Endless Possibilities quotes:

  • With science fiction there's endless possibilities. -- Anna Torv
  • NYC, You Inspire Me to never stop exploring the endless possibilities of food. -- Mike Lee
  • There is no such thing as having attained enough. Life is an endless possibility. -- Jaggi Vasudev
  • Think bigger. Forget limits. Embrace the idea of endless possibility.... It will change you. -- Marianne Williamson
  • We are the opening verse of the opening page of the chapter of endless possibilities. -- Rudyard Kipling
  • Behind me is infinite power, before me is endless possibility, around me is boundless opportunity. -- Mac Anderson
  • With meditation, you become a sensitized superhero, completely in control, with endless possibilities at your fingertips. -- Tara Stiles
  • This is the sacrifice: the endless possibility that is offered up on the altar of the form... -- Martin Buber
  • I wanted to become an artist because it meant endless possibilities. Art was a way of reinventing myself. -- Sam Taylor-Wood
  • I want to create endless possibilities with this cello. I become the medium through which the music is being channeled. -- Maya Beiser
  • I don't think about what I can't do or what I shouldn't be doing. I just think there are endless possibilities musically, really. -- Paul Weller
  • Today Americans are overcome not by the sense of endless possibility but by the banality of the social order they have erected against it. -- Christopher Lasch
  • I love our shared island, our shared Ireland and its core decency. I love it for its imagination and its celebration of the endless possibilities for our people. -- Michael D. Higgins
  • When we understand the privilege of what it means to be an athlete, we are in touch with, and rejoice in, our physical, mental, and emotional strengths and our endless possibilities. -- Gloria Averbuch
  • Maturity is the ability to make a decision and stand by it. Immature people spend their lives exploring endless possibilities and then doing nothing. Action requires courage. Without courage, little is accomplished. -- Ann Landers
  • In my heart I like to remain an amateur, in the sense of being in love with what I'm doing, forever astonished again at the endless possibilities of seeing and using the camera as a recording tool. -- Inge Morath
  • Thrift shopping is really just an extension of me being that same kid and going into a place that's completely unconventional that has really endless possibilities in terms of outfits that you can put together and really just expressing yourself. -- Macklemore
  • The geometry reveals five development direction for applications (each with endless possibilities); dividing, dwelling, trestle, fenestration and artistic installation. I find these enabled designs so reflective of an ever-changing world where contextual factors and technological resources are shifting definitions of architecture, design, and the traditional boundaries between disciplines. -- Dror Benshetrit
  • The universe is a multi-dimension al creative process, constantly forming new facets of possibility for you and all living things. Expanding our awareness of the process, we allow ourselves to experience more of it. Every moment we can remember that ANYTHING is possible in a realm of endless possibility. -- Marianne Williamson
  • I'll always have a totally open mind to endless possibilities. I want to do a dance album. Not Techno, but a record that's exclusively designed for people to dance to. That whole dance genre is kinda into its own world. I'd just like to get in there and mess around with that. -- Rob Halford
  • I dwell on endless possibilities. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • Born to fly, endless possibilities. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • Life is full of endless possibilities. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • Our pursuits are for perfection but possibilities are endless. -- Debasish Mridha
  • Invest in a feather duster - the possibilities are endless. -- Anne Rice
  • When fear no longer takes hold, the possibilities are endless. -- Tom Althouse
  • The possibilities are endless for me - Broadway, TV, music and film. -- Michelle Williams
  • Live and dwell in endless possibilities to find out what is possible. -- Debasish Mridha
  • You are surrounded by endless possibilities. Your potential being the sum of your beliefs. -- Steven Redhead
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  • If you truly believe that your dreams will come a reality the possibilities are endless -- Jared Leto
  • The possibilities are endless, so never be discouraged by a setback, no matter how big. -- Tommy Hilfiger
  • The great thing about doing a series about the Broadway community is that the possibilities are endless. -- Megan Hilty
  • When you look at the possibilities instead of the problems, the future is filled with endless opportunities -- Zig Ziglar
  • There's endless possibilities to taking music into the future by using music that actually was 100 years old. -- Paul Morley
  • The possibilities for immortality are endless. Here you sit reading these words, a butterfly resting on a flower! -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • I'll do anything for $50. People are always trying to get me to do dumb things. The possibilities are endless. -- Ryan Cabrera
  • It seemed like this day could go in so many directions, like a spiderweb shooting out toward endless possibilities. -- Sarah Dessen
  • Our culture now wonderfully, alchemically transforms images and history into artistic material. The possibilities seem endless and wide open. -- Jerry Saltz
  • Focusing on the past is only a barricade to the future. Once you overcome that barricade, the possibilities are endless. -- Brandon Cella
  • A life of abundance knows nothing about a mind that allows its obstacles to distract it from life's endless possibilities. -- Edmond Mbiaka
  • The possibilities were endless. Battles would be fought. Wonders revealed. Many journeys. Many lands. Many joys. Many sorrows.But stories all... -- William Joyce
  • The possibilities were endless. Battles would be fought. Wonders revealed. Many journeys. Many lands. Many joys. Many sorrows.But stories all -- William Joyce
  • It is the closest instrument to the human voice, and the things you can do on the cello... there are endless possibilities. -- Stjepan Hauser
  • The possibilities for creation and insight are endless. We're constantly collecting more data, and it's starting to be very relevant to our lives. -- Aaron Koblin
  • I love the science-fiction genre because there's always so many endless possibilities! It's a limitless genre and can be fun playing around with otherworldly ideas. -- Laura Mennell
  • When I play supernatural characters in 'Ghost Rider' or 'City Of Angels,' the possibilities are limitless. The possibilities are endless, you can do so much with that. -- Nicolas Cage
  • The possibilities are endless now, with performing, getting your music online, getting your own website and getting your music out there. I think that's very cool and amazing. -- Dave Gahan
  • I think the reality-show format is brilliant, has endless possibilities. It's documentary! But unfortunately, it's rarely executed well. So it becomes just a scripted show, but without actors. -- Justin Kirk
  • You were born and with you endless possibilities, very few ever to be realized. It's okay. Life was never about what you could do, but what you would do. -- Richelle E. Goodrich
  • The human body is capable of amazing physical deeds. If we could just free ourselves from our perceived limitations and tap into our internal fire, the possibilities are endless. -- Dean Karnazes
  • Seriously, I wanted to be an artist because I saw that it meant endless possibilities. I came from a badly managed family background, so art was a way of reinventing myself. -- Sam Taylor-Wood
  • What does 'work' mean in this 21st, ultra-wired century, with its exploding new industries, low barriers to entry and endless possibilities? Is technology making our lives more flexible - or our days more endless? -- Rachel Sklar