Delegates quotes:

  • I think sometimes Richmond, especially the House of Delegates, thinks too small... Richmond is not doing what needs to be done, forward thinking, big bold ideas. -- Terry McAuliffe
  • Only nine States have been represented since my arrival 'till within three days. There are now Eleven States barely represented. This tardiness in the States or their Delegates, besides retarding the most important Business makes it exceeding fatiguing to those that do attend. -- William Whipple
  • I quitted my Seat in the House of Delegates, from a Conviction that I was no longer able to do any essential Service. -- George Mason
  • It appears to me, then, little short of a miracle, that the Delegates from so many different States . . . should unite in forming a system of national Government, so little liable to well founded objections. -- George Washington
  • Only nine States have been represented since my arrival till within three days. There are now Eleven States barely represented. This tardiness in the States or their Delegates, besides retarding the most important Business makes it exceeding fatiguing to those that do attend. -- William Whipple
  • Domination delegates the physical violence on which it rests to the dominated. -- Theodor Adorno
  • Obama considers himself above deal-making and back-slapping, political necessities he often delegates to Vice President Joe Biden and other lesser sorts. -- Ron Fournier
  • Now, national conventions are largely an excuse for companies and party leaders to throw parties for delegates to attend, to network and have a good time. -- Bob Barr
  • Muslim delegates concerned about rights in Palestine could have brought their enthusiasm closer to home by addressing the fate of black Christians being slaughtered and enslaved in the Sudan. -- Jacob T. Schwartz
  • Running those poor steers back and forth in the heat is ridiculous. What they ought to do is put the steers in the convention hall and run the delegates. -- Stanley Marcus
  • I would point out that Japan's proposal at the Versailles Peace Conference on the principle of racial equality was rejected by delegates such as those from Britain and the United States. -- Hideki Tojo
  • Oftentimes during the period in which conventions really did business, you had situations where the delegates were divided and you would have ballot after ballot before there was a final nominee. -- Michael Beschloss
  • I chaired the 1982 Democratic Party Commission on Presidential Nominations that created certain automatic delegates to the Democratic convention - the 'superdelegates.' It was a good idea then, and it is still a good idea. -- Jim Hunt
  • I rise in support of the separation of powers as established by our Founding Fathers in the Constitution. The Constitution clearly delegates the power to deal with criminal matters, like the use of drugs, to the States. -- Dana Rohrabacher
  • In the Democratic primary in 2008, the Obama team devised a strategy to use the caucuses and a complicated system of awarding delegates in the state primaries to sneak up on Hillary Clinton and establish a lead Obama never surrendered. -- John Podhoretz
  • I could not find any way that we could really run the kind of campaign I wanted to run if we were targeting delegates and still trying to talk to people, which is what keeps me going as a human being. -- Patricia Schroeder
  • Mr. Chairman, delegates. I accept your nomination for President of the United States of America. I do so with humility, deeply moved by the trust you have placed in me. It is a great honor. It is an even greater responsibility. -- Mitt Romney
  • This is nothing negative about the other candidates. It's just a recognition of the fact that Governor Romney has won more delegates. He's the only person that really has a chance to take the winning number of delegates into the convention. -- Ron Johnson
  • I would have thought it possible to choose delegates for these larger conferences who, even if they could not speak the principal languages, could at least understand them or could have friends seated beside them who could keep them informed on essential points. -- Fredrik Bajer
  • We have listened here to the delegates who have recalled the terrible human suffering, and the great material destruction of the late war in the Pacific. It is with feelings of sorrow that we recall the part played in that catastrophic human experience by the old Japan. -- Shigeru Yoshida
  • Mr. Chairman, delegates, and fellow citizens: I am honored by the support of this convention for vice president of the United States. I accept the duty to help lead our nation out of a jobs crisis and back to prosperity - and I know we can do this. -- Paul Ryan
  • Honored delegates, leaders of the world, I pretend for a living. -- Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Welcome delegates to the 2012 Republican Convention! Remember to set your watches back 400 years. -- Andy Borowitz
  • Once a leader delegates, he should show utmost confidence in the people he has entrusted. -- A. B. Simpson
  • To this noble end the delegates had pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. -- David McCullough
  • It's very important, who has the most delegates. The superdelegates should not be the ones making the decision. -- Linda Chavez-Thompson
  • Donald Trump has more delegates than anybody. He won all 50 delegates in South Carolina. He`s got a strong lead. -- Katy Tur
  • The delegates to the peace conference after World War I "tried to impose a rational order on an irrational world. -- Margaret MacMillan
  • Pat Robertson at a national convention, equipped with delegates, certainly remains a terrible sight. He is a charlatan of Chaucerian dimensions. -- Martin Amis
  • A rigged convention is one with the other man's delegates in control. An open convention is when your delegates are in control. -- James Farley
  • Our ancient laws expressly declare that those who are but delegates themselves shall not delegate to others powers which require judgment and integrity in their exercise. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • Conventions are, by nature, a party. I mean, that's why people become delegates. They come from all over the world to exercise their democratic rights and to party. -- Rob Lowe
  • There were always jokes about Hillary Clinton channeling Eleanor Roosevelt, but Eleanor Roosevelt was really instrumental at the UN, and would want to meet with various other delegates. -- Madeleine Albright
  • Muslim delegates concerned about rights in Palestine could have brought their enthusiasm closer to home by addressing the fate of black Christians being slaughtered and enslaved in the Sudan. -- Jacob T. Schwartz
  • I think Super Tuesday is the most important day of this entire primary election. It is the most delegates awarded in a single night will be awarded on Super Tuesday. -- Ted Cruz
  • I have been an underdog my whole life, both in life and in politics. We're going to do well. We're going to pick up a lot of delegates on Super Tuesday. -- Marco Rubio
  • I would point out that Japan's proposal at the Versailles Peace Conference on the principle of racial equality was rejected by delegates such as those from Britain and the United States -- Hideki Tojo
  • If you've been here, in New York, it has been dominated by the UN General Assembly, the annual event where delegates come from all over the world to f*** up this city's traffic. -- John Oliver