Section Chief Elliott Gordon Quotes in White Chicks (2004)


Section Chief Elliott Gordon Quotes:

  • Agent Vincent Gomez: So, who do you think wore those panties you were sniffing? Kevin or Marcus?

    Agent Jake Harper: Gomez, l told you. l was looking for DNA...

    Section Chief Elliott Gordon: Oh, yeah.

    Agent Jake Harper: What are you laughing at, ''Denzel''? ''Oh, what a beautiful chocolate man!'' hahahaha

    Section Chief Elliott Gordon: You guys got some work to do?

  • [Kevin and Marcus approach the desk at the hotel, disguised as Brittany and Tiffany, respectively. "Brittany"'s fake breasts knock over multiple items on the desk]

    Kevin Copeland: Sorry. Um... um... They're new. Dr. Dorfman did an *amazing* job.

    Marcus Copeland: [squeezes "Brittany"'s breast] They feel *so* real.

    Agent Jake Harper: Hi. I, I, um... I need a credit card, please. And, and some I.D., please.

    Kevin Copeland: ["Brittany" takes "her" I.D. out of "her" handbag and realizes it has Kevin's information and photo on. "She" quickly thinks and acts offended] Credit card? I.D.? I'm *so* freakin' pissed*! First of all, I go to Dr. Dorf and he totally messes up my nose job. I ask him to make me look like Gwyneth Paltrow... I get off the surgery table looking like freakin' *Shrek*! Then I get *here*, and Mr. *Harper* makes me feel like I'm some dumb blonde with fake boobs going to a Hugh Hefner party!

    Agent Jake Harper: No, I-I didn't mean to offend you; it's just, it's... it's protocol!

    Kevin Copeland: I'm gonna have a B.F.!

    Marcus Copeland: Oh, my God... She's gonna have a bitch fit!

    Agent Jake Harper: No, no, no, d-d-don't have a-a-a B.F. now.

    Kevin Copeland: I wanna speak to your supervisor! Better yet, I'm gonna write a letter!

    Marcus Copeland: [to Harper] You are in *big* trouble!

    Kevin Copeland: [Agitated, "Brittany" grabs a pen and a sheet of paper and starts writing] Dear... Mr... Royal... Hampton. I... am... a... *white*... woman... in... America.

    Section Chief Elliott Gordon: [appears] Ladies, is there a problem here?

    Marcus CopelandKevin Copeland: Yes.

    Agent Jake Harper: No! Sir, no, no, there's... there's no problem.

    Section Chief Elliott Gordon: These are two of our VIP guests. Issue them keys. Immediately.

    Agent Jake Harper: [nods nervously] Yes, sir.

    Marcus Copeland: [to Harper] V. I. P. Learn your acronyms, okay?

    Kevin Copeland: [to Gordon after he hands the "girls" room cards] What a sweetheart!

    Section Chief Elliott Gordon: Enjoy your stay.

    Kevin Copeland: Has anyone ever told you you look *just* like Denzel Washington?

    Section Chief Elliott Gordon: [laughing] Yeah, actually I have heard it once... or twice.

    Kevin Copeland: What a beautiful chocolate man! Beautiful!

    ["Brittany" and "Tiffany" walk away giggling; Gordon and Harper exchange puzzled looks]

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