Spyro Quotes in Original Gangstas (1996)


Spyro Quotes:

  • Spyro: Haven't seen you in a while Bobby, where you been?

    Bobby: I've been around, you know me I'm Alway's taking care of business.

    Damien: Bobby explain something to me, how the fuck can you miss hitting a man in the head At Point Blank Range!

    Bobby: I thought i hit him.

  • Spyro: you killed your son!

    Jake Trevor: [choking Spyro] you killed my son motherfucker!

  • Spyro: Well, Well look at that somebody famous, can I have your autograph mr. Bookman please? This Market is confiscated property it's ours now.

    Damien: You know this used to be my favorite grocery store, and you know when I was a kid I would come here and your father would give me a fresh slice of Bologna I really liked it there so I stayed off his ass I protected him and how does he show his appreciation this is a very sad day John Bookman!

    John Bookman: Well I just cancelled your charge account.

    Spyro: You don't want to end up like your poppa, starting something you can't finish.

    John Bookman: That ain't never been my style brother.

  • Blood: Heard you got trouble?

    Spyro: Everything's cool,what's your problem?

    Big Brother: Shooting a kid in a phone booth for a fuckin $300 hustle, is that good for business?

    Blood: Look the media coverage is scaring our major's supplier's,they're cutting back on the high-grade shit our customer's want.

    Spyro: Yea, well you let them them know everything's under control.

    Blood: The bottom line is this your action's are scaring people on my street's we got people with familie's there. Were not behind you on this you cross over to broadway with this shit and your ass will pay!

    Spyro: Ain't nobody paying a damn thing, we know what's going down.

    Blood: Yeah well I hope you do little brother.

    Damien: Our origanization's have enjoyed great prosperity and only through peace can this continue.

    Big Brother: [Point's finger at Damien] you better watch yourself!


  • Spyro: [Spryo has just killed Rafael the gun dealer] huh? Huh? yeah, yeah, yeah now I know who hit the Diablo's.

    Damien: Well what the fuck good doe's that do us man , Blood ain't gonna believe this shit!, you just killed the only fucking witness that could tell him!

    Spyro: What's the matter with you Damien, you going soft?

    Damien: Fuck no! I'm going crazy though, you're going fucking nut's!

    Spyro: No I'm not man, look we just got to prove to Blood that the fucking grocery boy and his friend's have got those weapon's man. We gotta go in there and take them out even if it mean's WE GOTTA LEVEL THE WHOLE FUCKING HOOD!

  • Kayo: [to Marcus] what's up delivery boy what the fuck you doing here? Did somebody place an order around this motherfucker? Hell naw motherfucker gimme this goddamn ball, see ya later sucka.

    Spyro: [to Marcus] what the fuck you want? The fuck you want?

    Marcus: I was just watching.

    Spyro: Take your ass over there and watch, GO ON!

  • Spyro: You want something brother?

    Jake Trevor: Your name Spyro?

    Spyro: Yeah, why?

    Jake Trevor: I just wanted to see what you look like, right now I'm just looking for name's and face's.

    Spyro: I heard of you, heard you were back in town what for?

    Jake Trevor: Kenny Thompson.

    Spyro: Never heard of him. Hey, hey what's your interest?

    Jake Trevor: He's my son man. And where does that leave you Spyro, your a dead man, YOUR A DEAD MAN!

    Spyro: [Mutter's to Jake walking away] Fuck you old man.

    [Mockingly ]

    Spyro: you a dead man, you see me man, you see me fuckin twitchin and shit. Fuck him.

  • Spyro: [Pull's switchblade out;to Jake] You care about him now. Huh? You didn't even know him,man! I know about you, you remind me of my old man,hunt I didn't know him, but... you see I'm your son! See, you made me what I am,huh? you created me and now you want to kill me? Huh.

    [Lunges at Jake who breaks his neck]

  • Spyro: [to dink] I know you don't I?

    Dink: Yeah I'm the word man, man. I know what's happening on the streets.

    Damien: Ha,the word-man huh,

    [looks and smiles at Spyro]

    Damien: so what's the word on the street?

    Dink: Lose the cougar they're looking for it, the old man from the grocery store he gave y'all up.

    Spyro: Not mr. Bookman?

    Dink: Thought you'd wanna know.

    Spyro: That's my favorite fuckin store,

    [to Damien]

    Spyro: why'd he do that shit,man?

    Damien: Cause he's fucked up like that.

    Spyro: [to Dink] what's your angle?

    Dink: I live on the streets and sometimes I get messed with.

    Damien: [to Dink] You know something we don't want you to worry about that anymore, ain't nobody ever going to mess with you again, you're one of us now.

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