Gaz Quotes in The Full Monty (1997)


Gaz Quotes:

  • Gaz: I don't suppose you could lend us a jacket...

    Dave: Oh, Gaz...

    Gaz: Oh, come on, Dave, it's not for me, it's a funeral.

    Dave: [pause] What color?

    Gaz: [pause] Orange.

    Dave: Orange?

    Gaz: *Black* for fuck's sake!

    Dave: Okay, go on, I'll meet you back doors.

  • Gaz: Y' know Dave, it's a thought...

    Gerald: Ha! I could just see Little and Large prancing around Sheffield with their widges hanging out. Now that *would* be worth 10 quid...

    Gaz: Don't be so bloody daft. We were just saying...

    Gerald: Widges on parade! Bring your own microscope!

  • Gaz: Told 'ya, robbing pipes, that's all.

    Police officer: Gary, my friend, no bugger robs pipes in the buff.

    Gaz: We do. Don't get your clothes dirty, do you?

    Police officer: Oh well, don't fret, gents. There's a right good laundry in Wakefield Prison!

  • Dave: [discussing possible means of suicide] Drownin'. Now there's a way to go.

    Lomper: I can't swim.

    Gaz: Well you don't have to fucking swim, you divvy, that's the whole point. God, you're not very keen are you?

    Lomper: Sorry...

  • Gaz: Gentlemen, the lunchbox has landed!

  • Gaz: On Sale for £4.99 and we're still a fuckin' fiver short!

  • Dave: [Gaz tries to convince Dave to steal a videotape] Why me?

    Gaz: Because you've got an honest face, lad; I've got "serial killer" written on me forehead.

  • Gaz: I've got a degree in ass wiggling, mate.

  • [repeated line]

    Gaz: Fookin' hell!

  • [Gaz and Dave are waiting in Gerald's lawn for him to leave for work]

    Dave: He's got gnomes.

    Gaz: Aye, he bloody would have.

  • Gaz: Off to Job Club then?

    Gerald: As a matter of fact, yes I bloody well am!

    [he turns to Dave, who is still holding one of his garden gnomes]

    Gerald: Put that back! *PUT* it back!

  • Gaz: I need an audience

    Dave: You need a doctor!

  • Gaz: [stuck with Dave on top of a car in the middle of a canal] Ey up, someone's coming.

    Passer-By: All right?

    Gaz: Aye, not so bad.

    Dave: [after the Passer-by leaves] Not so bad? Not so bad? That's not much of a chuffing SOS is it?

  • Dave: [When presented with the first images of "Flashdance"] Hey, what's this? I didn't go on the nick in Asda for some chuffin' women's DYI video!

    Gaz: It's "Flashdance", Dave. She's a welder, isn't she!

    Dave: A welder? Well, I hope she dances better than she welds! I mean, look at that - her mix is all to cock!

    Dave: Shut up, Dave. What the fuck do you know about welding, anyway?

    Dave: More than some chuffin' woman! Arh, it's like Bonfire Night! That's too much acetylene, is that! Them joints will hold fuck all!

    Gerald: Arh, for Christ's sake, Dave. We're looking for dancing, aren't we!

    Gaz: He's got the hump about Asda!

  • Gerald: You're always ahead there!

    Gaz: You're always bloody behind, more like

    Gerald: [to policeman] Can I borrow this?

    [he rewinds the clipping of the CCTV showing their strip act]

    Gerald: [to giggling police officers behind them] Shut up will ya? Watch

    Police officer: [to Gaz] He's right. You're ahead.

    Gaz: Bollocks!

  • Gaz: So, uh, Horse... What can you do?

    Horse: I dunno, really... Let's see, there's the, uh... The bump, the stomp, the bus stop... Me breakdancing days are probably over, but there's always the funky chicken.

  • [before the first rehearsal Gaz has hurtled off to find Dave, finding him working as a security guard in Asda]

    Gaz: Dave! What are you doing?

    Dave: What's it look like?

    Gaz: We're on in three days time, where the fuck are you?

    Dave: I'm here, working, earning, that's where. Not pissing about! End of chat!

  • Gaz: Oh, fucking hell, Nath! They're 20 quid each them!

  • Nathan: [Gaz is accompanying Nathan to school] I don't feel well.

    Gaz: Of course you don't, you've got a hangover!

  • Jem Harper: Gaz. Can you stop talking about tits.

    Gaz: Why would I ever wanna do that?

  • Gaz: It's a difficult age. About now, women go through a difficult age. They become all irrational and odd and difficult to predict.

    Jem Harper: How do you know?

    Gaz: Me dad told me.

  • Gaz: Moses it's a nice summer day in the city of Angels... I can let you get back to your party or I can cut your f#$king fingers off.

  • Bandages: I like Sinatra...

    Gaz: eh?

    Bandages: And Willie Nelson

    Gaz: That sh#ts f#$king terrible. What about when you wanna get your black on?

    Bandages: Nat King Cole

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