Gerald Ellis Quotes in Clifford (1994)


Gerald Ellis Quotes:

  • Gerald Ellis: Where have you been? You should've been here an hour ago, I've been listening to this idiot for... What are you looking at?

    Martin Daniels: Nothing.

    Gerald Ellis: Good. Did you make the changes on the model?

    Martin Daniels: Yes I made the changes on the model.

    Gerald Ellis: Yeah but you didn't shave. We got the entire press court here, you look like shit.

    Martin Daniels: I look like shit? Well you look like Willie Nelson.

  • Gerald Ellis: I don't believe we've met.

    Martin Daniels: Oh, this is Miss...

    Gerald Ellis: Miss Sarah Davis. Yes, I'm well aware.

  • Martin Daniels: You want me to redesign the entire model in two days?

    Gerald Ellis: Look, the bottom line is you've got to move the train line.

    Martin Daniels: Wha...

    Gerald Ellis: Yes, two miles.

    Martin Daniels: But... That's impossible, that would put the train line - That's right through the Sepulveda dam!

    Gerald Ellis: Oh. That's not good... Well you'll come up with something. Just hole up for a few days, drink alot of coffee, and blah blah blah, and you being the top man I know you are, you'll hit another home run for us just like you always do. You all right?

    Martin Daniels: No.

    Gerald Ellis: Good man.

  • Gerald Ellis: Who the hell is responsible for this?

    Martin Daniels: I am

    Gerald Ellis: Well, you're fired!

    Martin Daniels: [sarcastically] Of course I am!

    Gerald Ellis: Oh and by the way, I happen to love Willie Nelson.

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