Dr. Marie Lazarus Quotes in RoboCop 3 (1993)


Dr. Marie Lazarus Quotes:

  • Dr. Marie Lazarus: Oh, my God. How did you get this?

    Bertha: Stole it from the police depot. Why?

    Moreno: You know, this looks like the exhaust system from an F-27.

    Dr. Marie Lazarus: No, it's the prototype for Robo's flight pack. The funding ran out before we got a chance to test it.

    Bertha: How do you know so much about it?

    Dr. Marie Lazarus: Oh, I designed it.

    Zack: [chortles] Well, it looks like the odds on the home team just went up.

  • Paul McDaggett: [after the androids behead each other] Stupid fools. Don't you know what you've done to us? Those androids are programmed with a thermal failsafe device.

    Dr. Marie Lazarus: They're made to self-destruct?

    Paul McDaggett: In fifteen seconds, everything within twenty yards of where we're standing will be atomised. We're DEAD, ya stupid slag!

    Robocop: Don't count on it, chum.

  • Nikko: How we getting out of here, anyway?

    Dr. Marie Lazarus: Nikko! How did you get...? No, never mind. Did you see a transmission dish outside?

    Nikko: Yeah, and I was just watching the Media Break guy pick his nose.

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