different between exposure vs rainburn




expose +? -ure


  • (US) IPA(key): /?k?spo???/


exposure (countable and uncountable, plural exposures)

  1. (uncountable) The condition of being exposed, uncovered, or unprotected.
  2. (uncountable) Lack of protection from weather or the elements.
    • 1993, Paul Chadwick, The Ugly Boy, Dark Horse Books
      As all of you know, a great tragedy occurred yesterday. Arthur Harcourt died of exposure sometimes in the morning in the woods off Mount Tom Road.
  3. The act of exposing something, such as a scandal.
  4. (countable, uncountable) That part which is facing or exposed to something, e.g. the sun, weather, sky, or a view.
  5. (photography) An instance of taking a photograph.
  6. (photography) The piece of film exposed to light.
  7. (photography) Details of the time and f-number used.
  8. (horticulture) The amount of sun, wind etc. experienced by a particular site.

Derived terms


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From rain +? burn, by analogy with sunburn.


rainburn (uncountable)

  1. (humorous) A notional burn on the skin caused by excess exposure to heavy rain.
    • 1991 June 13, "Mark Grundy" (username), "Plot Seeds/Story: Undead of Purditory", in rec.games.frp, Usenet:
      It started with neck and upper body sores that looked a bit like rainburn - but usually they had only two or three of them.
    • 2002 May 31, "old dobbin" (username), "wild garlic overdose? (long)", in uk.rec.equestrian, Usenet:
      I have seen sunburn/windburn and 'rainburn' affect horses over the years but this did not fit any of those causes []
    • 2005, Martin Sketchley, Affinity Trap:
      He peered out, glancing at the sky. 'We'd better get under cover before it starts raining,' he said, breathing heavily. 'We don't want to get rainburn.'

See also

  • moonburn

rainburn From the web:


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