Dummy quotes:

  • Dummy Dum Dum was my nickname for years at school. I was the strange one of the family, the one who couldn't remember his name. -- John Lydon
  • I was a dummy in school. -- Alan Ladd
  • I am no dummy, mate, that's for sure. -- Shane Warne
  • My goal was to prove to my family I wasn't a dummy. -- Roger Goodell
  • Colloquial poetry is to the real art as the barber's wax dummy is to sculpture. -- Ezra Pound
  • It's true, you can never eat a pet you name. And anyway, it would be like a ventriloquist eating his dummy. -- Alexander Theroux
  • To be accused of 'channeling' is to be dismissed as a ventriloquist's live dummy, derogated at not having a mind of one's own. -- William Safire
  • I think when we use 'stress', we are often using a kind of dummy word to try to fit many different things into one big category. -- Siddhartha Mukherjee
  • Dummy, dummy, go out now and fill your tummy. -- William Goldman
  • Of course, I'm no dummy. -- Paul Thomas Anderson
  • Smartphones. Who cares? Smartphones. I only have dummy phones. -- Don Rickles
  • Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy -- Isaac Newton
  • We're not leaving here without Buster, man. Leave no crash-test dummy behind! -- Adam Savage
  • Find her, blind her, see who designed her. Act like a dummy until you grind her. -- Frank Zappa
  • I guess this is a bad time to mention I hung a dummy and painted Seneca Crane's name on it... -- Suzanne Collins
  • I've got an answer to where Osama bin Laden is and I know, he's dead and living in my suitcase with my dummies.' -- Jeff Dunham
  • Would you buy a book proudly stating on the cover that its reader is a dummy? Or would you think "of course it's ironic"? -- Erik Naggum
  • Always hire people who are better than you. Hiring dummies is shortsighted. You can't move up the ladder until everyone is comfortable with your replacement. -- Lois Wyse
  • If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy. -- Jack Handey
  • Like a ventriloquist who laughs at his dummy's jokes, I keep trying to make photographs that seduce me into believing in the image - all the time knowing better, but believing anyway. -- Larry Sultan
  • I saw the Nutcracker to be a dummy as I thought of its mouth moving like a nutcracker - and also find them pretty scary as they almost have a life of their own. -- Matthew Bourne
  • All through college, I was searching for characters that would make me unique and set me apart from the typical ventriloquist with the typical dummy that was the little boy, cheeky hard figure like Charlie McCarthy. -- Jeff Dunham
  • Up until college age I was using the typical little-boy dummy that sits on the knee and makes woodpecker jokes. My first original character didn't happen until later, and that was Jose the Jalapeno on a Stick. -- Jeff Dunham
  • Broadly speaking, most people lived their lives in a kind of unwilling conformity. The thing was that they were offered, as time went by, various kinds of freedom, most of which were sort of dummy freedoms somehow. -- Neal Ascherson
  • My mother's no dummy. She taught the lesson about sacrificing for your kids, but also that if your kids hit it big, they better make it up to you for those years. She's gotten her sacrifices back with interest. -- Sean Combs
  • Ignoring for a moment the power of the American Medical Association, we still wouldn't see a huge amount of books on neurosurgery for dummies in 21 days or whatever. It's just plain inappropriate, and it's intentionally out of people's reach. -- Erik Naggum
  • I think maybe one reason why ventriloquists are looked down on is because it's very difficult to be funny. I think what happens is that people get a dummy, they learn the technique of ventriloquism, they memorize the script, they think they're in show business. -- Jeff Dunham
  • When there's not ten feet of snow on the ground, I ride my bike down the streets of New York, and I literally hear two things out of car windows as cabs pass by me: They either yell, 'Hey, dummy,' or 'Hey, Mayhem.' -- Dean Winters
  • When I was eight years old, I got a dummy for Christmas and started teaching myself. I got books and records and sat in front of the bathroom mirror, practising. I did my first show in the third grade and just kept going; there was no reason to quit. -- Jeff Dunham
  • Men and swords. My father said that if you put any able-bodied man, no matter how peaceful, into a room with a sword and a practice dummy and leave him alone, eventually the man would pick up the sword and try to stab the dummy. It is human nature. -- Ilona Andrews
  • When I did 'Esquire,' I did a lot of celebrity covers, but the celebrity cover was Hubert Humphrey as a dummy, sitting on Lyndon Johnson's lap and aping his feelings about the war. I did celebrity covers that made a difference in what was going on in American culture. -- George Lois
  • I had a happy, dramafree youth, growing up in an upper-middle-class neighborhood in Dallas, Texas. The only thing that was slightly unusual compared to most of my friends was that I was an only child... I don't think that's why my parents gave me a dummy, at least they've never copped to it. -- Jeff Dunham
  • I cannot live a life where I'm deprived. I'd much rather be five, 10 pounds heavier. With my luck, I'll get myself to that perfect goal weight, and I'll get hit by a bus. Then I'll be like... looking at myself from some afterlife going, 'You idiot. You could have had that agnolotti, dummy.' -- Drew Barrymore
  • I think there's a lot of, unfortunately, unfunny ventriloquists out there, so they've got a bad rap. It came after Edgar Bergen because everybody had a little cheeky boy dummy like Charlie McCarthy, and everybody decided to become a ventriloquist because Bergen had popularized it. He brought it back from the doldrums of vaudeville. -- Jeff Dunham
  • Over the years, many executives have said to me with pride: 'Boy, I worked so hard last year that I didn't take any vacation.' I always feel like responding, "You dummy. You mean to tell me you can take responsibility for an eighty-million-dollar project and you can't plan two weeks out of the year to have some fun? -- Lee Iacocca
  • The Egyptians had a particularly nasty way of getting rid of people they felt had no consequence. Instead of embalming them, they simply constructed a fake mummy made from old strips of linen wrapped around a dummy of mud. If, in our modern world, you feel that there are a lot of "mud mummies" around you, get rid of the mud. -- Perry Brass
  • Network selectively. Nothing says "business newbie" like shotgun networking. "You never know when someone might say yes" is marketing for dummies. Take the time to build a profile of your ideal customers, and target your networking activities to reach them. Speak to those who are already predisposed to want what you offer. Almost any profile is better than "anyone with a pulse." -- Steve Pavlina
  • I got run over by a bug-eyed dummy, I guess. -- Sterling Marlin
  • Unless one can think wisely it is better to remain a dummy. -- L. Frank Baum
  • Yeah, I am crazy. Ok. May be I am. But I prefer to be crazy than being a dummy. -- Ravindra Shukla
  • You could either ignore this advice, or take it from me: Be too nice, and people take you for a dummy. -- Daniel Dumile
  • I'm sorry Finn. I'm a wooden-headed dummy.' Don't be so hard on yourself,' said Finn. 'You're just a straw-brained scarecrow. -- Shannon Hale
  • This is Graceland. Home of the most famous musician in the world." "Michael Jackson lived here?" "No, dummy," Carter said. "Elvis Presley. -- Rick Riordan
  • I admire ventriloquists, because I can't do that. I mean, I might get mistaken for a ventriloquist dummy every now and then, but I can't do what they do. -- Brad Williams
  • You're alive!" Fezzik cried. The man in black sat immobile, like a ventriloquist's dummy, just his mouth moving. "That is perhaps the most childishly obvious remark I have ever come across... -- William Goldman
  • Just like every kid who comes into show business on some level, I used to put shows on in my basement. I even started with doing tricks and having a ventriloquist dummy. -- Don Scardino
  • New Rule: News organizations have to stop using the phrase: "We go beyond the headlines." That's your job, dummy. You don't see American Airlines saying, "We land our jets on the runway"! -- Bill Maher
  • CPR dummy looked like him and had clearly been stabbed. Repeatedly. In the groin. He thought she might have used the dummy for target practice, and tried not to be offended. Key word: tried. -- Gena Showalter