Assume quotes:

  • Assume nothing, question everything. -- James Patterson
  • Assume the best but hire paranoid people. -- Evan Williams
  • But oftentimes celestial benedictions Assume this dark disguise. -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • Assume a virtue if you have it not. -- William Shakespeare
  • Assume a virtue, if you have it not. -- William Shakespeare
  • Assume makes an ass out of you and me. -- David Leavitt
  • Assume' makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'. -- Karen Marie Moning
  • Assume responsibility for the quality of your own life -- Norman Cousins
  • Assume the worst about people and you get the worst. -- Ha-Joon Chang
  • Go let thy less than woman's hand Assume the distaff not the brand. -- Lord Byron
  • Assume nothing. Inside every dumb blond there may be a very smart brunette. -- Ann Landers
  • Assume the attitude of prayer, and in time, the attitude will become prayer. -- Mercedes Lackey
  • Assume any career move you make won't go smoothly. They won't. But don't look back. -- Andy Grove
  • Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and observe the route that your attention follows. -- Neville Goddard
  • Blackstone's Police Operational Handbook recommends the ABC of serious investigation: Assume nothing, Believe nothing, and Check everything. -- Ben Aaronovitch
  • Think the best of each other, especially of those you say you love. Assume the good and doubt the bad. -- Jeffrey R. Holland
  • I've always wanted to work for, like, "Assume your audience is cleverer than you," rather than the other way around. -- Phoebe Waller-Bridge
  • Assume life will be really tough, and then ask if you can handle it. If the answer is yes, you've won. -- Charlie Munger
  • Assume whatever you do, both offline and online, will be seen by your mother, dad, boss, coach, boyfriend, teacherĂ¢?¦ the world. -- Erik Qualman
  • Thinking about starting a small business? Assume everything will cost twice as much and take twice as long as you think it will. -- Dave Ramsey
  • Assume that everybody can see what you are doing and then live your life that way - you will find that generally you are treated right. -- Frank Schilling
  • I don't feel like I need to share my personal life, and I don't care if people think I'm gay or not. Assume whatever you want. You do it anyway. -- Queen Latifah
  • What a profound significance small things assume when the woman we love conceals them from us. -- Marcel Proust
  • Men can only be happy when they do not assume that the object of life is happiness. -- George Orwell
  • Seeing a man praying to Allah is enough for some people to assume he is a terrorist. -- Damian Lewis
  • Intolerance is the most socially acceptable form of egotism, for it permits us to assume superiority without personal boasting. -- Sydney J. Harris
  • Every time I go and shave, I assume there's someone else on the planet shaving. So I say, 'I'm gonna go shave, too.' -- Mitch Hedberg
  • To assume all the powers is not good for anybody. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. All those experiments have a bad ending. -- Rafael Correa
  • You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do. -- Anne Lamott
  • The first duty of a human being is to assume the right functional relationship to society - more briefly, to find your real job, and do it. -- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  • I think a lot of times we don't pay enough attention to people with a positive attitude because we assume they are naive or stupid or unschooled. -- Amy Adams
  • White collar conservative flashin down the street, pointing that plastic finger at me, they all assume my kind will drop and die, but I'm gonna wave my freak flag high. -- Jimi Hendrix
  • I think the biggest problem working with me would be that I'm an only child, and so I have an internal dialogue that goes on that I just assume you can hear. -- Maynard James Keenan
  • If government half a century ago had provided us with all our dinners and breakfasts, it would be the practice of our orators today to assume the impossibility of our providing for ourselves. -- Auberon Herbert
  • All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter. -- Max Planck
  • You know people just assume, 'Well, all my life I'll be a worrier.' That doesn't have to be true. There's a way to drink from God's presence so much that worry begins to dissipate. -- Max Lucado
  • Every economy exists, no matter what the level of democracy, has elements of crony capitalism. It's - given human nature and given the democratic structures, which we all, I assume, adhere to, that is an inevitable consequence. -- Alan Greenspan
  • Married couples who work together to build and maintain a business assume broad responsibilities. Not only is their work important to our local and national economies, but their success is central to the well-being of their families. -- Melissa Bean
  • Because your own strength is unequal to the task, do not assume that it is beyond the powers of man; but if anything is within the powers and province of man, believe that it is within your own compass also. -- Marcus Aurelius
  • All the evidence that we have indicates that it is reasonable to assume in practically every human being, and certainly in almost every newborn baby, that there is an active will toward health, an impulse towards growth, or towards the actualization. -- Abraham Maslow
  • We know we cannot underestimate the importance of emergency planning in our region, nor can we assume we'll have ample warning time. If an earthquake or terrorist attack hits, we won't necessarily have advance alerts or opportunities to double- and triple-check our plans. -- Ellen Tauscher
  • Be strong and follow your own convictions. You can't assume there is a lot of time to do what you like. This is what David Bowie is afraid of: that he will die before he gets a chance to make a real strong contribution. -- Marc Bolan
  • I know that, as a bisexual, sometimes people who are gay or lesbian look down upon the bisexual community as well and assume that people who are bisexual just don't know what they want or are just playing both sides of the fence, and that's not the case, either. -- Crystal Bowersox
  • We Protestants automatically assume that the Pharisees are the Catholics. They are the self-righteous people who have made Christianity a form of legalistic religion, thereby destroying the free grace of the Gospel. We Protestants are the tax collectors, knowing that we are sinners and that our lives depend upon God's free grace. -- Stanley Hauerwas
  • I was always a clown. In the eighth grade I won a city speech contest by doing an Eddie Murphy routine. I'm no good at public speaking, but if I can assume a role and speak as that person, then I'm fine. When I had to give a book report, I always did it in character. -- Jason Wiles
  • In primary school in south-eastern Nigeria, I was taught that Hosni Mubarak was the president of Egypt. I learned the same thing in secondary school. In university, Mubarak was still president of Egypt. I came to assume, subconsciously, that he - and others like Paul Biya in Cameroon and Muammar Gaddafi in Libya - would never leave. -- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
  • We assume that we've come so far as compassionate citizens of the world if we do choose to read the news, yet the attitude towards life can be one where we put blinders on and forget that there are civil wars going on. It's easy to forget that there are so many people starving to death every single day. -- Anne Hathaway
  • When sighted people cover their eyes or find themselves in a dark place, this is something that's very terrifying for us. And so in general, we assume that this is what blindness means. But of course, it isn't. For people who were born blind or who go blind at a very young age, that's not at all what blindness means. -- Rosemary Mahoney
  • Challenge everything, assume nothing. -- Sergio Zyman
  • one should never assume anything -- Dick Francis
  • Never assume the obvious is true. -- William Safire
  • Always assume incompetence before looking for conspiracy. -- Niccolo Machiavelli
  • I assume I don't need an introduction. -- Anne Rice
  • Maybe we should always assume the worst. -- Chuck Palahniuk
  • Never assume someone is smarter than you. -- Bethenny Frankel
  • Never assume you understand. Ask the questions. -- Brian Tracy
  • I assume these structures are made for siting? -- Anna Banks
  • Whatever anybody says or does, assume positive intent. -- Indra Nooyi
  • The Devil hath powerTo assume a pleasing shape. -- William Shakespeare
  • I shall assume that your silence gives consent. -- Plato
  • You may assume infinite ignorance and unlimited intelligence. -- Leo Szilard
  • In relationships it is best to assume nothing. -- Jessica Zafra
  • To be great is to assume great concerns. -- Stephen Vizinczey
  • Why assume that to look is to see? -- Pablo Picasso
  • We have every reason to assume the worst. -- George W. Bush
  • Never assume that habitual silence means ability in reserve. -- Geoffrey Madan
  • I'm trusting. I don't assume people lie to me. -- Ben Sprecher
  • We all assume the worst the best we can. -- Iron & Wine
  • Always assume your opponent to be smarter than you. -- Walther Rathenau
  • If you never assume importance, you never lose it. -- Laozi
  • I would assume the case will never be closed. -- Richard M. Helms
  • We assume people we know can't be serial killers. -- Pat Brown
  • I don't hate people, i assume they are dead! -- Chintan Jain
  • Always assume that a lucky hit will not be repeated. -- Mason Cooley
  • Nobody can assume that, to a writer, everything is off-limits. -- Ann Beattie
  • People just assume that if you're famous, you're in Hollywood. -- Megan Fox
  • Children who assume adult responsibilities feel old when they're young. -- Martha Beck
  • Americans assume all British people have at least one servant. -- Martin Freeman
  • We have to assume now that all mission is cross-cultural. -- Alan Hirsch
  • Spirits when they please Can either sex assume, or both. -- John Milton
  • Never assume you know where someone else is coming from. -- Blake Crouch
  • I never sweat about work. I just assume work's coming. -- David Koechner
  • We must never assume that which is incapable of proof. -- George Henry Lewes
  • Ladies there is no neutral position for us to assume. -- Gertrude Stein
  • Let us assume nothing, and we shall not be moritifed. -- Anna Robertson Brown Lindsay
  • Never pay attention to the rumors and what they assume -- Drake
  • That's the poisoned chalice: when you're shy, people assume you're arrogant. -- Catherine Tate
  • We must all assume out responsibilities to take the country forward. -- Lucas Papademos
  • The great western error about the Taliban is to assume homogeneity. -- Philip Hammond
  • Most people assume that autistic people are not capable of empathy. -- Claire Danes
  • To assume that any couple goes without arguing is just nonsense. -- Seal
  • Never assume that people in positions of responsibility are behaving responsibly. -- David McCullough
  • You don't automatically assume everyone will fall for a period drama. -- Jessica Brown Findlay
  • I assume I have the lowest blood pressure of any candidate. -- Jill Stein
  • A good rule of thumb is to assume that everything matters. -- Richard Thaler
  • The first mistake of art is to assume that it's serious. -- Lester Bangs
  • Don't assume I'm dumb because I wear a suit and tie. -- David Mamet
  • People assume that somehow fame and wealth will keep mortality at bay. -- Moby
  • Unless you assume a God, the question of life's purpose is meaningless. -- Bertrand Russell
  • I never play cricket. It requires one to assume such indecent postures. -- Oscar Wilde
  • I think we can safely assume that no one understands quantum mechanics. -- Richard P. Feynman
  • It's such a part of me, I assume Everyone can see it. -- Hugh Elliot
  • What we assume, what we have never clearly thought out, controls us. -- Morton T. Kelsey
  • Never assume the other fellow will not do something you wouldn't do. -- Donald Rumsfeld
  • People assume you can't be shy and be on television. They're wrong. -- Diane Sawyer
  • I assume most of the characters I play are exactly like me. -- Jack Nicholson
  • Don't assume that a species is intelligent because it produces intelligent individuals. -- Jack McDevitt
  • Why do people always assume that volume will succeed when logic won't? -- L. J. Smith
  • Go among the people. Don't assume you know what church looks like. -- Alan Hirsch
  • Experience teaches us not to assume that the obvious is clearly understood -- Paulo Freire
  • Should I assume the lure is a certain attractive young dead man? -- Rachel Vincent
  • You can never guess or assume what anyone is going to think. -- J. J. Abrams
  • Repeal all laws which assume that mankind is a herd of cattle -- Aleister Crowley
  • You can't assume the responsibility for everything you do or don't do. -- Simone de Beauvoir
  • Pretend to be completely in control and people will assume that you are. -- Walter Isaacson
  • Never assume that the guy understands that you and he have a relationship. -- Dave Barry
  • No one can afford to assume that someone else will solve their problems. -- Dalai Lama
  • Companies in every industry need to assume that a software revolution is coming. -- Marc Andreessen
  • Some people always assume that if you mention a problem, you caused it. -- Sonia Johnson
  • People don't assume John Wayne shoots people and rides a horse on weekends. -- Sylvia Kristel