Stevens Quotes in Glory Road (2006)


Stevens Quotes:

  • Coach Don Haskins: Jason, Don Haskins, Texas Western.

    Stevens: Western Union?

    Coach Don Haskins: Texas Western down in El Paso. Hey, after the game, when you get a minute I'd like to talk to you about playing for me.

    Stevens: Play for you at Texas Western? Thanks, Coach, but I'm partial to winning.

  • Stevens: It's like being in school.

    Lexy: I sincerely hope not.

  • Stevens: I was mucking cards since before you were born.

  • Detective: Here they are.

    [Brings in photos of the crime scene]

    Stevens: Let's have a look at 'em.

    Detective: Careful, they're not dry yet. The roof and the body of the girl. That's where she got it. Good looking gal.

    Stevens: Why do these guys always bump off the good lookin' ones?

  • Stevens: You know what I am doing, Miss Kenton? I am placing my thoughts elsewhere while you chatter away.

  • Stevens: In my philosophy, Mr. Benn, a man cannot call himself well-contented until he has done all he can to be of service to his employer. Of course, this assumes that one's employer is a superior person, not only in rank, or wealth, but in moral stature.

  • Miss Kenton: Look at it! Is that or is it not the wrong chinaman?

    Stevens: Miss Kenton, I'm very busy. I am surprised that you have nothing better to do than stand around all day...

    Miss Kenton: Mr. Stevens, look at that chinaman and tell me the truth!

    Stevens: Miss Kenton, I would ask you to keep your voice down. What would the other servants think to hear us shouting at the top of our voices about... chinamen?

    Miss Kenton: And I would ask you, Mr. Stevens, to turn around and look at the chinaman.

  • Miss Kenton: What's in that book? Come on, let me see!

    Stevens: This is my private time. You're invading it.

    Miss Kenton: Oh, is that so?

    Stevens: Yes.

    Miss Kenton: I'm invading your private time, am I?

    Stevens: Yes.

  • [after telling Stevens she intends to accept Benn's marriage proposal]

    Miss Kenton: Mister Stevens! Am I to take it that after all the years I have been in this house you have nothing else to say to me?

    Stevens: You have my warmest congratulations.

  • Stevens: I was too busy serving to listen to the speeches.

  • [Dr. Kennedy and Stevens are bandaging Marlowe's wound]

    Stevens: What's the matter with you, Stevens?

    Stevens: Oh, nothing.

    Dr. Kennedy: You're a liar, Stevens. You shave your legs and you're a liar. But you care. You care; that's what saves you.

    Stevens: Saves me from what, sir?

    Dr. Kennedy: Yourself, Stevens, yourself.

    Stevens: I thought you were gonna say from a fate worse than death, sir.

    Dr. Kennedy: There's no such thing.

  • Stevens: [Lily seen putting on lipstick after her boss is reprimanded and fired for having followed her into the Ladies Rest Room] Young woman! We have no place here for a girl of your sort. You're through, tonight.

    Lily Powers: Why, Mr. Stevens, it wasn't my fault. He followed me in there. What could I do? He's my boss and I have to earn my living. Oh, I'm so ashamed. It's the first time anything like that has ever happened to me.

    [Starts to cry]

    Stevens: Well, I'll think it over. Report tomorrow as usual.

  • Stevens: Have a drink?

    Lily Powers: No thanks. I never touch it.

    Stevens: Oh, you don't want me to drink alone?

    Lily Powers: Well, maybe just a sip.

    [Pours herself a slug of whiskey and downs it in one gulp]

  • Stevens: [Lily sashays into Mr. Stevens' office] Haven't I told you never to come beyond the front of this desk.

    Lily Powers: Oh, but I get so lonesome out there all by myself.

    [Runs her hands through Mr. Stevens' hair]

    Stevens: Don't do that! How do you expect me to get any work done.

    Lily Powers: Hold me close.

    [They embrace as Mr. Stevens' fiancée walks in. Mr. Stevens chases after her. Lily lights up a cigarette]

  • Lily Powers: Wait a minute, you're kinda mixed up, aren't you? I thought you left town?

    Stevens: Well, what else could I do? I was in a...

    Lily Powers: Jam? Well, I won't let you get in another. See what I mean?

  • Stevens: Lily, don't do this to me. I can't stand it. Its been brutal not seeing you.

    Lily Powers: Yeah? Well, you better get used to it. Listen, I don't owe you a thing. Whatever I do is my own business. You never had but one idea about me. That's all I ever meant to you.

    Stevens: Oh, but, Lily...

    Lily Powers: You made your choice. Now, what do you want?

    Stevens: You mean - I can't - see you anymore?

    Lily Powers: [Sarcastically] How did you guess it?

  • Lily Powers: That's all there is to it. If you fire me, we're through. It isn't the job, I don't mind that. But, it just goes to show me how much you care.

    Stevens: Well, you know how much I...

    Lily Powers: How much you what?

    [Moves in close]

    Lily Powers: Are you letting me go?


  • Stevens: What does he pay you for murdering me?

    Angel Eyes: Five hundred dollars... to get the name.

  • [first lines]

    Stevens: You're... from Baker?

    [Angel Eyes is silent, eating a bowl of stew and staring at him]

    Stevens: Tell Baker that I told him all that I know already and I want to live in peace, understand? That it's no use to go on tormenting me! I know nothing at all about that case of coins.

    [Angel Eyes stops eating and looks interested]

    Stevens: Now that gold has disappeared, but if he'd listened we could have avoided this altogether. I went to the Army court; there were no witnesses. They couldn't uncover any more. I can't tell Baker what happened to the money. Go back and tell him that!

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