Lisker Quotes in The Guyver (1991)


Lisker Quotes:

  • Striker: Sorry.

    Lisker: Striker! You idiot!

    Striker: Yo man, I'm just doin' my job!

  • [after killing The Guyver by pulling out his control metal]

    Lisker: That's the Guyver? Ha! Nothing to it.

  • Lisker: I killed you once, and I'll kill you again.

    The Guyver: You can't kill me. I've been rejected by death.

  • Lisker: Where is the Guyver?

    [Sean strikes his kung-fu pose, eyes closed]

    Striker: What the hell's he doin'?

    [Sean breathes heavily]

    Striker: Watch out, I'll take care of this thing.

    Sean Barker: [to himself] Come on.

    Mizky Segawa: Look out! Sean! Oh!

    [Striker knocks Sean down]

    Striker: Dissed you, homie!

    Mizky Segawa: Don't hurt him! He doesn't know a thing!

    Lisker: [hits Mizky] Shut up!

    Sean Barker: [yelling] Leave her alone! I *do* know!

    Sean Barker: [gets up, feels a pulsing at the back of his neck, and snaps to focus] I am the Guyver!

  • Lisker: [after unable to find the Guyver unit] He must have... pulled a switch

    Fulton Balcus: Brilliant. Do you realize what's at stake? The most powerful weapon ever conceived. A one-of-a-kind prototype, lost for centuries. And all you have for me is "he pulled a switch"?

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