Jackie-O Quotes in The House of Yes (1997)


Jackie-O Quotes:

  • Marty: Are you being wise?

    Jackie-O: One day I woke up wise.

    Marty: One day I woke up stupid.

    Jackie-O: What'd you do?

    Marty: I went back to bed.

    Jackie-O: That was wise.

  • Lesly: I can't talk that way about your brother.

    Jackie-O: Pretend he is not my brother, I do.

  • Lesly: I don't think you're insane.

    Jackie-O: You don't?

    Lesly: No.

    Jackie-O: You don't think I'm an eensie weensie bit insane?

    Lesly: I don't think you're insane. I think you're just spoiled.

    Jackie-O: [exasperated] Oh please, if everyone around here is going to start telling the truth, I'm going to bed.

  • Jackie-O: Were you poor? Did you eat chicken pot pie?

  • Lesly: [about Marty's ex-girlfriend] Is she still here, in Washington?

    Jackie-O: Very much so. I wonder...

    Lesly: What?

    Jackie-O: No, it's none of my business.

    Lesly: What?

    Jackie-O: Well, if he plans to get together with her while he's home.

    Lesly: Why didn't he marry her?

    Jackie-O: He couldn't.

    Lesly: Why not?

    Jackie-O: It was a family thing.

    Lesly: Families objected?

    Jackie-O: Something like that.

    Lesly: He never told me.

    Jackie-O: Men and their secrets.

    Lesly: Not all men have secrets.

    Jackie-O: We all have our secrets.

  • Anthony: Would you like a glass of Liebfraumilch?

    Lesly: No thank you. I'll just have a glass of wine.

    Marty: That's the name of the wine.

    Lesly: Oh!


    Lesly: I don't speak french.

    Jackie-O: Who does?

    Anthony: You do.

    Jackie-O: Oh, that's right, I do.


    Lesly: So what does that name mean?

    Jackie-O: In french?

    Lesly: [nods]

    Jackie-O: I think it means something German.

    Marty: It means, "loving mother's milk."

    Lesly: You speak french?

    Marty: No. German.

  • Jackie-O: Marty and I tell each other everything.

    Lesly: Everything?

    Jackie-O: We're twins.

    Lesly: Did he tell you about his other girlfriends?

    Jackie-O: Did he tell *you* about his other girlfriends?

    Lesly: There was one, he said.

    Jackie-O: [eyes open wide] Did he tell you about her?

    Lesly: No, what was she like?

    Jackie-O: Who?

    Lesly: The girl.

    Jackie-O: She wasn't a girl. She was a woman.

    Lesly: She was *older* than Marty.

    Jackie-O: No, they were almost exactly the same age. Talk about glamorous. She was glamorous.

    Lesly: I thought so.

  • Jackie-O: Goo is what tape is all about. Goo is what makes it tape instead of *paper*.

  • Jackie-O: I went through all this trouble to get sane, so you can't just leave.

  • Jackie-O: Pennsylvania's just this state that's in your way when you're trying to get someplace else.

  • Jackie-O: Love is for tiny people with tiny lives.

  • Jackie-O: What about what *we* have?

    Marty: *Had*

    Jackie-O: I don't recognize the past tense.

  • Jackie-O: Sorry about that, by the way, I didn't mean to maim you. I only meant to kill you.

    Marty: These things happen.

  • Mrs. Pascal: What's that gun doing there?

    Jackie-O: It's not a gun. It's a camera.

    Mrs. Pascal: It's a gun.

    Jackie-O: It's a camera that looks like a gun.

    Marty: Relax, Mama, it isn't loaded.

    Mrs. Pascal: How do you know?

    Marty: I checked.

    Mrs. Pascal: What's it doing there?

    Jackie-O: Being gunlike, gunesque, gunonic.

    Mrs. Pascal: Where did it come from?

    Jackie-O: God?

  • Lesly: Does this happen a lot?

    Jackie-O: Every goddamned hurricane!

  • Lesly: Boy, it's been a long day.

    Jackie-O: Not as long as yesterday. Yesterday was 24 whole hours.

  • Jackie-O: I watch soap operas. I bake brownies. Normalcy is coursing through my veins.

  • Jackie-O: You be him, and I'll be her.

  • Jackie-O: We all have our secrets.

  • Marty: Leslie, this is Jackie-O.

    Lesly: Hi!

    Marty: My Mother. Anthony. Meet Leslie. Leslie and I are engaged!

    Jackie-O: [screams hysterically, then laughs hysterically]

    Jackie-O: [still laughing] I have to find my hairbrush.

    Lesly: Oh, I have a comb.

    Jackie-O: [squints angrily, then runs away]

  • Anthony: [to Jackie] I hear you crying at night alone in your room.

    Anthony: [to Marty] I hear her crying at night alone in her room.

    Marty: [to Jackie] You cry at night alone in your room?

    Anthony: Hey, don't make fun of her! I won't let you make fun of her.

    Marty: I wasn't going to make fun of her. I was going to ask her what she cries about.

    Jackie-O: [turns away] What do you think? You want somebody for a very long time. And then you have them. And they love you. And they make love to you. But it's not enough. This is the truth about sex.

    Anthony: Is that why Peter was lousy in bed?

    Jackie-O: I'm not talking about Peter, Anthony.

    Jackie-O: [turns towards them, crying] Jesus, I'm talking about Marty.

  • Jackie-O: Sorry, no pancakes today, I'm afraid!

  • Jackie-O: No, Peter and I have nothing in common. You and I, Marty, have a lot in common; parents, dna, bone structure.

  • Jackie-O: They've switched me - I used to be green, now I'm brown. I wanted my pills to match my eyes. Color me beautiful!

  • Anthony: What did it look like?

    Jackie-O: It looked like a hairbrush, like a brush you brush your hair with.

    Mrs. Pascal: Was it pink?

    Jackie-O: Yes, it was pink, goddamn it! It was pink! It was pink and now is gone!

  • Jackie-O: I suppose you think I'm going insane just to be fashionable.

  • Jackie-O: I see Anthony wears a lot of layers around me, don't 'cha Anthony? He's got a tee shirt, a dress shirt, a vest, and a jacket.

    Anthony: I'm wearing a jacket because it's Thanksgiving

    Jackie-O: You weren't wearing it before.

    Anthony: I put it on after Marty got here.

    Marty: I appreciate it. It looks nice.

    Anthony: I think it belonged to a Kennedy.

    Marty: Why? Is there a bullet hole?

  • Jackie-O: It's okay, Anthony. I understand.

    Anthony: Understand what?

    Jackie-O: Just because Marty's attracted to girls doesn't mean you have to be.

    Anthony: I'm attracted to girls!

    Jackie-O: Really? Are you sure?

    Anthony: Yes!

    Jackie-O: Hmm...

  • Jackie-O: Well, there's something I've been meaning to ask you. There's this thing I've heard, and if I thought for one second it was true I'd probably kill myself. Does your fiancee work - in a doughnut shop?

  • Jackie-O: Guess where I am? I'm in a box and I can't get out.

    Marty: No. I'm in a box and I can't get out.

    Jackie-O: Well, I'm sorry that wasn't a very good mime, Marty, I didn't see that at all.

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