is a sophisticated worldwide network that can deliver systems for producing material usable in weapons. -- Mohamed ElBaradei
  • Equipment's the biggest change. And the guys have been getting bigger, stronger, more athletic - so the game has become more of a track meet instead of a tennis match, in a sense. -- John McEnroe
  • My first day as a manager was at Digital Equipment in Atlanta. I was a sales rep. I was promoted from among my peers, so one day I was a peer, and the next day I was their boss. -- Carol Bartz
  • I became a sales manager at Digital Equipment, promoted from within the sales team. My peers were less than excited that I had gotten the job, especially one of my male peers who said he just wasn't going to work for a woman. -- Carol Bartz
  • Nowadays, they have more trouble packing hair dryers than baseball equipment. -- Bob Feller
  • If you love living, you try to take care of the equipment. -- Sally Rand
  • Hollywood is like life, you face it with the sum total of your equipment. -- Joan Crawford
  • Some people think that all the equipment you need to discuss religion is a mouth. -- Herman Wouk
  • No tricks, gimmicks, special pills, special potions, special equipment. All it takes is desire and will. -- Richard Simmons
  • Three Royal Air Force aeroplanes have come over to us so far with their arms and equipment. -- John Amery
  • I played English football - soccer - instead of American football, because we couldn't afford the equipment. -- Wally Schirra
  • In department stores, so much kitchen equipment is bought indiscriminately by people who just come in for men's underwear. -- Julia Child
  • I have high-tech tastes. If I had $100 million, I would spend it on research equipment rather than a yacht. -- Stephen LaBerge
  • I think my top salary was maybe in 1966. I made $17,000 and 11 of that came from selling other players' equipment. -- Bob Uecker
  • People like to imagine that because all our mechanical equipment moves so much faster, that we are thinking faster, too. -- Christopher Morley
  • I have bought pole vault equipment, the landing areas, posts, which costs a lot of money. We pay for coaches -- Sergei Bubka
  • It matters little how much equipment we use; it matters much that we be masters of all we do use. -- Sam Abell
  • Providing health care is like building a house. The task requires experts, expensive equipment and materials, and a huge amount of coordination. -- Atul Gawande
  • War is not only a matter of equipment, artillery, group troops or air force; it is largely a matter of spirit, or morale. -- Chiang Kai-shek
  • You have to be smart to play a dumb blonde over and over again and keep the audience's attention without extraordinary physical equipment. -- Judy Holliday
  • Terri and her mother arrived. She was obviously a dedicated stage mother because she was loaded down with camera equipment, looking like a Japanese tourist. -- Audrey Meadows
  • I'm so proud of Maryland's firefighters, risking their lives to protect others, but we need to protect our protectors with the best equipment training and resources. -- Barbara Mikulski
  • Flying solo, you have a fair workload. I'm not only flying the balloon but doing the navigation, communications, repairing the burners, taking care of the equipment. -- Steve Fossett
  • I'm so proud of Maryland's firefighters, risking their lives to protect others, but we need to protect our protectors with the best equipment training and resources -- Barbara Mikulski
  • A lot of the work in United States is highly critical of technology. I'm using 15,000 watts of power and 18 different pieces of electronic equipment to say that. -- Laurie Anderson
  • The difference between the student and the born composer is he really hears the thing, and they have to stage it and manipulate it by technical equipment. -- Leo Ornstein
  • Low budgets force you to be more creative. Sometimes, with too much money, time and equipment, you can over-think. My way, you can use your gut instinct. -- Robert Rodriguez
  • Thus number may be said to rule the whole world of quantity, and the four rules of arithmetic may be regarded as the complete equipment of the mathematician. -- James Clerk Maxwell
  • One thing that's great about firefighters: If they don't have the equipment they desperately need, they don't have the help, they don't care. They'll do it on their own. -- Denis Leary
  • We also had to bring with us some desired scientific equipment over to the station as well as assemble new machines. For that, I had to conduct two space walks. -- Philippe Perrin
  • I learned quickly, as I tell my graduate students now, there are no answers in the back of the book when the equipment doesn't work or the measurements look strange. -- Martin Lewis Perl
  • Our border patrol does a great job under these very dangerous conditions. They use very sophisticated equipment, including gamma rays, to detect drugs and illegal immigrants as they enter the U.S. -- Timothy Murphy
  • The factory of the future will have only two employees, a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to keep the man from touching the equipment. -- Warren Bennis
  • The factory of the future will have only two employees, a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to keep the man from touching the equipment. -- Warren Bennis
  • That's another thing, we made up games. We didn't have equipment. When it snowed, we would play slow motion tackle football. We would play hockey, but we wouldn't skate. We just made things up. I loved doing that. -- Mike Krzyzewski
  • Firefighters are essential to the safety and security of our local communities. We owe it to these men and women to provide them with better training and equipment so they can do their jobs more effectively and safely. -- Carl Levin
  • Television is a triumph of equipment over people, and the minds that control it are so small that you could put them in a gnat's navel with room left over for two caraway seeds and an agent's heart. -- Fred Allen
  • I wanted to be a pilot. I loved flying and I loved all the technology and the equipment and the sense of adventure that came with it. I think that feeling still bleeds over into everything I do today. -- Graham Brown
  • Most people are unable to write because they are unable to think, and they are unable to think because they congenitally lack the equipment to do so, just as they congenitally lack the equipment to fly over the moon. -- H. L. Mencken
  • Three big assumptions proved wrong: one, that the Iraqi people would welcome us as liberators; two, that oil would soon pay for Iraqi's rebuilding; and, three, that we have plenty of troops, weapons, and equipment for the postwar situation. -- John Spratt
  • Archery is not a sport for everyone. The equipment costs a lot, and it is not easy for everyone to find a place to play. It is perhaps similar to golf, but of course there are more golf courses than archery fields. -- Im Dong-Hyun
  • Before statehood was achieved, Syria and Egypt had their tanks and military equipment lined up to invade Tel Aviv and destroy it; but the Israelis scrambled together an air force, some of it from old Second World War Messerschmidts, and the invasion was halted. -- Steven Spielberg
  • So many people think they need to have serious equipment. In the magazines and the media, they see all this stylish stuff, especially on TV, and they think, That's what I need to make it work. You don't. I'm attempting a little bit of liberation here. -- Sally Schneider
  • I love music, and I loved dance music immediately. So I bought some equipment and started making my own. When I started this, I didn't say, 'okay I'm going to do this step and then this step' to become popular. I just created music that I loved. -- Armin van Buuren
  • You're not going to eliminate concussions. Anytime you hit your head, you have a chance of getting a concussion, in any sport, too. I think we have to learn more about it. Part of it is rules, part of it is equipment, part of it is medical studies, knowing more about the brain. -- John Madden
  • I've always believed in God. I also think that's the sort of thing that either comes as part of the equipment, the capacity to believe, or at some point in your life, when you're in a position where you actually need help from a power greater than yourself, you simply make an agreement. -- Stephen King
  • A lot of times I'll see guys who are nowhere near the level of the board they're riding. They might love surfing and love how it looks, but you really have to work your way up. It takes eating a little humble pie at first, and stepping back to equipment that might be a bit slow, but do it. -- Kelly Slater
  • If you go out on the Appalachian Trail, you have to bring so much more equipment - a tent, sleeping bag - but if you go hiking in England, or Europe, generally, towns and villages are near enough together at the end of the day you can always go to a nice little inn and have a hot bath and something to drink. -- Bill Bryson
  • A great deal of the capability of an army is its dedication to its cause and its will to fight. You can have the best equipment in the world, you can have the largest numbers in the world, but, if you're not dedicated to your cause, if you don't have the will to fight, then, you are not going to have a very good army. -- Norman Schwarzkopf
  • Stories are equipment for living. -- Kenneth Burke
  • I've never considered musical equipment very sacred. -- Kurt Cobain
  • Electronic equipment replaces neither Eyes, Hands, nor Heart. -- Wolfgang Weingart
  • Television is a triumph of equipment over people, -- Fred Allen
  • Our writing equipment takes part in forming our thoughts. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
  • I love scuba-diving, but I hate all the equipment. -- Cassandra Clare
  • In Mississippi the important thing is hooch, not bar equipment. -- Florence King
  • Remember: if you take bivouac equipment along, you will bivouac... -- Yvon Chouinard
  • We have substituted organizing for agonizing and equipment for endowment. -- Leonard Ravenhill
  • My slogan is who needs fitness when you've got great equipment. -- John Daly
  • I have all the equipment to be a politician. Total shamelessness. -- Orson Welles
  • You don't listen to the equipment, you listen through the equipment. -- Bruce Swedien
  • Directing is all about storytelling. It's not about equipment, or anything else. -- John Carpenter
  • The search for God requires spiritual equipment to fulfil a spiritual voyage. -- Norman Sabadi
  • Suffering provides the gym equipment on which my faith can be exercised. -- Joni Eareckson Tada
  • One kid's old, used-up equipment is another kid's brand-new, awesome, awesome equipment. -- Bode Miller
  • The most important piece of equipment in your bag is your attitude -- Joe McNally
  • Gotta use your brain, it's the most important part of your equipment. -- Kevin Andrews
  • Don't get so addicted to vision that the people feel like equipment -- Bill Hybels
  • I wouldn't have expected an audience of ours to burn down our equipment. -- Paul Kantner
  • I get very involved with my things, and they are not standard equipment. -- Iris Apfel
  • You've got to show your soul otherwise you're just a piece of equipment. -- Sylvester Stallone
  • Young drivers are supposed to be hard on equipment. That's how you learn. -- Mario Andretti
  • Lie rather still because this is the first time I've used this equipment. -- Steig Larsson
  • It's not about what equipment you have, it's what you do with it. -- Aphex Twin
  • Schlepping all of the equipment is the part I hate more than anything. -- John Abercrombie
  • People shared everything: information, equipment, their floors, whatever. There was strength in unity. -- Michael Azerrad
  • We don't need mass armies anymore. We replace it with more effective equipment. -- George W. Bush
  • --
  • Their casualties and bodies are many. Their equipment and vehicles, several were destroyed -- Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf
  • Using simple equipment and daylight alone is for me a pleasure and a replenishment. -- Irving Penn
  • I'm very interested in my new kitchen equipment shop. I've started it with two friends. -- Elizabeth David
  • Throughout my career, I've been sponsored by several different equipment companies - Lynx, Titleist, Callaway. -- Ernie Els
  • When the first computers started to come in, we tried to digitalize the seismological equipment. -- Frank Press
  • I'm making music the way I would have done before modern equipment and music recording. -- Timbaland
  • Biophobia is as much a part of a politician's basic equipment as a sharp suit. -- John Derbyshire
  • You're gonna get the best - you're gonna get the best equipment [in the Army]. -- Donald Trump
  • The most important piece of equipment after the camera is a good pair of shoes. -- David Hurn
  • Even though you're not equipped, keep searching: equipment isn't necessary on the way to the Lord. -- Rumi
  • Because he has the best equipment in the City and he knows how to use it! -- Ilona Andrews
  • With the best equipment in the world the man with poor judgment is in mortal danger. -- Royal Robbins
  • I had an iPhone and a Droid and both of them were miserable pieces of equipment. -- Lewis Black
  • Lending war equipment is a good deal like lending chewing gum. You don't want it back. -- Robert A. Taft
  • The more equipment you shlep around the less you will enjoy the equipment you shlep around. -- Nick Kelsh
  • Great causes cannot be served by intellectual equipment alone, they call for spiritual effort of soul-force. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • We dream of an India that is self-sufficient in producing defence equipment using the latest technology. -- Narendra Modi
  • I don't like any sport where you're already exhausted when you're done putting on the equipment. -- Rob Lowe
  • We were all crazy about music and almost all the money we had, we spent for equipment. -- Lauryn Hill
  • We dream of a day when India is completely self-reliant in defence production & exports defence equipment worldwide. -- Narendra Modi
  • China has legally purchased high performance computers, advanced machine tools, and semiconductor-manufacturing equipment from several American companies. -- Charles Bass
  • I've changed my approach to people and to filming because of the new equipment, which is important. -- Agnes Varda
  • Music is composed on computers and other electronic equipment; producers don't want to spend money on orchestra. -- Sivamani
  • There is not economy in getting cheap service or equipment. Buy the best and cry only once. -- Knute Rockne
  • I sold all my medium format equipment in 2005 after Canon came out with the 12 megapixel EOS 1Ds. -- Peter Menzel
  • We had access to too much money, too much equipment, and little by little, we went insane. -- Francis Ford Coppola
  • The most important pieces of equipment you need for doing yoga are your body and your mind. -- Rodney Yee
  • Stories are one of the greatest gifts we can give to our children. Stories are equipment for life. -- Matthew Knisely
  • Thing is: the internet's made of IP addresses, opinions, and assholes. It's what's there. That's the basic equipment. -- Merlin Mann
  • I realized that equipment really had little to do with why I sound like the way I sound -- Pat Metheny
  • The evolution of playground equipment has been to this ever safer, less challenging, less interesting assemblies of equipment. -- Gever Tulley
  • Training with the equipment and protocols at Athletic Republic really helped me improve my speed and first-step explosiveness. -- Darren McFadden
  • Even if you build the perfect reactor, you're still saddled with a people problem and an equipment problem. -- David R. Brower
  • And before you ask, I don't ask what equipment my lovers have, merely if they want to play. -- Yasmine Galenorn
  • Look at football, where you still have injuries no matter how much they improve the helmets and other equipment. -- Sugar Ray Leonard
  • The Who got paid 4000 pounds during those days, but we always smashed our equipment that cost more than 5000 pounds. -- Pete Townshend
  • Anyone with a little computer experience knows that anything can be copied bit by bit with the right equipment. -- Jon Johansen