Dr. Hank McCoy Quotes in X2 (2003)


Dr. Hank McCoy Quotes:

  • Dr. Sebastian Shaw: Look, I think all this anti-mutant protesting underscored the genuine growing concern among most Americans. I think mutant registration...

    Dr. Hank McCoy: But why stop there? Maybe it would be easier to round up mutants by the truckload. Or maybe you'd like all-out war, Mr. Shaw.

    Dr. Sebastian Shaw: Oh, please.

  • Logan: [talking about "The Cure"] Well, for all we know, the government helped cook this up.

    Dr. Hank McCoy: I can assure you, the government had nothing to do with this.

    Logan: I've heard that before.

    Dr. Hank McCoy: My boy, I have been fighting for mutant rights since before you had claws.

    Logan: [to the Professor] Did he just call me boy?

  • Logan: Who's the furball?

    Dr. Hank McCoy: Hank McCoy, Secretary of Mutant Affairs

    Logan: Right, right. The secretary. Nice suit.

    Prof. Charles Xavier: Henry, this is Logan. He's, uh...

    Dr. Hank McCoy: Wolverine. I hear you are quite an animal.

    Logan: Look who's talkin'.

  • [last lines]

    [Wolverine watches a TV]

    The President: And now, it's my great pleasure to introduce the American Ambassador for the United Nations: Dr. Hank McCoy!

    Dr. Hank McCoy: Thank you...

    Logan: Way to go, furball.

  • Logan: [while he and Beast are fighting off Magneto's forces] I thought you were a diplomat.

    Dr. Hank McCoy: As Churchill said, "There comes a time when every man must..."

    [pauses to fight off another baddie, then another, then another]

    Dr. Hank McCoy: Oh, you get the point!

  • Ororo Munroe: [greets Dr. McCoy] I love what you've done with your hair.

    Dr. Hank McCoy: Mmm. You too.

  • Dr. Hank McCoy: [wearing his old X-men jacket] Hard to believe this once fit me.

  • Dr. Hank McCoy: Have you even begun to think what a slippery slope you're on?

    The President: I have. And I worry about how democracy survives when one man can move cities with his mind.

    Dr. Hank McCoy: As do I.

  • Dr. Hank McCoy: Oh, my stars and garters.

  • Dr. Hank McCoy: A major pharmaceutical company has developed a mutant antibody - a way to suppress the mutant "X" gene.

    Logan: Suppress?

    Dr. Hank McCoy: Permanently. They're calling it a cure.

  • Dr. Hank McCoy: Not all of us can fit in so easily. You don't shed on the furniture.

  • Dr. Hank McCoy: He's going for the boy!

    Kitty Pryde: Not if I get there first!

  • Dr. Hank McCoy: [to Wolverine] You're saying you saw Magneto?

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