Enslavement quotes:

  • If we wish to free ourselves from enslavement, we must choose freedom and the responsibility this entails. -- Leo Buscaglia
  • There is no other occupation in the world that so closely resembled enslavement as the career of a film star. -- Louise Brooks
  • If the preservation of the home means the enslavement of women, economically or morally, then we had better break it. -- Agnes Macphail
  • And thus goes segregation which is the most far-reaching development in the history of the Negro since the enslavement of the race. -- Carter G. Woodson
  • Madness need not be all breakdown. It may also be break-through. It is potential liberation and renewal as well as enslavement and existential death. -- R. D. Laing
  • The fundamental sense of freedom is freedom from chains, from imprisonment, from enslavement by others. The rest is extension of this sense, or else metaphor. -- Isaiah Berlin
  • One hundred years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth, the Spanish government issued a decree authorizing the enslavement of the American Indian as in accord with the law of God and man. -- Nelson A. Miles
  • To the socialist no nation is free whose national existence is based upon the enslavement of another people, for to him colonial peoples, too, are peoples, and, as such, parts of the national state. -- Karl Liebknecht
  • The act of voting by ordinary Iraqis in the face of extreme danger confirms President Bush's belief that people around the globe, when given a chance, will choose liberty and democracy over enslavement and tyranny. -- John Ensign
  • Enslavement to your own weakness - be it an addiction to alcohol, or to a woman or to fame - it's degrading, and it means losing your dignity and your freedom. -- Wojciech Kurtyka
  • Enslavement is when one person completely controls another person, uses violence or violent threats to maintain that control, exploits them economically, and pays them effectively nothing. Trafficking in persons is a process of enslaving someone. -- Julia Ormond
  • None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Art is the method of levitation, in order to separate one's self from enslavement by the earth. -- Anais Nin
  • Revolution means democracy in today's world, not the enslavement of peoples to the corrupt and degrading horrors of totalitarianism -- Ronald Reagan
  • If you're involved in the gay and lesbian lifestyle, it's bondage. It is personal bondage, personal despair and personal enslavement. -- Michele Bachmann
  • Our enslavement to oil has required the repression of millions of Arab people. As they shake off their bonds, so must we. -- Naomi Klein
  • Women have to be extremely careful about choosing something that they consider an act of defiance that can really be used to further their enslavement. -- Alice Walker
  • I took to writing at an early age to escape from meaninglessness, uselessness, unimportance, insignificance, poverty, enslavement, ill health, despair, madness, and all manner of other unattractive, natural and inevitable things. -- William Saroyan
  • Religion, the dominion of the human mind; Property, the dominion of human needs; and Government, the dominion of human conduct, represent the stronghold of man's enslavement and all the horrors it entails. -- Emma Goldman
  • The idea of God implies the abdication of human reason and justice; it is the most decisive negation of human liberty and necessarily ends in the enslavement of mankind both in theory and practice. -- Mikhail Bakunin
  • Color had been made the mark of enslavement and was taken to be also the mark of inferiority; for prejudice does not reason, or it would not be prejudice... If prejudice could reason, it would dispel itself. -- William Pickens
  • The plunder of black communities is not a bump along the road, but it is, in fact, the road itself that you can't have in America without enslavement, without Jim Crow, terrorism, everything that came after that. -- Ta-Nehisi Coates
  • Like it or not, everything is changing. The result will be the most wonderful experience in the history of man or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine. Be active or abdicate. The future is in your hands. -- Milton William Cooper
  • Human beings may well be unable to break free of the dictatorship of greed that spreads like a miasma over the world, but no longer will we be an inarticulate and ignorant humanity, confused by our enslavement to superior cruelty and weaponry. -- Alice Walker
  • All my life, I thought of love as some kind of voluntary enslavement. Well, that's a lie: freedom only exists when love is present. The person who gives him or herself wholly, the person who feels freest, is the person who loves most wholeheartedly. -- Paulo Coelho
  • Let us say "Yes" to life and not death. Let us say "Yes" to freedom and not enslavement to the many idols of our time. In a word, let us say "Yes" to the God who is love, life and freedom, and who never disappoints. -- Pope Francis
  • I, the man of color, want only this: That the tool never possess the man. That the enslavement of man by man cease forever. That is, of one by another. That it be possible for me to discover and to love man, wherever he may be. -- Frantz Fanon
  • I could make a martyrly claim to having been the victim of childhood enslavement when I report that I started regularly cooking with my mother at a hot stove when I was five. But the truth is I wanted to cook. Cooking meant being near food. -- Alice Dreger
  • Here's the reality. The image of a white Jesus has been used to justify enslavement, conquest, colonialism, the genocide of indigenous peoples. There are literally millions of human beings whose lives have been snuffed out by people who conquered under the banner of a white god. -- Tim Wise
  • My obsessions stay the same - historical memory and historical erasure. I am particularly interested in the Americas and how a history that is rooted in colonialism, the language and iconography of empire, disenfranchisement, the enslavement of peoples, and the way that people were sectioned off because of blood. -- Natasha Trethewey
  • For some slaves, the first step out of bondage is to learn to see their lives with new eyes. Their reality is a social world where they have their place and some assurance of a subsistence diet. Born into slavery, they cannot easily redefine their lives outside the frame of enslavement. -- Kevin Bales
  • Sincere thought, real free thought, ready, in the name of superhuman authority or of humble common sense, to question the basis of what is officially taught and generally accepted, is less and less likely to thrive. It is, we repeat, by far easier to enslave a literate people than an illiterate one, strange as this may seem at first sight. And the enslavement is more likely to be lasting. -- Savitri Devi
  • Success is both an addiction and an enslavement... -- Paulo Coelho
  • The use of rape and enslavement as weapons of war MUST END! -- Widad Akrawi
  • Voting for the lesser of two evils is voting for your own enslavement. -- Gerald Celente
  • In New England enslaved people had the right to sue for wrongful enslavement. -- Manisha Sinha
  • Life has always been a series of the same choices: enslavement, apathy or freedom. -- Shannon L. Alder
  • If being human requires freedom, then enslavement to the cares of this world is dehumanizing. -- Tony Campolo
  • Never be put off by your target's anger; it is a sure sign of enslavement. -- Robert Greene
  • Empirical description involves enslavement to the object by decreeing passivity on the part of the subject. -- Gaston Bachelard
  • The factor that makes people extremely vulnerable to enslavement is the lack of the rule of law. -- Kevin Bales
  • It is the man who can think of no alternative to his enslavement who is truly a slave. -- Wendell Berry
  • For sheer drama, few accounts of slavery match Solomon Northup's tale of abduction from freedom and forcible enslavement. -- Ira Berlin
  • Every revolution by force only puts more violent means of enslavement into the hands of the persons in power. -- Leo Tolstoy
  • Every new form of liberation is destined to eventually become another form of enslavement for most of its adherents. -- Peter J. Carroll
  • Politics: the art of using euphemisms, lies, emotionalism and fear-mongering to dupe average people into accepting--or even demanding--their own enslavement. -- Larken Rose
  • Man's freedom is lacking if somebody else controls what he needs, for need may result in man's enslavement of man. -- Muammar al-Gaddafi
  • Knowledge, which is power, knows no limits, either in its enslavement of creation or in its deference to worldly masters. -- Theodor Adorno
  • The whole of our civilization is founded on specialization, which implies the enslavement of those who execute to those who coordinate ... -- Simone Weil
  • War is a brutal and fierce means of pacification; it means the suppression of resistance by the destruction or enslavement of the conquered. -- Henri Frederic Amiel
  • While the state can coerce, with some exceptions (like North Korea) it seems to me misleading to think of it as capable of "enslavement." -- Noam Chomsky
  • The United States finds itself with forces of reaction. Do I have to demonstrate this? The Taliban's annihilation of music and culture? The enslavement of women~? -- Christopher Hitchens
  • A war undertaken and brazenly carried for the perpetual enslavement of the colored men, calls logically and loudly for the colored men to help suppress it. -- Frederick Douglass
  • When you believe, or are led to believe, you are unable to act upon the greatest desires of the soul, the result is mental and spiritual enslavement. -- Iyanla Vanzant
  • Freedom for the government is enslavement for the people. When the government is free the people are enslaved. When the government is contained then the people are free. -- Stefan Molyneux
  • When your time is turned into money, the felt presence of immediate experience is analogous to being enslaved. I mean, let's be frank about it, it is enslavement. -- Terence McKenna
  • To become pure is not difficult. Make the choices that will lead you to freedom and liberation - not enslavement to the wills, actions and desires of others. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • We ask for peace and freedom for the many men and women subject to old and new forms of enslavement on the part of criminal individuals and groups. -- Pope Francis
  • Your lifetime in form is to be honored and celebrated. Go beyond your enslavement, and live fully in the now, as this is the only time you have. -- Wayne Dyer
  • you know, a daydream properly utilized can be the most powerful force in the universe. One need only dream of freedom to begin to break the spell of enslavement. -- William Joyce
  • Genealogy itself is something of a privilege, coming far more easily to those of us for whom enslavement, conquest, and dispossession of our land has not been our lot. -- Tim Wise
  • One of the most tragic things about slavery was the mental enslavement, the way they made us believe that we were worth nothing; and that's what she's fighting against. -- Jurnee Smollett
  • To accept capitalism and Free Enterprise as articles of faith without agreeing that we must be free to consider whether what is offered is free and freeing is itself enslavement. -- Gerry Spence
  • How could they say that my religion, Islam was a 'race hate' religion after all the plunder and enslavement and domination of my people by white Christians in the name of white supremacy? -- Muhammad Ali
  • Women's Liberation calls it enslavement but the real truth about the sexual revolution is that it has made of sex an almost chaotically limitless and therefore unmanageable realm in the life of women. -- Midge Decter
  • This book has been a catalogue of mistakes by politicians, moral and practical disasters which led to wars, enslavement and wretchedness on a scale which no previous age could have dreaded or dreamed of. -- A. N. Wilson
  • It is a commonly observed fact that the enslavement of women is invariably associated with a low type of social life, and that, conversely, her elevation towards an equality with man uniformly accompanies progress. -- Herbert Spencer
  • Every time a new nation, America or Russia for instance, advances toward civilization, the human race perfects itself; every time an inferior class emerges from enslavement and degradation, the human race again perfects itself. -- Madame de Stael
  • What has ISIS done to the women in the cities they have conquered? Direct enslavement, humiliation and turning women into concubines to be bought and sold. This was something nobody expected to see in Iraq. -- Yanar Mohammed
  • The enslavement, humiliation, torture, and ultimate destruction of thousands upon thousands of human beings for a project for which there was ultimately no purpose is a horror that's very hard to imagine, far less understand. -- Richard Flanagan