Goro Maki Quotes in Godzilla 1985 (1984)


Goro Maki Quotes:

  • [US Version]

    Goro Maki: If it triggers a real volcanic eruption, Godzilla will be burned alive. What a horrible death.

    Dr. Hayashida: It won't kill him. Couldn't.

    [Goro looks on skeptically]

    Hiroshi Okumura: What do you mean? It's gotta' kill him, Professor!

    Dr. Hayashida: The other night at the reactor... Didn't you sense it? The beast has a purpose. 30 years ago, Godzilla appeared for the first time. Before that, he was only a legend. Godzilla is a warning. A warning to every one of us. When mankind falls into conflict with nature, monsters are born. I'm just trying to... send him home.

  • Goro Maki: Excuse me, sir. Are you Professor Hayashida?

    Dr. Hayashida: That's right.

    Goro Maki: Maki of Toho Press.

    Dr. Hayashida: Oh really? A reporter.

    Goro Maki: What's that you're working on?

    Dr. Hayashida: Genetic mutation designs.

    Goro Maki: Genetic mutations. No kidding. Does it have something to do with Godzilla? I understand you lost your family to Godzilla 30 years ago. I imagine this has made you a bitter man. Was it vengeance that drove you to study Godzilla?

    Dr. Hayashida: At first. But not now.

    Goro Maki: Professor. They say Godzilla's a mutation. A monster made by intense radioactivity. Professor, is that true?

    Dr. Hayashida: He's a product of civilization. Men are the only real monsters. Godzilla's more like a nuclear weapon.

    Goro Maki: Nuclear weapon?

    Dr. Hayashida: A living nuclear weapon destined to walk the Earth forever. Indestructible. A victim of the modern nuclear age.

  • Goro Maki: [Godzilla and Minya are close by] Riko, I think they spotted us.

    Riko Matsumiya: No, it appears to be teaching its son.

    Goro Maki: Teaching its son?

    [Riko nods]

    Goro Maki: It's teaching its son all right. And, he's teaching its son just like people teaching its children, just like a papa.

    Riko Matsumiya: Well, it is a papa, isn't it?

    Goro Maki: Well sure, but I wouldn't want one like that.

    Riko Matsumiya: Nor I, everything's relative I guess.

    Goro Maki: You're right.

  • Fujisaki: [referring to Goro's refusal to leave] Do you still insist?

    Goro Maki: Yes.

    Dr. Kusumi: We don't need any publicity.

    Goro Maki: Who said I was doing this for your publicity? I'm working for myself. The smell of a story...

    Fujisaki: The smell of a story?

    Goro Maki: Yes. The smell of a story attracts me. The readers will decide whether to read it or not. I report what I see.

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