Lady Sylvia McCordle Quotes in Gosford Park (2001)


Lady Sylvia McCordle Quotes:

  • [Morris Weissman is asked about his upcoming movie project]

    Lady Sylvia McCordle: Mr Weissman.

    Morris Weissman: Yes?

    Lady Sylvia McCordle: Tell us about the film you're going to make.

    Morris Weissman: Oh, sure. It's called "Charlie Chan In London". It's a detective story.

    Mabel Nesbitt: Set in London?

    Morris Weissman: Well, not really. Most of it takes place at a shooting party in a country house. Sort of like this one, actually. Murder in the middle of the night, a lot of guests for the weekend, everyone's a suspect. You know, that sort of thing.

    Constance: How horrid. And who turns out to have done it?

    Morris Weissman: Oh, I couldn't tell you that. It would spoil it for you.

    Constance: Oh, but none of us will see it.

  • Lady Sylvia McCordle: Where's that wretched Mabel.

    Constance, Countess of Trentham: Has anyone checked her outfit? She's probably in black velvet with a feather in her hair.

    Lavinia Meredith: She's in the morning room looking perfectly normal. Don't be such a snob aunt Constance.

    Constance, Countess of Trentham: Me? I haven't a snobish bone in my body.

  • Lady Sylvia McCordle: Please tell me you haven't come with condolences.

  • Lady Sylvia McCordle: Oh, don't worry about him. He's just an American staying with us.

  • Lady Sylvia McCordle: Mrs Wilson, a major crisis has arisen. I've just found out that Mr Weissman won't eat meat and I don't know what to do and I can't ask Mrs Croft. I simply don't dare.

    Mrs. Wilson: Oh, everything's under control your ladyship. Mr Weissman's valet informed us as soon as he arrived so we've prepared a special version of the soup, he can eat the fish and the hors d'oeuvres, there'll be a welsh rarebit for the game course, I'm not sure what we're going to do about the entree but we'll think of something.

    Lady Sylvia McCordle: Thank you Mrs Wilson. Ten steps ahead as always. Which one of you is Mr Weissman's valet?

    Henry Denton: I am, your Ladyship.

    Lady Sylvia McCordle: Are you indeed. Yes. Well. Thank you for your...

    [pause while she takes a good look at him]

    Lady Sylvia McCordle: efficiency.


    George (First Footman): [to Denton] You're all set then.

  • [at the banquet dinner table]

    Sir William McCordle: And why shouldn't I be interested in films? You don't know what I'm interested in.

    Lady Sylvia McCordle: Well, I know you're interested in money and fiddling with your guns. But I admit it: when it comes to anything else, I'm stumped.

    Elsie (Head Housemaid): Now, that is not fair, Bill is...

    [Realizing that she spoke out of turn, Elsie quickly leaves the room]

  • Lavinia Meredith: I don't care what's changed or not changed as long as our sons are spared what you all went through.

    Lady Sylvia McCordle: Not all. You never fought, did you, William?

    Sir William McCordle: I did my bit.

    Louisa Stockbridge: Of course you did.

    Lady Sylvia McCordle: Well, you made a lot of money but it's not quite the same as charging into the cannon's mouth, is it?

  • Lady Sylvia McCordle: What *are* you wearing?

    Isobel McCordle: Don't you like it? You bought it.

    Lady Sylvia McCordle: Did I? How extraordinary of me.

  • Constance, Countess of Trentham: He's still got that vile little dog, I see.

    Lady Sylvia McCordle: Yes, the ones we hate last forever.

  • Lady Sylvia McCordle: Far be it from me to contradict Louisa.

  • Isobel McCordle: Is Rupert here?

    Lady Sylvia McCordle: Yes.

    Isobel McCordle: Shall I go and say hello?

    Lady Sylvia McCordle: No. I don't think so.

  • Lady Sylvia McCordle: Did you have an dreadful journey?

    Constance, Countess of Trentham: Yes, simply dreadful.

  • Lady Sylvia McCordle: Mrs Wilson, absolute crisis. I've just found out that Mr Weissman won't eat meat. I don't know what to do and I can't ask Mrs Croft. I simply don't dare.

    Mrs. Wilson: Everything's under control your ladyship. Mr Weissman's valet informed us as soon as he after he arrived so we've prepared a special version of the soup, he can eat the fish and the hors d'oeuvres, there'll be a welsh rarebit for the game course, I'm not sure what we're going to do about the entree but we'll think of something.

    Lady Sylvia McCordle: Thank you Mrs Wilson. Ten steps ahead as always. Which one of you is Mr Weissman's valet?

    Henry Denton: I am, your Ladyship.

    Lady Sylvia McCordle: Are you indeed. Yes. Well. Thank you for your...

    [pause while she takes a good look at him]

    Lady Sylvia McCordle: efficiency.


    George (First Footman): [to Denton] You're all set then.

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