Broken Leg quotes:

  • In some ways, cramp is worse than having a broken leg. -- Kevin Keegan
  • Love is a horse with a broken leg trying to stand while 45,000 people watch. -- Charles Bukowski
  • Dogs with broken legs are shot; men with broken souls write through the night. -- Kenneth Patchen
  • If a man is tongue-tied, don't laugh at him, but, rather, feel pity for him, as you would for a man with broken legs. -- Abraham Cahan
  • I know of people who don't believe it, but depression is an illness, but unlike, say, a broken leg, you don't know when it'll get better. -- Marian Keyes
  • I was at the pinnacle of my career one day and the next day I was put out to pasture. I felt like a race horse with a broken leg. -- Jack Klugman
  • No one would ever say that someone with a broken arm or a broken leg is less than a whole person, but people say that or imply that all the time about people with mental illness -- Elyn Saks
  • I have been trying to heal my body from surgeries over the last five years - from my broken leg, tonsillectomy, wisdom teeth, eagle syndrome and hip. Needless to say, it's been a very painful process. -- John Michael Montgomery
  • One day, I just thought, if you see a bird with a broken leg, you really have the urge to do something about it and help the bird, then at the same time you go to a restaurant and eat a chicken or something. It doesn't make any sense. -- Patrik Baboumian
  • A broken leg can be remembered and located: "It hurt right below my knee, it throbbed, I felt sick at my stomach." But mental pain is remembered the way dreams are remembered-in fragments, unbidden realizations, like looking into a well and seeing the dim reflection of your face in that instant before the water shatters. -- Tracy Thompson
  • Among wolves, no matter how sick, no matter how cornered, no matter how alone, afraid or weakened, the wolf will continue.She will lope even with a broken leg. She will strenuously outwait, outwit, outrun and outlast whatever is bedeviling her. She will put her all into taking breath after breath. The hallmark of the wild nature is that it goes on. -- Clarissa Pinkola Estes
  • In psychology, there's something called the broken-leg problem. A statistical formula may be highly successful in predicting whether or not a person will go to a movie in the next week. But someone who knows that this person is laid up with a broken leg will beat the formula. No formula can take into account the infinite range of such exceptional events. -- Atul Gawande
  • The good governor should have a broken leg and keep at home. -- Miguel de Cervantes
  • Nobody has ever had to go off following one of my tackles and nobody has broken their leg. -- Paul Scholes
  • I had a horrible feeling my leg was broken. If it wasnâ??t, it had a lot of explaining to do. -- Darynda Jones
  • [On an actor who'd broken her leg in London:] Oh, how terrible. She must have done it sliding down a barrister. -- Dorothy Parker
  • I tend to do golf charity things because it's much safer and you don't get much chance of a broken arm or leg. -- Dougray Scott
  • Her imagination painted Georgie twenty years later, sitting in leg irons before some Broken psychiatrist. "Well, you see, it all started with bubbles... -- Ilona Andrews
  • I tell my students not to be frightened; in the history of Buddhism-for 2,500 years-no one has broken or fractured a leg because of sitting in meditation. -- Guo Jun