Denomination quotes:

  • I don't consider myself any denomination. -- Antonio Sabato, Jr.
  • Fear is the denomination of the Old Testament; belief is the denomination of the New. -- Benjamin Whichcote
  • I define God as an energy - a spiritual energy. It has no denomination. It has no judgments. -- Debbie Ford
  • All civil rights and the right to hold office were to be extended to persons of any Christian denomination. -- Roger Sherman
  • I was raised Catholic and I'm Presbyterian now, but I've always been a Christian, regardless of denomination. I believe that Jesus is the way. -- Patricia Heaton
  • There are two traditions in Northern Ireland. There are two main religious denominations. But there is only one true moral denomination. And it wants peace. -- David Trimble
  • If you have a film that's talking about God, you would think that it would appeal to people that consider themselves religious, whatever denomination they're attached to. -- John Curran
  • For many years, the work advanced but slowly. One denomination after another embarked in the undertaking; and now, American missionaries are seen in almost every land and every clime. -- Adoniram Judson
  • After lengthy consideration, my views have evolved sufficiently to support marriage equality legislation. This position doesn't require any religious denomination to alter any of its tenets; it simply forbids government from discrimination regarding who can marry whom. -- Tim Johnson
  • In America you have the right to worship any way you choose. That's why virtually every faith and every denomination on Earth has a presence in our land. You have a right to not believe in God at all. -- Marco Rubio
  • That I am not a member of any Christian church is true; but I have never denied the truth of the Scriptures, and I have never spoken with intentional disrespect of religion in general, or of any denomination of Christians in particular. -- Abraham Lincoln
  • I'm a firm believer in God himself, but that's as far as I can go. I'm not any denomination. I'm not Catholic or Presbyterian or Baptist or Methodist or Jewish or Muslim. I'm none of those things. And I'm sure that's just fine with God. -- Ray Charles
  • I grew up Protestant. My dad was a Charismatic pastor of the Families of God denomination. Often, we noticed that - during a lot of his evangelistic-type services - that some of the Amish and Old Order Mennonite couples would come and stand across the street from the church and look in the door. -- Beverly Lewis
  • Faith encompasses so much more than a denomination! -- Deborah Brodie
  • I don't belong to any denomination or religion, I just belong to God. -- Akiane Kramarik
  • My wife is Greek. I was a non-denomination Christian before we got married. -- Troy Polamalu
  • May the life I live speak for me, not my religion or denomination title. -- Dee Dee M. Scott
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  • We have to dissolve all the denominations in order to form from them the greater denomination of the homeland. -- Ameen Rihani
  • The Founders intended only to prevent the establishment of a single national denomination, not to restrain public religious expressions. -- David Barton
  • The Founders never intended to separate Christianity from government, only to keep a single denomination from running the nation. -- David Barton
  • TV evangelists say they don't favor any particular denomination, but I think we've all seen their eyes light up at tens and twenties. -- Dennis Miller
  • In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate-look to his character. -- Noah Webster
  • When a denomination begins to consider doctrine divisive, theology troublesome, and convictions inconvenient, consider that denomination on its way to a well-deserved death. -- Albert Mohler
  • You may have your diploma from a seminary, ordained by a Bishop, or commissioned by a denomination but ONLY God can "mark" a man." -- John Paul Warren
  • "Jesus said to 5 of 7 churches, "Repent or Else." That should be the focus of every pastor, denomination. We are headed for the OR ELSE." -- Michael Catt
  • Where any one body of educated men, of whatever denomination, are condemned indiscriminately, there must be a deficiency of information, or...of something else. -- Jane Austen
  • No religious reading, instruction or exercise, shall be prescribed or practiced [in the elementary schools] inconsistent with the tenets of any religious sect or denomination. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • The liberality of sentiment toward each other, which marks every political and religious denomination of men in this country, stands unparalleled in the history of nations. -- George Washington
  • In 1962 (Engel v. Vitale), the Supreme Court explained that the word 'church' would no longer mean a federally established denomination; it would now mean a religious activity in public. -- David Barton
  • Even people who don't share my specific faith (denomination, beliefs, etc.) are typically enthusiastic about my profession of faith in God and my commitment to living to God-given standards. -- Zig Ziglar
  • I'm a believer who loves Jesus and I work with everybody else whatever their denomination; Catholic, Orthodox, charismatic, main line, evangelicals, anyone who loves Jesus, I'll work with them. -- Bill Bright
  • Any denomination or church group that forsakes inerrancy will end up shipwrecked. It is impossible to prevent the surrender of other important doctrinal teachings of the Word of God when inerrancy is gone. -- Francis Schaeffer
  • There is something sadly wrong when it is more important to us whether others are a part of our denomination, rather than whether they repent of sin, believe on Christ and live holy lives. -- J. C. Ryle
  • I know this, and I know it from actual experience in the Orient, that the progress of modern Christian civilization has largely depended on the earnest hard work of the Christian missions of every denomination. -- William Howard Taft