Embodiment quotes:

  • I have worshipped woman as the living embodiment of the spirit of service and sacrifice. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • The Jews are the living embodiment of the minority, the constant reminder of what duties societies owe their minorities, whoever they might be. -- Abba Eban
  • Favor comes because for a brief moment in the great space of human change and progress some general human purpose finds in him a satisfactory embodiment. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • And this is the Anarchistic definition of the State: the embodiment of the principle of invasion in an individual, or a band of individuals, assuming to act as representatives or masters of the entire people within a given area. -- Benjamin Tucker
  • Embodiment means we no longer say, I had this experience; we say, I am this experience. -- Sue Monk Kidd
  • When you have become the Embodiment of Gratitude, think about how Pure the Water that fills your Body will be. When this happens, you Yourself will be a Beautiful Shining Crystal of Light. -- Masaru Emoto
  • The Lord is the refuge of all who seek refuge, the saviour of all who have to be saved. He is the Embodiment of Being-Awareness-Bliss (Sat-chit-ananda). He is now at Puttaparthi as the Effulgent Emperor over the region of Truth, Goodness and Beauty. -- Sathya Sai Baba
  • Europe itself is an embodiment of this diversity. -- Ulrich Beck
  • Law is the embodiment of the moral sentiment of the people. -- William Blackstone
  • The flag is the embodiment, not of sentiment, but of history. -- Woodrow Wilson
  • The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence. -- Jules Verne
  • I always thought Kurt Cobain was the perfect embodiment of the great alternative guitar player. -- Billy Corgan
  • Any sort of role requires a certain amount of research and embodiment of the character and psychological investigation. -- Andy Serkis
  • Mother Teresa was the very embodiment of saintliness: white-clad, sad-eyed, ascetic and often photographed with the wretched of the earth. -- Steven Pinker
  • I've been extremely fortunate in my life. So I actually believe that I'm the living embodiment of living the American dream. -- Dan Rosensweig
  • The Law is the true embodiment of everything that's excellent; it has no kind of fault or flaw and I, my Lords, embody the Law. -- W.S. Gilbert
  • God is the embodiment of compassion. He watches for a grain of goodness or humility so that He can reward it with tons of grace. -- Sathya Sai Baba
  • Quetzalcoatl is a primal idea of the duality of human nature. The serpent is the embodiment of Heaven and Earth. It scares people in many ways. -- Robert Graham
  • Paul Ryan's love for Rage Against The Machine is amusing, because he is the embodiment of the machine that our music has been raging against for two decades -- Tom Morello
  • My role is to embody the Black Opium woman - I suppose you have to be the living embodiment of all the intangible things the brand stands for. -- Edie Campbell
  • MINISTER, n. An agent of a higher power with a lower responsibility. In diplomacy, an officer sent into a foreign country as the visible embodiment of his sovereign's hostility. -- Ambrose Bierce
  • What does New York sound like? For me, the Charlie Parker at the Royal Roost recordings on the Savoy label are the total embodiment of the New York music experience. -- Henry Rollins
  • I think I'm a living embodiment of, 'Don't try to push me around or squash me,' whether its how I talk to a record label or in my relationships. -- Bonnie Raitt
  • Hip-hop is a part of rock & roll because it comes from DJ culture. DJ culture is the embodiment of all genres and all recorded music, if you actually pay attention to it. -- Chuck D
  • I have been very lucky to find something I am good at and can make money at... Playing with Bruce was the embodiment of everything that a little kid could dream about. -- Max Weinberg
  • I'd read the book and liked the book, but it made me really uncomfortable trying to picture myself in this part. Here's this guy who seems to be the embodiment of every single perfect guy. -- Robert Pattinson
  • My work is about the underbelly of the beauty of nature - and the dark side of nature is its indifference. Nature isn't friendly, nor is it unfriendly - it's the perfect embodiment of the Other. -- April Gornik
  • Theosophy has no code of morals, being itself the embodiment of the highest morality; it presents to its students the highest moral teachings of all religions, gathering the most fragrant blossoms from the gardens of the world-faiths. -- Annie Besant
  • I had faith in Israel before it was established, I have in it now. I believe it has a glorious future before it - not just another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization. -- Harry S. Truman
  • I had faith in Israel before it was established, I have in it now. I believe it has a glorious future before it - not just another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization. -- Harry S. Truman
  • Acting for screen is very different from acting on stage, and then obviously when you dance... everything is a physical embodiment. But the discipline is the same approach. You have to take both things seriously; nothing well-crafted is by mistake. -- Amanda Schull
  • Each visible planet is the embodiment of a great and exalted spiritual intelligence Who is the minister of God in that department of His Kingdom, endeavoring to carry out His Will, the latter having in view the ultimate highest good, regardless of temporary ill. -- Max Heindel
  • I've had great pleasure meeting the likes of Newt Gingrich and having a chat with the fellow on a staircase. I found him completely dishonest and totally likeable, because he doesn't care! He knows what a politician is, and he's a perfect embodiment of one. -- John Lydon
  • Contact with men who wield power and authority still leaves an intangible sense of repulsion. It's very like being in close proximity to fecal matter, the fecal embodiment of something unmentionable, and you wonder what it is made of and when it acquired its historically sacred character. -- Jean Baudrillard
  • When I have had such men before my camera my whole soul has endeavored to do its duty to them in recording faithfully the greatness of the inner as well as the features of the outer man. The photograph thus taken has almost the embodiment of a prayer. -- Julia Margaret Cameron
  • For life is the best thing we have in this existence. And if we should desire to believe in something, it should be a beacon within. This beacon being the sun, sea, and sky, our children, our work, our companions and, most simply put, the embodiment of love. -- Patti Smith
  • There is poetry and there is beauty in real sympathy; but there is more - there is action. The noblest and most powerful form of sympathy is not merely the responsive tear, the echoed sigh, the answering look; it is the embodiment of the sentiment in actual help. -- Octavius Winslow
  • When I have had such men before my camera my whole soul has endeavored to do its duty towards them in recording faithfully the greatness of the inner as well as the features of the outer man. The photograph thus taken has been almost the embodiment of a prayer. -- Julia Margaret Cameron
  • The torch relay is an excellent embodiment of all that the Olympic Games have come to symbolise - a celebration of the human spirit. Personally to me, it represents striving to be the best in whatever we do, never giving up despite the odds, and a commitment to health and fitness. -- Lakshmi Mittal
  • Music has its own emotional embodiment. It carries an emotion with it. When you associate a lyric with the music, it's much easier; but when you're standing there completely dry in front of the camera with no musical background, just a fine-tuned, get-this-emotional-story across, it's a very, very intense kind of focus. -- Debbie Harry
  • Every decently-made object, from a house to a lamp post to a bridge, spoon or egg cup, is not just a piece of 'stuff' but a physical embodiment of human energy, testimony to the magical ability of our species to take raw materials and turn them into things of use, value and beauty. -- Kevin McCloud
  • Menaced by collectivist trends, we must seek revival of our strength in the spiritual foundations which are the bedrock of our republic. Democracy is the outgrowth of the religious conviction of the sacredness of every human life. On the religious side, its highest embodiment is the Bible; on the political side, the Constitution. -- Herbert Hoover
  • Initially I was very drawn to the Tao Te Ching, the Taoist philosophy. It was helping me deal with the balance of these external and internal issues with my chess life. Tai chi is the martial embodiment of Taoist philosophy. Initially, I had no intention of competing in the martial arts; it was just the meditation. -- Joshua Waitzkin
  • I am a feminist because I feel endangered, psychically and physically, by this society and because I believe that the women's movement is saying that we have come to an edge of history when men - insofar as they are embodiments of the patriarchal idea - have become dangerous to children and other living things, themselves included -- Adrienne Rich
  • The flag of the United States has not been created by rhetorical sentences in declarations of independence and in bills of rights. It has been created by the experience of a great people, and nothing is written upon it that has not been written by their life. It is the embodiment, not of a sentiment, but of a history... -- Woodrow Wilson
  • Of all the nonsense written about love, none is more absurd than the notion that ideal love is selfless. To love is to see myself in you and to wish to celebrate myself with you. What I love is the embodiment of my values in another person. Love is an act of self-assertion, self-expression and a celebration of being alive. -- Nathaniel Branden
  • I am the immaculate embodiment of worlds. -- Joss Whedon
  • I'm the living embodiment of 'it could be worse'. -- Dan Howell
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  • My work is the embodiment of dreams in one form or another. -- William Morris
  • Love is never jealous. It's a connection. It's an energy. It's an embodiment. -- T. Mills
  • Judge Samuel Alito's accomplishments in life are the embodiment of the American dream. -- Frank Lautenberg
  • I'm just a singer, Elvis was the embodiment of the whole American culture. -- Frank Sinatra
  • How dare the embodiment of her worst nightmare come packaged as her hottest fantasy? -- Karen Marie Moning
  • Jews focus on the Torah, the embodiment of God's will; Christians, on an embodied God. -- Meir Soloveichik
  • True art is but the anti-type of nature; the embodiment of discovered beauty in utility. -- James A. Garfield
  • How far is truth susceptible of embodiment? That is the question, that is the experiment. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
  • The embodiment of kindness is often made difficult by our long ingrained patternsof fear & jealousy. -- Sharon Salzberg
  • I grew up in a small town that was absolutely a perfect embodiment of new urbanism. -- Leon Krier
  • The law functions as formal embodiment of a moral code, not as free-standing substitute for it. -- Mark Steyn
  • We are the embodiment of Life, we are born into this world as a result of a Miracle. -- Frank M. Wanderer
  • an off-screen persona of Globally Conscious Earth Mother and an aggressive on-screen embodiment of Kali, Goddess of Destruction. -- Angelina Jolie
  • On a craggy bluff above the majestic Ottawa River stands the remarkable embodiment of our system of governance: Parliament. -- John Allen Fraser
  • The Theatre of the Absurd is a theatrical embodiment and manifestation of existentialism. It is part reality and part nightmare -- Martin Esslin
  • The Charkha, which is the embodiment of willing obedience and calm persistence, must therefore succeed before there is civil disobedience. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • A budget is more than just a series of numbers on a page; it is an embodiment of our values. -- Barack Obama
  • For me, the original Guns N' Roses is the embodiment of a certain kind of chemistry that really couldn't be duplicated. -- Slash
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  • Photography... is either an expression of a cosmic vision, an embodiment of a life movement or it is nothing - to me. (1919) -- Paul Strand
  • This wicked man Hitler, the repository and embodiment of many forms of soul-destroying hatred. this monstrous product of former wrongs and shame. -- Winston Churchill
  • A writer, like a sheriff, is the embodiment of a group of people and without their support both are in a tight spot. -- Craig Johnson
  • A garden really lives only insofar as it is an expression of faith, the embodiment of a hope and a song of praise. -- Russell Page
  • There is a basic truth which man can know and which can transform his life if he will become the embodiment of it. -- Roy Davis
  • The city has always been an embodiment of hope and a source of feeling guilt; a dream pursued, and found vain, wanting, and destructive. -- Jonathan Raban
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  • Sam Turton is the true embodiment of the responsible artist. The honesty and integrity of the man comes out with every soulful note he sings. -- Andrew Craig
  • Christ and his teachings are the embodiment of submission, of inertia, of the denial of life; hence responsible for the things done in their name. -- Emma Goldman
  • Sophia Loren is the embodiment of what a woman should be -- the epitome of femaleness. Most of the young people today are just ironing boards. -- Rona Barrett
  • American federalism was the embodiment of political tolerance and decentralization - the expression of the liberal conviction that society can manage itself and needs no central plan. -- Llewellyn Rockwell
  • This physical world, though necessary to our evolution, is the embodiment of impermanence, of constant change. Thus, we take care not to become overly attached to it. -- Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
  • Almost as though the painting itself becomes the embodiment of a type of struggle for visibility, and this might be considered the main subject of the painting. -- Kehinde Wiley
  • Interestingly, it's as though the gospel story of Jesus is the archetypal heroic journey, the embodiment of the very adventure that all people in every epoch have desired. -- Alan Hirsch
  • Successfully completing a lesser purpose doesn't feel good very good for very long, because it is simply preparation for advancing toward a greater embodiment of your deeper purpose. -- David Deida
  • Woman is the embodiment of sacrifice and suffering and her advent to public life should, therefore, result in purifying it, in restraining unbridled ambition and accumulation of property. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • The brain, to be sure, is indeed the physical embodiment of the mind, the organ through which the mind finds expression and through which it acts in the world. -- Jeffrey M. Schwartz
  • The Hope, Love & Healing necklace is the perfect embodiment of what we are trying to bring to Haiti through safe and sustainable housing, sanitation solutions, and water filtration devices. -- Patricia Arquette
  • God, who is the embodiment of Truth and Right and Justice, can never have sanctioned a religion or practice which regards one - fifth of our vast population as untouchables. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • Toward the One, the perfection of love, harmony and beauty, the only being, united with all the illuminated souls who form the embodiment of the master, the spirit of guidance. -- Hazrat Inayat Khan
  • One topic which often brings liberals and conservatives together in the U.S. is Iran. There is a general consensus that the Revolution was the embodiment of backwardness and barbarism. -- Mohammad Marandi
  • Language is the most elementary aspect to our humanness, probably. In addition to that, it's the embodiment, it's the apotheosis of the human experience, it's the way we summarize ourselves. -- George Carlin
  • physical disability looms pretty large in one's life. But it doesn't devour one wholly. I'm not, for instance, Ms. MS, a walking, talking embodiment of a chronic incurable degenerative disease. -- Nancy Mairs
  • I have no hesitation in putting a name to the embodiment of all that I think is best about football. It's Paul Scholes. In so many ways Scholes is my favourite. -- Bobby Charlton
  • If we all can figure out how to work together then we are the embodiment of salvation for our entire planet. We have the capabilities of it. That's the gist of it. -- Matt Corby
  • Does Big Brother exist?" "Of course he exists. The Party exists. Big Brother is the embodiment of the Party." "Does he exist in the same way as I exist?" "You do not exist. -- George Orwell
  • Let's use that to make as interesting and different and unique a story as possible and not just stay with the same thing.' And this movie is certainly the embodiment of that. -- Kevin Feige
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