Deregulated quotes:

  • Pete Wilson deregulated energy as a pay out to Enron, and we blamed Gray Davis. -- Adam McKay
  • Petrol price is a deregulated commodity, price of which is decided by our oil marketing companies based on input cost and other parameters. -- Veerappa Moily
  • We have established a new basis in our country in which economic liberalization would continue to flourish alongside democratic forces and deregulated power structure. -- Ibrahim Babangida
  • In the deregulated realm of US banking and finance, crime does occasionally pay for its foul deeds, not in prison time but by making modest rebates to the victims. -- William Greider
  • So it was flawed in that it didn't require California to have a first claim on the power plants. It deregulated part of the market, but not all of the market. -- Gray Davis
  • Well, there's no question that the law passed in 1996 was flawed. It deregulated the wholesale market, meaning the price that the utilities had to pay energy companies for power, but not the retail market. -- Gray Davis
  • Wall Street shouldn't be deregulated. I think Wall Street and Main Street need to play by the same set of rules. The middle-class can't carry the burden any longer, that is what happened in the last decade. They had to bail out Wall Street. -- Stephanie Cutter
  • To economists, prices serve as crucial signals to producers and consumers. In a regulated market, the state sets prices high enough for private companies to cover their costs and earn a guaranteed profit for their investors. But in a deregulated market, prices should vary with demand and supply. -- Alex Berenson
  • I don't have my finger on the pulse of corruption in China, but I think most people on the ground would say that as China was emerging from communism, it was a very regulated society, and therefore, it was very corrupt. But as they have deregulated the economy, there just aren't as many opportunities for people to be corrupt. -- Clayton Christensen