Department quotes:

  • Labor Day 2013 is special. This year marks the centennial of the U.S. Department of Labor - 100 years of working for America's workers. -- Thomas Perez
  • We have to be active about kindness and about peace. I've always fantasized that it would be great if there was a Department of Peace. -- Dave Matthews
  • As an integral part of the Department of Agriculture, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service monitors our Nation's agriculture to protect against agricultural pests and diseases. -- Mike Rogers
  • I often laugh and say I should go down to the Department of the Interior and register as an endangered species. I'm a gay man over 60 and I'm alive. -- David Mixner
  • This is going to be a very transparent Justice Department. But I'm not gonna sacrifice the safety of the American people or our ability to protect the American homeland. -- Eric Holder
  • We need a world-wide Department of Peace. -- Anne Waldman
  • Our State Department is often wrong and timid. -- Dana Rohrabacher
  • Health care costs are eating the Defense Department alive. -- Robert M. Gates
  • The Federal Department of Odds and Ends: sweepus underum carpetae. -- Shaun Tan
  • The Department of Defense took 40 years to get where it got. -- Michael Chertoff
  • Dealing with the State Department is like watching an elephant become pregnant. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • The New York Times is the official leak of the State Department. -- Mort Sahl
  • Actually, the Department of Transport were at one stage going to sack me. -- David Prowse
  • I know the bottom of the Justice Department, and I know the top. -- Rudy Giuliani
  • Crime is going down everywhere but in the New York City Police Department. -- Al Sharpton
  • Marriage, the family unit, was the "original Department of Health, Education and Welfare." -- Michael Novak
  • I always assumed the Department of Agriculture was the farmer and rancher's friend. -- Jerry Moran
  • In 1978, I entered Tohoku University, into the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Technology. -- Koichi Tanaka
  • The Fire Department has traditionally considered architecture a priority only when it's burning down. -- Justin Davidson
  • State Department official accused of offering 'quid pro quo' in [Hillary] Clinton email scandal. -- Donald Trump
  • I'm in charge of the State Department's 60,000-plus people all over the world, 275 posts. -- Hillary Clinton
  • We need to make sure the Department of Agriculture is promoting farmers and ranchers. -- Jerry Moran
  • There is no excuse for waste, fraud, and abuse in the Defense Department budget. -- John Bolton
  • I used to do a lot of apologizing for what the State Department had done. -- Dizzy Gillespie
  • The Department of Defense, the largest single energy consumer in America, is bullish on solar. -- Bernie Sanders
  • The Department of Justice transcends party because we're building on the Weed and Seed program. -- Janet Reno
  • During this period at the Department of Education, my working relationship with Judge Thomas was positive. -- Anita Hill
  • Look at the Justice Department, it's full of Jews...The lawyers in government are damn Jews. -- Richard M. Nixon
  • It is impossible to figure out where the Clinton Foundation ends and the State Department begins. -- Donald Trump
  • The advance guard in the campaign for peace that America wages today must be the State Department. -- Louis A. Johnson
  • For the Department of Energy to conduct this investigation is like the fox watching the hen house. -- Shelley Berkley
  • My attorney general will restore the integrity of the Department of Justice, which has been severely questioned. -- Donald Trump
  • It is emphatically the province and duty of the Judicial Department to say what the law is." -- John Marshall
  • You [Hillary Clinton] ran the State Department, $6 billion was either stolen. They don't know. It's gone, $6 billion. -- Hillary Clinton
  • The last thing the Department of Homeland Security is about is infringing on anybody's constitutionally protected rights. -- Janet Napolitano
  • I certainly have the energy, and there's probably nobody that knows the Justice Department better than me. -- Rudy Giuliani
  • It is emphatically the province and duty of the Judicial Department to say what the law is. -- John Marshall
  • Why do they call it the Department of Interior when they are in charge of everything outdoors? -- Steven Wright
  • I want you to go to the Ancient Languages Department at Trinity College tomorrow morning, Ms.Lane. -- Karen Marie Moning
  • I question why the Department continued to watch the costs escalate without informing Parliament and without considering alternatives. -- Sheila Fraser
  • White House and State Department foreign-policy experts are overwhelmingly directed towards military and diplomatic issues, not development issues. -- Jeffrey Sachs
  • We need to give them [the Justice Department] as much power as we can without eroding fundamental liberties. -- Jeff Sessions
  • Our own State Department polls say that 80 percent of Iraqis view the United States as an unpopular occupier. -- Marty Meehan
  • The State Department said the countries that are most stealing our best ideas also are our best allies. -- Louis J. Freeh
  • The government does a lot of stuff that it shouldn't do - the Department of Education, for instance. -- Milo Yiannopoulos
  • All school districts receive funds from the federal government, through the Department of Education, to support anti-drug education efforts. -- John Walters
  • Working very closely with the Department of Homeland Security to match up what is available with what is needed. -- Condoleezza Rice
  • Protecting children and vulnerable workers abroad is a part of our overall efforts here at the Department of Labor. -- Hilda Solis
  • I will appoint an attorney general who will reform the Department of Justice like it was necessary after Watergate. -- Donald Trump
  • How pale is the art of sorcerers, witches, and conjurors when compared with that of the government's Treasury Department! -- Ludwig von Mises
  • Total borrowing has imploded. Private borrowing has collapsed. And, in effect, the Treasury Department is the last borrower left standing. -- Peter Orszag
  • Total borrowing has imploded. Private borrowing has collapsed. And, in effect, the Treasury Department is the last borrower left standing. -- Peter Orszag
  • On 16 September 1985, when the Commerce Department announced that the United States had become a debtor nation, the American Empire died. -- Gore Vidal
  • Guaranteed, full stop, nobody gets treated differently when it comes to the Justice Department, because nobody is above the law. -- Barack Obama
  • In Los Angeles, the Police Department buys a 40-foot refrigerated trailer truck every six months just to hold DNA evidence. -- Bill Dedman
  • I'm a partisan, too. I'm in favor of AUTHENTICITY." US State Department veteran and U.N. refugee official Wendy Chamberlain -- Ron Suskind
  • Did the Prime Minister have some sort of grudge against you by sending this publicity crazed person into your Department? -- David Winnick
  • Both the State Department and the FBI deny any 'quid pro quo' between Hillary Clinton's State Department and the FBI... -- Thomas Roberts
  • I think the Justice Department needs to be the final protector of the people of the United States of America. -- Sheila Jackson Lee
  • I got to stick with what I know [about The Clinton Foundation]. I'm not an official of the State Department. -- Donna Brazile
  • You might recall, perhaps, that we were probably the only commentators to rely on the most knowledgeable source, State Department intelligence. -- Noam Chomsky
  • This idea of holding the Defense Department hostage to the tax debate makes me sick to my stomach. Knock it off. -- Lindsey Graham
  • Being against the military because you are against war is like being against the Fire Department because you are against fire. -- Jim McDonough
  • I would not have the Justice Department prosecuting and raiding medical marijuana users. It's not a good use of our resources. -- Barack Obama
  • I took the unprecedented step of asking that the State Department make all my work-related emails public for everyone to see. -- Hillary Clinton
  • Eliminate agencies that perform redundant functions... Get rid of the Department of Commerce, the Department of Education, the Department of Energy. -- Rick Perry
  • That is not respecting our democracy, using the State Department as a concierge for foreign donations, not really respecting our American democracy. -- Kellyanne Conway
  • Allison Winn Scotch is the real deal and The Department of Lost and Found is one you absolutely won't want to miss. -- Johanna Edwards
  • I never would force the Justice Department to go to California and arrest people getting medical marijuana, when that's the law there. -- Ron Paul
  • The Intelligence Committee will also examine present counterintelligence programs for the Department of Energy, the National Laboratories, and the Department of Defense. -- Charles Bass
  • The U.S. State Department has a consistent record of error in the assessment of Asian situations and judging Red Chinese intentions. -- Ferdinand Marcos
  • With Stewart International Airport located here, the New Windsor Police Department has an added responsibility to take anti-terrorism precautions while protecting our area. -- Sue Kelly
  • I have made more friends for American culture than the State Department. Certainly I have made fewer enemies, but that isn't very difficult. -- Arthur Miller
  • The Department of Education should not be producing paid political advertising for the president, it should be helping us to produce smarter students. -- Dick Gephardt
  • I feel that if God had really wanted us to have enough oil, he would never have given us a Department of Energy. -- Robert Orben
  • Together, we can make a U.S. Department of Peace into a reality, and leave a gift of peace for generations to come. -- Joaquin Phoenix
  • I'm not going to let people who work in the United States Department of Justice have their characters be assailed without any basis. -- Eric Holder
  • The Defense Department must do a better job of providing the best possible care for service women who are victims of sexual assault. -- Louise Slaughter
  • It is not plausible for Patrick Kennedy to do something to get the FBI to change the State Department investigation, this is crazy. -- Thomas Roberts
  • I was never concretely aware of the extent of anti-Semitism in the United States and in the upper levels of the State Department. -- Erik Larson
  • The Department of Cell Biology at Johns Hopkins was founded and directed by Tom Pollard, an engaging young scientist with remarkable energy and enthusiasm. -- Peter Agre
  • The Federal Department of Education should be eliminated. The Department of Education is unconstitutional and should not be involved in education, at any level. -- Sharron Angle
  • The largest business in American handled by a woman is the Money Order Department of the Pittsburgh Post-office; Mary Steel has it in charge. -- Lydia Hoyt Farmer
  • Within minutes of the attack, your Department of Public Safety mobilized its Operations Center, headed by a national expert on weapons of mass destruction. -- Jane D. Hull
  • Maybe the Clinton chapter is over now. They've brought enough disgrace to America, the presidency, and the state department. They corrupted the Justice Department. -- Rudy Giuliani
  • We have to remind the people: Congress has the constitutional obligation and public responsibility to oversee these issues and the Department of Justice's operations. -- Sibel Edmonds
  • I like to call the Department of Labor the Department of Opportunity, and that means opportunity for everyone - no matter whom you love. -- Thomas Perez
  • Michele Bachmann said that if she is elected president, she would consider eliminating the Department of Education because "the states could do a gooder job. -- Jay Leno
  • In fact, NSF was the leading successful efforts to improve U.S. math and science education long before the Department of Education was even created. -- Bob Inglis
  • I think my father would give me the Department of the Interior because of my love of the outdoors, so we can get that going. -- Sean Hannity
  • I wouldn't say it's a split. It's a difference of emphasis. It does exist between, I would say, the State Department and the Defense Department. -- Henry A. Kissinger
  • Making ziti for the Chicago Fire Department! I hope they're not too busy today, but this should fill their bellies I hope they like it! -- Lady Gaga
  • This warning from the New York City Department of Health Fraud: Be suspicious of any doctor who tries to take your temperature with his finger. -- David Letterman
  • Since the Justice Department refuses to allow you to render a verdict, I'm going to present the case now, on the facts, against Hillary Rodham Clinton. -- Chris Christie
  • Personally I had the opportunity to go on several ride alongs with the LA County Sheriff's Department with some amazing detectives, who were invaluable to me. -- Nancy McKeon
  • We have had actually a decline in government service overall, but the growth is in high-tech areas, specialty areas in the Labor Department and other departments. -- Alexis Herman
  • We do not need Departments of Commerce, Labor, and Education; we need a single Department of Skills that will promote an integrated approach to global competitiveness. -- Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
  • We do not need Departments of Commerce, Labor, and Education; we need a single Department of Skills that will promote an integrated approach to global competitiveness. -- Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
  • The State Department has been your beat for so long. It has always smelled like Bob Corker was the in case of emergency, the easy guy. -- Chuck Todd
  • The most humble research scientist in the Department of Agriculture is at this time contributing more to this country than the most useful member of Congress. -- Fiorello H. La Guardia
  • We at the Department of Education are going to provide technical assistance; I've committed $14 million to show states how they might meet this more sophisticated approach. -- Margaret Spellings
  • The people in the US Drug Enforcement Department are encouraging drug trade so that they could show performance and get millions of dollars worth of budget. -- Osama bin Laden
  • By creating useful job descriptions and making clear what qualifications should be expected, the Department aims to help improve schools' ability to recruit the right people. -- Estelle Morris, Baroness Morris of Yardley
  • My father was on the faculty in the Chemistry Department of Harvard University; my mother had one year of graduate work in physics before her marriage. -- Kenneth G. Wilson
  • By creating useful job descriptions and making clear what qualifications should be expected, the Department aims to help improve schools' ability to recruit the right people. -- Estelle Morris, Baroness Morris of Yardley
  • By the last returns to the Department of War the militia force of the several States may be estimated at 800,000 men - infantry, artillery, and cavalry. -- James Monroe
  • The E.U.-U.S. Open Aviation Area agreement therefore envisages the establishment of a broadly similar cooperation framework between the Commission and the Department of Transportation. -- Neelie Kroes
  • We intend to keep the lines of communication open with the Defense Department so we can help our border law enforcement agencies navigate the equipment application process. -- Henry Cuellar
  • What is so remarkable about the success of affirmative action is that it has been accomplished despite the Justice Department and the policies of the federal government. -- Harold Washington
  • Since September 11th Congress has created the Department of Homeland Security, more than doubled the homeland security budget and implemented a bipartisan overhaul of our intelligence systems. -- Doc Hastings
  • I've met them down in the Cost and Accounting Department, clean-shaven and in white collars. They can't see a damn thing ridiculous about themselves... only about you. -- Jean Shepherd
  • The mantra from the Obama State Department is 'smart power' - the not-so-new idea that all elements of national power should be utilized to influence other countries. -- Ed Royce
  • I was the principal negotiator for the Department of Defense, when I was secretary of the Navy, on the issue of Toshiba technology concerns with American submarines. -- Jim Webb
  • Last year, Congress gave the Department of Defense the authority to design a new civilian personnel system for its employees as part of the defense authorization bill. -- Norm Dicks
  • The Secretary of Defense is not a super General or Admiral. His task is to exercise civilian control over the Department for the Commander-in-Chief and the country. -- Donald Rumsfeld
  • North Korean dictator Kim Jung Il may be stepping down. Yeah, experts in the State Department say he could be replaced by his son, Menta Li Ill. -- David Letterman
  • I would have been dead if it weren't for that great gift to civilization from the Chemistry Department of Harvard, which was napalm, or sticky jellied gasoline. -- Kurt Vonnegut
  • It is not for the State Department or even the Secretary of State to say when and how the resources of the American people will be spent. -- Mike Pence
  • Earlier this month the State Department gave the umpteenth performance of its popular play, Please Tread on Me, with Ceylon as guest star, and the usual cast. -- William F. Buckley, Jr.
  • In addition, we will improve the Department of Defense's cyber capabilities. A new threat, a new problem, very expensive, and we're not doing very well with cyber. -- Donald Trump