Always Running quotes:

  • You're always running into people's unconscious. -- Marilyn Monroe
  • If I'm free, it's because I'm always running. -- Jimi Hendrix
  • A strong theme is always running through a well-told story, -- Andrew Stanton
  • Girls are always running through my mind. They don't dare walk. -- Andy Gibb
  • There is A madman inside of you Who is always running for office -- H?fez
  • Until we know that we can bear the unbearable, we're always running scared. -- Ram Dass
  • Failure is what we're all running from, we're always running toward success with failure at our back. -- Natalie Goldberg
  • I got these questions always running through my head. So many things that I would like to understand. -- Ronnie Radke
  • The mind of man is like a clock that is always running down, and requires to be constantly wound up. -- William Hazlitt
  • The dream was always running ahead of me. To catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle. -- Anais Nin
  • Love you always, miss you always... running day and night, leaving the place of sun and moon, of ice and snow. Never look back, never forget. -- Jessica Day George
  • Human beings are afraid of dying. They are always running after something: money, honor, and pleasure. But if you had to die now, what would you want? -- Taisen Deshimaru
  • I was always active, always running and working out. I was a wrestler and ran track and, out of interest, started boxing. Its always been a part of me. -- T. J. Thyne
  • We are always running, and it has become a habit. We struggle all the time, even during our sleep. We are at war with ourselves, and we can easily start a war with others. -- Nhat Hanh
  • I've always been athletic. Growing up in Puerto Rico, and being in the countryside, I was always running around. I also played volleyball, basketball, and I ran track. I was always very conscious of my body. -- Joan Smalls
  • The individual who has been liberated by reason is always running head-on into a world, a society, whose past in the shape of 'prejudices' has a great deal of power; he is forced to learn that past reality is also a reality. -- Hannah Arendt
  • Margaret Meade is always running around saying that marijuana's just like bread and water! Well, bread and water are poison, and marijuana's a poison. Now, if you like poison, why shouldn't you have it? But don't try to pretend that it's innocuous. -- James Purdy
  • I take my dog, Fideo, out for a hike in Runyon Canyon three times a week. It's about 45 minutes round-trip with a variation of super steep hills and flat areas. He's always running ahead, which helps me push myself, especially up the hills. -- Ana Ortiz
  • When I was younger, I was always running into other girls involved in music. When I was about 14 or 15, one of my friend's dads was an Elvis impersonator and asked us to sing backups at a rehearsal. I did well and was hired. Did that for about two years. -- Brandi Carlile
  • In general-like not just in fiction but in life-it doesn't work out well when someone imagines someone else as a manic pixie dream girl or an Edward Cullen or anything other than a full, complex human being. That said, while I've tried to reflect that in my books, I don't think I've always succeeded, because I am always running up against my own insufficiencies and biases etc. -- John Green
  • Heav'n is not always got by running. -- Francis Quarles
  • Running is always an exercise in humility. -- Kristin Armstrong
  • Running back was always my favorite position. -- Barry Sanders
  • I love running and I will always run. -- Haile Gebrselassie
  • I always thought of running as just dancing forward. -- Tom Hiddleston
  • Most actresses are always running late - I'm no exception. -- Holland Roden
  • I've always had a teenage thread running through my music. -- Bonnie McKee
  • I'm always gonna be Joe Namath, and I'm not running from that. -- Joe Namath
  • The wind always seems to blow against catchers when they are running. -- Joe Garagiola
  • There is A madman inside of you Who is always running for office -- H?fez
  • I think it's fun running with dogs. They're always so fit and fast. -- Bear Grylls
  • Running was like the friend that never left. It was just always there. -- Lolo Jones
  • I have always been running away from dance numbers. That's been my problem. -- Sunny Deol
  • You have to keep running. I always believed I was going to be safe. -- Rickey Henderson
  • I am always running 5 minutes later than the latest you'll think I would be -- Jon R. Michaelsen
  • If you want to catch something, running after it isn't always the best way. -- Lois McMaster Bujold
  • Running is my addiction. It's always present. I'm constantly thinking about my next run. -- Jeff Corwin
  • Gansey studied Adam's erratic handwriting. His letters always looked like they were running from something. -- Maggie Stiefvater
  • Whether running, biking, swimming, or dancing, I just like to always be on the move. -- Karlie Kloss
  • I love competition because I've always run faster when somebody was running next to me. -- Betty Wright
  • As a kid, the theatre always felt a bit like running away to join the circus. -- Robert Sean Leonard
  • It's always valuable for someone running for president... to have as much bipartisan support as possible. -- Robert Dallek
  • You can always improve your situation. But you do so by facing it, not by running away. -- Brad Warner
  • The world will and always will be running at the same pace as now,then and forever. -- Jerril Thomas Abraham
  • Businessmen are always trying to advance their business interests, but they are not running for Prime Minister. -- Peter Costello
  • Oh yeah, oohing and ahhing, that's how it always starts, but later there's the running and screaming. -- Jeff Goldblum
  • I always loved running.... It was something you could do by yourself and under your own power. -- Jesse Owens
  • I've been wearing Supergas forever. I'm always in flats, running around, so it makes sense for me. -- Suki Waterhouse
  • Careers, like rockets, don't always take off on time. The trick is to always keep the engine running. -- Gary Sinise
  • I always find cardio the most monotonous. Running on a treadmill shows me why hamsters are so crazy. -- Luke Evans
  • There's always a melody running around in my mind and my brain; and I'm really thankful for it. -- John Debney
  • I always tell people I'm running against two Democrats, one that admits it and one that does not. -- Marco Rubio
  • Nature always strikes back. It takes all the running we can do to remain in the same place. -- Rene Dubos
  • I enjoy running, especially in a new city, so when Im on tour thats always a good option. -- James Maslow
  • I'm always running my mouth off and getting myself in trouble, so I'm trying to do it less. -- Deborah Moggach
  • A good comic explores the imagination, but it's always got to have those notes of truth running through it. -- Michael Pena
  • Running a farm is about solving a problem, and that's always interesting to me. But it's a constant process. -- Chris Blackwell
  • I always try to start my weekend by running on the beach, which is great fun here in Barcelona. -- Daniel Bruhl
  • A wide receiver like me wouldn't have won. The quarterback - or even the running back - always wins. -- Patrick Wilson
  • I always enjoyed sport. I was a bit of a wild child, to be honest, and just loved running around. -- Kiki Dee
  • Goliath's mother, who said to Goliath, Stop running around with David! You're always coming home stoned! Never got a dinner! -- Red Buttons
  • The point has always been to make music, it's not like I've always been running a giant money making scheme. -- Girl Talk
  • When people ask me why I am running as a woman, I always answer, 'What choice do I have?' -- Patricia Schroeder
  • Arguments could fill a marriage like water, running through everything, always, with no taste or color but lots of noise. -- Barbara Kingsolver
  • My goal has always been to introduce other people to running. They might accomplish something they never thought they could. -- Grete Waitz
  • The universe created us for and with love, joy, charm and beauty; but we are always running behind what is dirty. -- Debasish Mridha
  • I learned running the government for the Presidency, which I always thought was difficult, is even more difficult than I thought. -- Lloyd Cutler
  • He was always running or bounding, never just walking. He seemed always at the point of defeating the law of gravity. -- Tennessee Williams
  • I've always thought that the role of citizen, the role of advocate, were as important in our democracy as running for office. -- Hillary Clinton
  • My ex would know not to talk to me until I came back from running. I'd always be in a better place. -- Arielle Kebbel
  • I always tell young athletes the same thing, 'Wherever you go, whatever you do, what must your top priority be? Running.' -- Haile Gebrselassie
  • I always had a running commentary in my head that was extremely funny and off-center, but I never said it to anyone. -- Elayne Boosler
  • You know, people'd always ask 'Why is Jesse Jackson running for the White House?' They never seen the house I'm running from. -- Jesse Jackson
  • I always think that the most delightful thing about traveling is to always be running into Americans and to always feel at home. -- Anita Loos
  • I grew up as a tomboy. I was always barefoot, running races with the guys on the block, climbing trees, and beating kids up. -- Edie Falco
  • Let any pretty girl announce a divorce in Hollywood and the wolves come running. Fresh meat for the beast, and they are always hungry. -- Hedy Lamarr
  • There will always be somebody more successful, more beautiful, more talented. You have to realize, you're not running their race. You're running your race. -- Joel Osteen
  • I always tell my children, 'You have to face your fear. If not, it's like running from a dog that will bite you in the back. -- Jaclyn Smith
  • P. Diddy's gonna be exhausted, you know, running with the Olympic torch in one hand and the torch he'll always carry for J-Lo in the other. -- Doug Benson
  • I've always felt running is a form of meditation. Running enables us to stop our lives, to go out and find a safe place for ourselves. -- Nina Kuscsik
  • Innovation is the running theme and spirit of the policies adopted by the Chinese government, and it is the banner that we will always hold high. -- Li Keqiang
  • That wall is a one directional wall. It keeps the government from running the church but it makes sure that Christian principles will always stay in government. -- David Barton
  • I always tell my children, 'You have to face your fear. If not, it's like running from a dog that will bite you in the back.' -- Jaclyn Smith
  • I have always had this necessity to win. When I played with my friends on the street, football or running, I always wanted to be the best, -- Jorge Lorenzo
  • I never wanted to run a production company. I didn't want to convert my life into running a business.... so I always resisted it and kept things simple. -- Anne Robinson
  • I can remember running around at the age of 3, wanting to play golf, cricket and football. I was always active, one way or another, driving my parents mad. -- Ian Botham
  • I had the sensation that I might always be running like this, that I would always have to run, and that I would always be able to run. -- Dave Eggers
  • In running, I can internalize that intensity. I can handle it because it's me and I'm coming back in the next race. I'm always ready for the next race. -- Donovan Bailey
  • I was always active, always running and working out. I was a wrestler and ran track and, out of interest, started boxing. It's always been a part of me. -- T. J. Thyne
  • My parents...were people running from the past, who didn't look back at much if they could help it, and whose whole life always lay somewhere in the offing. -- Richard Ford
  • I have always run as hard as I can. You are not going to run any harder with or without men. You are running on your own two feet. -- Paula Radcliffe
  • I've always loved Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, and I watched the Petty documentary 'Running Down A Dream'. I was directly influenced, it made me want to go write. -- Robert Coppola Schwartzman
  • I began reading everyhing in the family library. Kidnapped, Treasure Island, Robinson Crusoe. And of course, if you're running out of books to read you can always read Shakespeare. -- Robin Hobb
  • Teenagers ultimately don't mind belonging to a group, because there's always the opportunity to eventually become someone new. The elderly, by definition, are running out of opportunities for reinvention. -- Charles Duhigg
  • I am like the lover of Roland Barthes "who's always running in his head". I'm always searching, and "eating" everything from my life, in order to put it in my dresses! -- Sonia Rykiel