Drinking Whiskey quotes:

  • It was so quiet, a reservation kind of quiet, where you can hear somebody drinking whiskey on the rocks three miles away. -- Sherman Alexie
  • Bye, Bye Miss American Pie, drove my chevy to the levy but the levy was dry. Good old boys drinking whiskey and rye, singing, this'll be the day that I die. -- Don McLean
  • You put three girls in a house, and all of a sudden before you know it, youre talking about boys and drinking whiskey, and things go down and you get deep real quick. -- Katie Aselton
  • Will you stop drinking whiskey? Let me plead with you to do so. And if the sisters would not think it oppressive, I would ask them to not drink quite so much strong tea. -- Brigham Young
  • Y'all drinking whiskey is probably a gregarious act. When you're not an alcoholic it's pretty fun to drink whiskey. But when you are it's a very solo ritual. It's not gregarious at all. But vice has always informed country music and all music. -- Ketch Secor
  • Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over. -- Mark Twain
  • I gave up drinking lots of whiskey and began to practice yoga and meditation. As a result I am not dead. -- Billy Childish
  • Call him drunken Ira Hayes, he won't answer any more. Not the whiskey drinking Indian, nor the Marine that went to war. -- Johnny Cash