Debbie Ford quotes:

  • It is still breathtaking to me to watch people bring love, preciousness and kindness to their inner world, allowing the light of God to shine through their eyes so that the beauty of their soul can come forth.

  • An exciting and inspiring future awaits you beyond the noise in your mind, beyond the guilt, doubt, fear, shame, insecurity and heaviness of the past you carry around.

  • Divorce is a time of change. It really rocks a foundation of most people's lives. When we have our heart broken or our dreams taken away from us, it is a time of growth and change.

  • Unfortunately, unless we're focused on building up our courage, which gives us our self-confidence and all that we need to make quantum change in our lives, the voice of fear will always take the lead inside our minds.

  • Self-acknowledgment boosts your emotional and spiritual immunity, giving you the strength you need to release the past and rise above fear, doubt or resignation.

  • New Year's resolutions often fail because toxic emotions and experiences from our past can sabotage us or keep us stuck with the same old thoughts, patterns and regrets.

  • Calling on you to give up control of the outer world and gladly accept control of your inner relationship with God, devotion is essential for fully realizing your soul's calling.

  • Resentments and grudges are two of the main culprits that perpetuate cycles of self-abuse and victimhood. Stowed away inside you like parasites, they deplete you of your God-given life force and separate you from your inherent worth, your joy, and the love in your heart.

  • Self-sabotage is the proverbial hammer over the head that finally wakes us up, demanding that we pay attention. For most of us, it takes something devastating to crack us open, to get us out of our minds and into our hearts.

  • I believe my love of beauty and my ability to see what works is a gift I was given by God.

  • Releasing the invisible ties to those who have left you, betrayed you, disappointed you or hurt you, you open up to higher realms of love, peace and joy.

  • When you take the time to cleanse your physical body of accumulated stress and toxicity, you are rewarded with increased vitality and optimal health.

  • To live in the light of a new day and an unimaginable and unpredictable future, you must become fully present to a deeper truth - not a truth from your head, but a truth from your heart; not a truth from your ego, but a truth from the highest source.

  • Harnessing the power of the present means having your full awareness on the task at hand and having access to the possibilities, the opportunities, and the support that exists right now.

  • For your soul's sake, invoke the agent of change called risk, which ensures that things will not be the same tomorrow as they are today. All real change requires risk.

  • Imagine that your life's efforts serve as a mark of God and that the only way the divine is seen, heard or expressed is through the legacy you leave behind. The yearning to make a difference is your need to express your purpose and derive meaning from your time on earth.

  • Don't go to sleep now, for you have been awakened. Don't shut your eyes, or you will put out the light. Stay awake to the power and force that guides and protects your divine essence.

  • By relinquishing your obsession with the past and your fantasies about the future, you can tap into the power of the present and feel the force of love that resides inside of you.

  • It is our interpretation of the past, our limiting beliefs, and our undigested pain that stop us from being able to move forward with clear direction.

  • As you become aware of what has robbed you of the purity of an innocent mind, a clear heart and a strong body, you will be deeply served by letting go of those familiar limitations.

  • When you treat yourself with the kindness and high regard that you would give to one of your spiritual heroes, your body becomes the epicenter of quiet joy rather than a battlefield for the ego.

  • To transcend limitations and form positive new patterns of life based on who you know you can be rather than who you were yesterday, you must give up the modes of thinking, feeling and behaving that only keep you chained to your past.

  • It would be impossible to estimate how much time and energy we invest in trying to fix, change and deny our emotions - especially the ones that shake us at our very core, like hurt, jealousy, loneliness, shame, rage and grief.

  • We have to choose faith even if we don't feel it. Or hold on to a friend who has faith.

  • When you invoke the agent of change called acceptance, you must accept all that you are, all that you've been, and all that you will be in the future.

  • To step into reverence for your body, you must pardon yourself for all you have done and not done to care for it. You must bless what works and accept and embrace all you perceive to be wrong.

  • If you look to your past or even your present to see why you are here or what your purpose is, you may get stuck in a limited view of yourself. Instead, look beyond your years here on earth, reconnect with the divine, and bring forth your soul's legacy into the present moment.

  • No one can deny who you are unless you are, in some way, minimizing the power and the force of your divine substance.

  • Yes, I was mad at God because of the cancer diagnosis. I thought I should have been protected because of the work I do in the world.

  • Often, psychological laziness will have you switch your life over to autopilot and fall asleep at the wheel rather than stay awake to what will fulfill your heart's deepest desires and your soul's purpose.

  • God has a plan for you - I can promise you that. Your life is sacred. There is and always has been a path for your soul, and if you follow that path, it will lead you to the inner utopia that your soul longs to experience in this lifetime.

  • Your soul's mission is to serve in the grandest way it can. Divine plans lie imprinted in your inner world, and there are important lessons for you to learn and share on this journey to your most magnificent self.

  • It's only when we are able to see our own behavior that we are able to wake up and start making conscious choices.

  • If you wish to fly to new heights, begin by setting your sights on a destination you can reach and then create a flight plan, a map, that will be your guide.

  • When you master the art of being fully awake to this moment, you bestow a precious gift on your soul - the experience of love. Being present is the art of the soul.

  • I always felt like if I lived in true authentic self-expression and lived in service and in support of many other people, I would be exempt from having to deal with yet another crisis in my life. I was wrong.

  • As you stop trying to forcibly manage the thoughts, beliefs and actions that arise from your mind and ask instead to be guided by a source greater than yourself, you will find a world of support showing up in surprising ways.

  • With devotion at the center of your awareness, you don't have to refer to your past in order to make a choice of how to respond or react in any given situation.

  • You are the mother, the father, the sister, the brother, the teacher and the guide for the soul that has been placed in your trust.

  • Anger, if used properly, might be for a cause, like helping feed children or stopping abuse somewhere. When we understand that every quality has importance and value, then we open up to this. Shining a light on these shadow qualities gives it balance.

  • You are on a soulful path that asks you to step into the greatest version of yourself. It is a sacred gift to shine your brightest light, not just in your moments of glory, but each day.

  • A compassionate heart will lift you out of the pain and suffering of your own world because it knows that everyone is doing the best they can, given their state of consciousness and the histories they're dragging behind them.

  • I define God as an energy - a spiritual energy. It has no denomination. It has no judgments.

  • Your desires will source you with the inspiration to release your outdated beliefs and let go of whatever behavior is keeping you stuck in the past.

  • If I had to name my greatest value in life, it would be beauty.

  • While your past can inform you and your future can inspire you, the moment of choice exists in the here and now.

  • There's only person in the world you can't see - yourself. But, God created - or whoever created us, we don't even have to argue that point - created us so perfect because we can actually see ourselves in other people.

  • It's easy to love yourself when you feel good enough, when you feel special enough, when you're loved enough, when you have enough money, and you're appreciated.

  • As you step into your limitless self, you might be confronted with old habits and patterns that are not necessarily based in truth. These old ways of being show up because you have repeated many of them thousands of times.

  • What I would say to anybody facing any life challenge or disease is that that is courage - to choose life, to keep looking at what's good.

  • We are spiritual beings whether we want to admit it or not, and inherent in our DNA is a design to return us home - home to our true essence, our greatest self, our limitless self.

  • Devotion begins at home, inside your own awareness.

  • In the presence of your own loving attention, you create the inner conditions that are necessary to step into the next greatest evolution of yourself.

  • I think that any time of great pain is a time of transformation, a fertile time to plant new seeds.

  • The underbelly of the human psyche, what is often referred to as our dark side, is the origin of every act of self-sabotage. Birthed out of shame, fear, and denial, it misdirects our good intentions and drives us to unthinkable acts of self-destruction and not-so-unbelievable acts of self-sabotage.

  • My goal is always transformation. I love to watch people transform their lives, which includes their inner world and their outer world.

  • Compassion enables you to reach to the heavens and look through the heart of God.

  • Connected to the collective heart, you can be certain in every cell of your being that you are never alone, and you will experience the grace, guidance and ease that comes when you are one with all there is.

  • If you accept that your only job is to be the keeper of your life force, you will make powerful choices.

  • Look for the light. Look for it in everything. Look for it in yourself, in your children, in your job, and in your dreams. Look for it in the food you eat and in the people you surround yourself with.

  • Self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong, good or bad.

  • When you are committed to living a life in service to the most high, the choices to be great, to serve and be served, to love and be loved are apparent.

  • By affirming your own gifts and accomplishments, you build your confidence and increase your ability to build a brighter future.

  • Your soul's desires compel you to grow, evolve and move closer to your highest potential.

  • The world mirrors yourself back to you. If you love, nourish, and appreciate yourself internally it will show up in your external life. If you want more love, give more love to yourself. If you want acceptance, accept yourself.

  • Do not wait another day to become fully engaged in your life, to learn to love and to forgive, and to live with greater purpose & meaning.

  • Think about how audacious it is to really believe in yourself.

  • If you are going to be courageous, an example for all those who are ready to step into their power, then you must be willing to show the world all of who you are. You must have the guts to throw off the chains of modesty and mediocrity in order to be the light that the world needs.

  • By choosing not to allow parts of ourselves to exist, we are forced to expend huge amounts of psychic energy to keep them beneath the surface.

  • Fear is the culprit that robs us of our greatest lives. And although it's mostly made up or a learned behavior from our past, almost everybody I've ever met in my life struggles with fear.

  • When a warrior is present and awake to all that she is, she is able to take on any challenge, any project, or any future that she desires. Her daily prayer is to have the strength to love all of herself, the courage to listen to what she is guided to do and the confidence to go out, stand tall and deliver her gifts to the world.

  • We've all had at least a fleeting experience of a deep connection with the Divine in a meditation, in a moment of realization, or at a time when we felt blessed by the universe because everything was going our way. When we look through divine eyes, there is no judgment, no need to be righteous or to make ourselves wrong.

  • Every day, each of us makes a multitude of choices that will impact our lives...the quality of our choices will dictate whether we will struggle in frustration or live an extraordinary life--the life of our dreams.

  • Divorce becomes a holy moment when you choose to use it as a catalyst for having an extraordinary life.

  • People with hearts filled with love, peace, and compassion live in heaven.

  • To ignite your confidence and reclaim your courage, you must step into the highest vision of who you are. The only way to do this is to make the journey back into the arms of the Divine.

  • We must be willing to take an honest look at ourselves and step out beyond our judgmental mind. It is here that we will have a life-altering shift in perception, an opening of our heart.

  • When you experience peace of soul, with each breath you are present to the fact that this is a divine moment, a moment to shine like you have never shone before, a moment to hold the whole world in your hands with a gentle thought and a kind heart.

  • The warrior woman is filled with the courage, confidence, and inner strength to leave the past behind. She knows that there is no way to express herself fully when she is still carrying burdens that need to be released.

  • It is only when you're lying to yourself or hating some aspect of yourself that you'll get an emotional charge from someone else's behavior.

  • Loving yourself means making choices that allow you to care for the important person that you are.

  • Before you begin your day: Take a moment of silence and meditation, and give yourself permission to have all that you desire.

  • What if the key to unlocking your true authentic power, to opening up your heart deeply to love, to finding the confidence to go after everything you want in your life lies hidden in your shadow?

  • Many of us are frightened to look within ourselves, and fear has us put up walls so thick we no longer remember who we really are.

  • The evolution of one's own soul is a process. It's not a quick fix. It's not a five-day workshop. It's a lifetime process where we let go, discover and then allow for futures to come into existence.

  • Maybe you've decided you're not a genius, that you're not brilliant, that you're not prosperous, that you're not wonderful, that you're not lovable. Well, you know what? You're both: you're unlovable and you are lovable. And they both need equal time.

  • Within ourselves, there are voices that provide us with all the answers that we need to heal our deepest wounds, to transcend our limitations, to overcome our obstacles or challenges, and to see where our soul is longing to go.

  • All of our suffering in life is from saying we want one thing and doing another.

  • When you are grounded in the present - feeling your feelings, listening to your body, tasting your food, and expressing your ideas - you do not build up toxicity. You digest your experience as you go.

  • The unmet need that can get met right now is the need to be whole, to be both your magnificent, divine self and your imperfect, human self.

  • Mary Allen has compiled a wealth of tools and resources - both inner and outer - to support you in consciously directing your untapped potential and creating a life that you love.

  • If you ask the Universe to be your partner and guide you on the path to wholeness, it will oblige.

  • If you have been suffering with physical ailments or even a spiritual emptiness, I want to share with you what I know to be true: The more love and reverence you give your body, the better you will feel.

  • As you say goodbye to lingering disappointments and unattended grief, you will discover that every person, situation and painful incident comes bearing gifts.

  • You have been called to be who you are - the whole luminous light. No one can dim your light when you are fully present to the depth and breadth of it.

  • Growth is usually uncomfortable. If you're looking for comfort, you will more than likely feel tired and old earlier than you want, and the misery of your caged soul will always be looming nearby.

  • Compassion is the key to living outside the confines of your lower self.

  • Beneath the surface of your ego's insatiable cravings, your authentic desires are waiting patiently for you to acknowledge, claim and express them.

  • When you fail to tell the truth, you are kept bound to the past in ways that devastate your soul.

  • Your soul is infinitely creative. It is alive and expansive in nature. It is curious and playful, changing with the tides of time.

  • Real change happens when you feel genuinely inspired, turned on by possibility and unwilling to settle for anything less.

  • When you know in your bones that your body is a sacred gift, you move in the world with an effortless grace. Gratitude and humility rise up spontaneously.

  • You can satisfy your soul's mission by committing to leaving something behind on this planet that will make a difference to those who come after you.

  • God's will can become your internal reference point from this day forward; it is your choice.

  • Compassion knows that choosing the higher road in any situation is the most loving option for you.

  • Whatever we refuse to recognize about ourselves has a way of rearing its head and making itself known when we least expect it.

  • When you make peace with yourself, the world will mirror back that same level of peace.

  • Fear keeps us rooted in the past. Fear of the unknown, fear of abandonment, fear of rejection, fear of not having enough, fear of not being enough, fear of the future-all these fears and more keep us trapped, repeating the same old patterns and making the same choices over and over again. Fear prevents us from moving outside the comfort-or even the familiar discomfort-of what we know. It's nearly impossible to achieve our highest vision for our lives as long as we are being guided by our fears.

  • The greatest act of courage is to be and to ownall of who you areĆ¢??without apology, without excuses, without masks to cover the truth of who you are.

  • Embracing our dark side gives us a new found freedom to be with the darkness in others. For when I can love all of me, I will love all of you.

  • Your life will be transformed when you make peace with your shadow. The caterpillar will become a breathtakingly beautiful butterfly. You will no longer have to pretend to be someone you're not. You will no longer have to prove you're good enough. When you embrace your shadow you will no longer have to life in fear. Find the gifts of your shadow and you will finally revel in all the glory of your true self. Then you will have the freedom to create the life you have always desired.

  • We can't fight darkness with darkness. We have to find compassion, and embrace the darkness inside of us in order to understand it and, ultimately, to transcend it.

  • Unforgiveness is the poison you drink every day hoping that the other person will die.

  • The question "Is this an act of self-love or is it an act of self-sabotage?" is one you must consistently ask yourself if you are committed to having all that you want and all that you deserve. When you love yourself you feel worthy and deserving of claiming the gifts of this world. Self-love gives you peace of mind and balance. Self-love gives you self-respect and the ability to respect others. It gives you the confidence to stand up and ask for what you want. Self-love is the main ingredient in a successful, fulfilled life.

  • If you admire greatness in another human being, it is your own greatness you are seeing.

  • If we keep this question in mind while planning our days, we will see that we actually have countless opportunities to add to our life force. Being around people and places we love and doing things that give us deep satisfaction, taking time to digest the events in our lives, being less busy, telling the truth, laughing a lot, eating right, exercising regularly, having long talks with those we love-these are among the best ways to nourish our vitality. Our life force thrives when we are completely engaged in the present moment.

  • By nature, your soul is soft, gentle, loving and kind. It is forgiving, peaceful, and humble. Confident and comforting in times of despair, your soul is strong, focused, and determined in the mission called life.

  • Every important choice we make is being guided by one of two places: either it is an act of faith or it is an act of fear. Faith opens the door to a new future.

  • It is time to search out your uniqueness, applaud and acknowledge yourself, and let your own light shine.
