Lamb Mannerheim Quotes in Paradise (2013)


Lamb Mannerheim Quotes:

  • [first lines]

    Lamb Mannerheim: This is me, before the accident.

    [standing in the ocean in a sundress]

    Lamb Mannerheim: And here's me after I was barbecued in jet fuel.

    [sitting on the beach completely covered]

    Lamb Mannerheim: The old-me was content, virtuous; believed in everything.

    Lamb Mannerheim: [sundress] Marshmallow.

    Lamb Mannerheim: What an idiot.

  • Lamb Mannerheim: I'm not a show girl.

    Loray: Nobody cares what you are, hon.

    Lamb Mannerheim: I care very much. I care about the message that I send out into the world. Besides, I could never do that anyway, people would stare. My skin.

    Loray: Yeah, well I got a skin condition too. It's called black. "People would stare."

  • Lamb Mannerheim: I realized we *do* have something in common.

    Loray: We do, huh?

    Lamb Mannerheim: Yeah. You don't have any black friends, either.

  • William: If I'm so toothless, then how come you're afraid to come upstairs with me?

    Lamb Mannerheim: Afraid? You've gotta be kidding me, I just spent my entire life being trained to follow a man with long hair and a beard. That would just be down right predictable.

  • Loray: Maybe it's just a Tuesday night, and I'm trying to be your magical a negro?

    Lamb Mannerheim: Um, my what?

    William: No! No!

    Loray: Magical negro. Magical negro is a narrative convention in which a black person uses her special black wisdom to help a white person in need.

  • Lamb Mannerheim: He was a good pilot, but...

    Amber: Did he get as messed up as you? All the shit on your neck?

    Lamb Mannerheim: He lucked out.

    Amber: Not a scratch, huh?

    Lamb Mannerheim: No, he died.

  • Lamb Mannerheim: This, this is so much worse than home.

    Amber: [laughs] Nothing's worse than home. Trust me, I'm scared for life.

  • [last lines]

    Lamb Mannerheim: Some people say this whole world is broken. I say it's paradise.

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