Altogether quotes:

  • Altogether too many sheep -- George Bernard Shaw
  • And what after all is everlasting fame? Altogether vanity. -- Marcus Aurelius
  • And yet, after all, what is posthumous fame? Altogether vanity. -- Marcus Aurelius
  • Altogether beautiful in the power of its feeling. As beautiful as anything in Thoreau or Hemingway. -- Alfred Kazin
  • Altogether, St. Louis is a growing place, and the West has a large hand and a strong grasp. -- Maria Mitchell
  • They talk about the economy this year. Hey, my hairline is in recession, my waistline is in inflation. Altogether, I'm in a depression. -- Rick Majerus
  • Altogether, Cavalry operations are exceedingly difficult, knowledge of the country is absolutely necessary, and ability to comprehend the situation at a glance, and an audacious spirit, are everything. -- Maurice de Saxe
  • Altogether it will be found that a quiet life is characteristic of great men, and that their pleasures have not been of the sort that would look exciting to the outward eye. -- Bertrand Russell
  • It's either not good enough and dies altogether, or it develops. -- Ninette de Valois
  • Beware of missing chances; otherwise it may be altogether too late some day. -- Franz Liszt
  • Love is not altogether a delirium, yet it has many points in common therewith. -- Thomas Carlyle
  • Every serious nuclear accident involves operator error, so you want to eliminate the operator altogether. -- Nathan Myhrvold
  • When you stop having dreams and ideals - well, you might as well stop altogether. -- Marian Anderson
  • So it's been kind of a long road, but it was a good journey altogether. -- Sidney Poitier
  • But we try to pretend, you see, that the external world exists altogether independently of us. -- Alan Watts
  • It is easy for me to love myself, but for ladies to do it is another question altogether. -- Johnny Vegas
  • We long for an affection altogether ignorant of our faults. Heaven has accorded this to us in the uncritical canine attachment. -- George Eliot
  • Atheism is aristocratic; the idea of a great Being that watches over oppressed innocence and punishes triumphant crime is altogether popular. -- Maximilien Robespierre
  • Marriage brings one into fatal connection with custom and tradition, and traditions and customs are like the wind and weather, altogether incalculable. -- Soren Kierkegaard
  • Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling. -- Gilbert K. Chesterton
  • The pains of childbirth were altogether different from the enveloping effects of other kinds of pain. These were pains one could follow with one's mind. -- Margaret Mead
  • True freedom is the capacity for acting according to one's true character, to be altogether one's self, to be self-determined and not subject to outside coercion. -- Corliss Lamont
  • The irrational in the human has something about it altogether repulsive and terrible, as we see in the maniac, the miser, the drunkard or the ape. -- George Santayana
  • Great ambition, the desire of real superiority, of leading and directing, seems to be altogether peculiar to man, and speech is the great instrument of ambition. -- Adam Smith
  • I hate losing and cricket being my first love, once I enter the ground it's a different zone altogether and that hunger for winning is always there. -- Sachin Tendulkar
  • It behooves every man to remember that the work of the critic is of altogether secondary importance, and that, in the end, progress is accomplished by the man who does things. -- Theodore Roosevelt
  • The fatigue produced on the muscles of the human frame does not altogether depend on the actual force employed in each effort, but partly on the frequency with which it is exerted. -- Charles Babbage
  • I have suffered a great deal from writers who have quoted this or that sentence of mine either out of its context or in juxtaposition to some incongruous matter which quite distorted my meaning, or destroyed it altogether. -- Alfred North Whitehead
  • Yankees don't understand that the Southern way of talking is a language of nuance. What we can do in the South is we can take a word and change it just a little bit and make it mean something altogether different. -- Lewis Grizzard
  • The great city can teach something that no university by itself can altogether impart: a vivid sense of the largeness of human brotherhood, a vivid sense of man's increasing obligation to man; a vivid sense of our absolute dependence on one another. -- Seth Low
  • The White Company offers its loyalists an altogether better, whiter world. The White people have edited out any colours that aren't white, off-white, milk chocolate, grey, taupe or black. They can't be doing with Johnnie Boden's cheery Sloane jokes, his spots and stripes, his occasional 'if it's me, it's U' loud colours. -- Peter York
  • Trust wholly in Christ; rely altogether on His sufferings; beware of seeking to be justified in any other way than by His righteousness. Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient for salvation. There must be atonement made for sin according to the righteousness of God. The person to make this atonement must be God and man. -- John Wycliffe
  • I had often sought for the peace there is in Christ, but I could not seem to find the freedom I desired. A terrible sadness rested on my heart. I could not think of anything I had done to cause me to feel sad; but it seemed to me that I was not good enough to enter Heaven, that such a thing would be altogether too much for me to expect. -- Ellen G. White
  • I shall not altogether die. -- Horace
  • Your God is altogether too human. -- Martin Luther
  • Intuition is often mistaken, but not altogether. -- Mason Cooley
  • Modern money is almost altogether credit money. -- John Buchanan Robinson
  • Anything worth putting off is worth abandoning altogether. -- Epictetus
  • I am not altogether displeased with the shirt-front. -- Paul Cezanne
  • Starts out slow and then fizzles out altogether. -- Neil Young
  • It is better to forget about yourself altogether. -- C. S. Lewis
  • Being alone is and nothing is altogether not. -- Parmenides
  • Madness isn't altogether a bad thing in comedy. -- Jo Brand
  • Beauty is altogether in the eye of the beholder, -- Margaret Wolfe Hungerford
  • Beauty is altogether in the eye of the beholder. -- Lew Wallace
  • To be unknown to God is altogether too much privacy. -- Thomas Merton
  • The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. -- Abraham Lincoln
  • Hunger is an altogether fit companion for the idle man. -- Hesiod
  • I'm prejudiced about education altogether. I think it's terribly overrated. -- Freeman Dyson
  • Government needs to stay out of the religion business altogether. -- Michael Newdow
  • It is altogether proper for people to recognize a sovereign God. -- Roy Moore
  • Anything that reduces war-related destruction should not be considered altogether immoral. -- Herman Kahn
  • I am obliged to renounce violence, and abstain from it altogether. -- Leo Tolstoy
  • I really, really would like to see religion go away altogether. -- Richard Dawkins
  • Who after his transgression doth repent, Is halfe, or altogether, innocent. -- Robert Herrick
  • I was made for another planet altogether. I mistook the way. -- Simone de Beauvoir
  • You must develop a rich inner life to enjoy life altogether. -- Gabrielle Bernstein
  • Water astonishing and difficult altogether makes a meadow and a stroke. -- Gertrude Stein
  • I'm not saying that I'm going to retire from game development altogether. -- Shigeru Miyamoto
  • Our memories, they can be inviting. But some are altogether, mighty frightening. -- Gwen Stefani
  • Elvis transcends his talent to the point of dispensing with it altogether. -- Greil Marcus
  • Love will subsist on wonderfully little hope but not altogether without it. -- Walter Scott
  • The horse that drawes after him his halter, is not altogether escaped. -- George Herbert
  • Thicken your religion a little. It is evaporating altogether by being subtilized. -- Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, marquise de Sevigne
  • I do not have a 24-year-old girlfriend. I have another life altogether. -- Jens Lehmann
  • If you approach Billy Martin right, he's Okay. I avoid him altogether. -- Ron Guidry
  • In choosing joy, the finish line dissolves into a different matter altogether. -- Mary Anne Radmacher
  • Habit is altogether too arbitrary a master for me to submit to. -- Johann Kaspar Lavater
  • If I play hard to get, soon the phone stops ringing altogether. -- Mason Cooley
  • A wasp in a wig is altogether beyond the appliances of art. -- John Tenniel
  • Today I am altogether without ambition. Where did I get such wisdom? -- Mary Oliver
  • Faith is, at one and the same time, absolutely necessary and altogether impossible. -- Stanislaw Lem
  • He has left off reading altogether, to the great improvement of his originality. -- Charles Lamb
  • It costs nothing to say something kind. Even less to shut up altogether. -- Nathan Fillion
  • Wondrous is the strength of cheerfulness, altogether past calculation its powers of endurance. -- Thomas Carlyle
  • Repartee is altogether a natural endowment, and is the lightning of the mind. -- Alfred de Musset
  • Avoiding the doctrine of Hell is one step away from denying it altogether. -- Mark Dever
  • Florida will be gone altogether, the whole damned place, in not too long. -- James Lovelock
  • You either play by the rules, change the rules, or get out, altogether. -- Michael Eisner
  • Although working with Amitabh Bacchan was a different experience altogether, I just enjoyed it. -- Soundarya
  • The strengthening of faith, I think, is the ultimate goal of organized religion altogether. -- Andrew Solomon
  • A people among whom custom is altogether sovereign endures the despotism of the dead. -- Bertrand De Jouvenel
  • Ours was such a delicious risk. My being abruptly and altogether Ecstatic and be-stilled. -- Scott Hastie
  • People who pierce the veil of money rarely return with their faculties altogether intact. -- Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  • Poor people either mismanage their money or they avoid the subject of money altogether. -- T. Harv Eker
  • Talk that does not end in any kind of action is better suppressed altogether. -- Thomas Carlyle
  • But, bless us, things may be lovable that are not altogether handsome, I hope? -- George Eliot
  • No man who has once heartily and wholly laughed can be altogether irreclaimably bad. -- Thomas Carlyle
  • There is no such thing as an altogether ugly woman - nor altogether beautiful. -- Michel de Montaigne
  • He should discard the texts altogether, as the man who seeks rice discards the husk. -- Chidananda Saraswati
  • She herself had never been able to be altogether herself: it had been denied her. -- D. H. Lawrence
  • Audiences respond in entirely different ways. One thing is unanimous - music binds us altogether. -- Aleksey Igudesman
  • Anyone can possess, anyone can profess, but it is an altogether different thing to confess. -- Shannon L. Alder
  • I have been wounded altogether twenty times; eleven of these wounds were received at Northfield. -- Cole Younger
  • A garden is one of the few expressions of man's nature that is altogether benign. -- Nan Fairbrother
  • I felt if I didn't find anything, I would give up a scientific career altogether. -- Simon LeVay
  • The teaching of Jesus, if properly understood, would do away with organized temple worship altogether. -- Wallace D. Wattles
  • To hear that your neighbor was worse off than yourself was not an altogether unpleasant experience. -- Lizette Woodworth Reese
  • Once you are diagnosed with cancer, time changes. It both speeds up insanely and stops altogether. -- Eve Ensler
  • we are two like-minded creatures too well-matched, both equal halves of a whole not altogether wholesome -- Beatriz Fitzgerald Fernandez
  • How shall I speak of Doom, and ours in special, But as of something altogether common? -- Donald Justice
  • Rough, boisterous, stormy and altogether warlike, I am born to fight against innumerable monsters and devils. -- Martin Luther
  • To recognize negativism as a force of creation is to give up the creative standpoint altogether. -- Paul Twitchell
  • I don't subscribe to that school of thought that leadership can be altogether defined by gender. -- Dalia Grybauskaite
  • Determination can change your mind. Determination can change your heart. Determination can change your life altogether. -- Sri Chinmoy
  • In the misfortunes of our best friends we always find something not altogether displeasing to us. -- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • If you have only one life, you can't altogether ignore the question: are you enjoying it? -- Sebastian Faulks
  • If you have only one life, you cant altogether ignore the question: are you enjoying it? -- Sebastian Faulks
  • Instead of expending time to train yourself not to be afraid of snakes, avoid them altogether. -- Richard Koch
  • If we are unduly absorbed in improving our lives we may forget altogether to live them. -- Alan Watts
  • The process of writing is a little like madness, a kind of possession not altogether benign. -- Joanne Harris
  • The abortion controversy is important for what it says about our stance toward procreation and children altogether. -- Leon Kass
  • Men's happiness and misery depends altogether as much upon their own humor as it does upon fortune. -- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • The struggle of today is not altogether for today - it is for a vast future also. -- Abraham Lincoln
  • God is so boundlessly pleased with Jesus that in him he is altogether well pleased with us. -- Charles Spurgeon
  • Benevolence today has become altogether too huge an undertaking to be conducted otherwise than on business lines. -- Julius Rosenwald
  • We are not altogether here to tolerate. We are here to resist, to control and vanquish withal. -- Thomas Carlyle
  • It will never be altogether well with us till we convert the universe into a prayer room... -- George Bowen
  • Underneath the reality in which we live and have our being, another altogether different reality lies concealed. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
  • No one can look back on his schooldays and say with truth that they were altogether unhappy. -- George Orwell