She Quotes in She (1984)


She Quotes:

  • She: What's wrong?

    Tom: I don't know, but something is.

  • Dick: What was that?

    She: A bomb.

    Dick: A what?

    She: A bomb!

    Dick: What's a bomb?

  • Shandra: You're not making any sense!

    She: Shandra, this has nothing to do with sense.

  • She: To sleep with a husband - so base! To cheat on a husband is even more base than sleeping with one.

  • She: Nature is Satan's church.

  • She: A crying woman is a scheming woman.

  • She: Oak trees grow to be hundreds of years old. They only have to produce one single tree every hundred years in order to propagate. May sound banal to you but it was a big thing for me to realize that when I was up here with Nic. The acorns fell on the roof vent. They kept falling and falling. And die and die. And I understood that everything that used to be beautiful about Eden was perhaps hideous. Now I could hear what I couldn't hear before. The cry of all the things that are to die.

  • He: What I understood, was that you wanted to write alone. So you could finish your thesis.

    She: But I didn't.

    He: You didn't.

    She: You see? You didn't even know that.

    He: Why did you give up? That's not like you.

    She: The whole project just seemed less important, up there. As you said, when I talked to you about my subject: 'glib.'

    He: I never called your subject glib.

    She: Perhaps you didn't use that word, but that's what you meant. And, all of a sudden, it was glib. Or, even worse, some kind of lie.

    He: I see.

    She: No, you don't see. You see a lot of things, but not that.

  • He: I love you.

    She: You don't.

    He: I do.

    She: I don't believe you. I don't BELIEVE you! I DON'T FUCKING BELIEVE YOU!

  • [repeated line]

    She: [yelling] Where are you?

  • She: How can you do it?

    The Man: Do what?

    She: Eat dead pig? It's wasting of resources, cruel in the extreme, and it's symptomatic of an immature and ego-centric society.

    The Man: That's a lot of big words.

    She: Oh. In small words, it means you're a barbarian.

  • The Man: The stars are moving!

    She: The stars are not moving. That's your Earth turning.

  • She: We better get back into the present. If I'm here before I got here, they won't be looking for me yet. And when later on they do look, I won't be here for them to find me.

  • She: Having the "Earth mentality" is the one thing that is unforgivable in the rest of the universe.

  • The Man: Are there any, like, boundaries on our relationship?

    She: How do you mean, boundaries?

    The Man: Well, boundaries, ya know? Like, for example, physical boundaries. If I've known your five minutes, or a week - my watch behaving strangely. But, I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. Say what you mean in a way.

    She: What do you mean?

    The Man: Well... you know...

    She: If that's your idea of saying what you mean, it's no wonder this place is in such a mess.

  • The Man: If we weren't going to bring children into the world, there'd be no point saving it.

    She: There's no point bringing children into the world until we've saved it.

  • She: I feel the need to have a relationship. We're together anyway, so it makes sense to also have a relationship.

    The Man: We hardly know each other.

    She: Oh, it's quite easy, really. We'll treat each other with respect and kindness, and have a relationship.

    The Man: Just like that, ay?

    She: Is that so hard?

    The Man: No. Suits me fine.

    She: Some simple rules need to be followed. Say what you mean, mean what you say. Don't get offended by anything I say or do, no matter how hard that might be for you, until after we've agreed to terminate the relationship. Don't bottle-up your feelings. Agree to disagree. Respect the other's point of view. That's the one that's going to be hardest for me...

  • She: You're going to have to help me get off.

    The Man: Me? Off where?

    She: Here. Off here. Off Earth.

    The Man: Oh, you mean, this "vile" planet?

    She: Yes.

    The Man: Looks OK to me.

    She: That's because you're like a frog.

    The Man: Oh, I see.

    She: You don't see at all. Have you ever cooked a live frog?

    The Man: Why would I want to do that?

    She: You might learn something.


    She: When you drop a frog into a pot of boiling water it will jump straight back out to save itself. But if you put a frog into a pot of cold water and heat it slowly it will swim around quite happily until the water gets too hot and kills it.

    The Man: So?

    She: Are you representative of the level of intelligence here or are you particularly stupid?

    The Man: Oh, about average I'd say.

    She: This place is worse than I thought.


    She: What happens to the second frog is what is happening to you here, right this minute. And I want to get off before the water boils.

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